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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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* * * * * (4.56 - 172votes)

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii

Alt Names: alt Ainda assim, O Mundo é Belo.alt Aun así, el mundo es hermoso.alt それでも世界は美しいalt Dünya Yine de Güzelalt Even So, the World is still Beautifulalt The World is Still Beautiful
Author: Shiina Dai
Artist: Shina Dai
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Nike is the fourth princess of the Rain Dukedom and one who holds the power to call forth the rain. Despite her own reluctance, for the sake of her country she travels to the Sun Kingdom to marry Sun King Livius. She soon discovers that the King, who conquered the world within only three years of ascending to the throne, is actually... a child?! Furthermore, for trivial reasons, he demands that Nike call forth the rain...!?
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  • 1 Replies


eh.... was gonna read chapter 24 (where I last left off)... but now it's gone... o well, dropping this series.

Thanks for the update! Also, chapter 25 was great. Falaha is now my favorite side character.

Seems like every chapter in this desert kingdom just drones on and on about how this prince wants to save everyone and they're screwed. Enough already, it doesn't justify what he's doing at all. >___<

It does actually. Have to keep in mind that this is a shoujo and that core characters are still young and finding themselves. If I had that kind of burden in that kind of environment, I would have been a lot lot harsher than he(yes I didn't use 'him' :P). I'd be more concerned on how there are parallels with Livius and his own reign. Let's not forget that this manga started with Livi arranging for a random girl that can call upon rain, to be his wife. Not saying the Prince isn't being rash, but it is perfectly natural to be rash in those circumstances.

i missed this manga. thanks fallen syndicate. 

Seems like every chapter in this desert kingdom just drones on and on about how this prince wants to save everyone and they're screwed. Enough already, it doesn't justify what he's doing at all. >___<

Better to be feared than loved if you can not be both.

Huh? why almost all chap got removed?( o-o')

Is it more of this... DMCA (? is this the name or is it another one...) thing?( o-o')


DMCA removement

Huh? why almost all chap got removed?( o-o')

Is it more of this... DMCA (? is this the name or is it another one...) thing?( o-o')

You've all said what could be said in this situation. Well done. It's hard not to like your posts. Even the repetitive ones!

I'm just waiting for all this desert arc to be over and have Nike come home to a grown Levi ;). After all, boys that age grow up fast and a few months can already make a big difference :P.

If she had hit her head into amnesia trope I would have blown a fucking fuse


aww, I want Livius to show his crazy king side... Like declare war or something... sigh

as expected tbh <_< geez ...

As expected for shoujo really.

Livius better show off that bad ass country conquering skills right now


as expected tbh <_< geez ...

I'm glad that Nike didn't get amnesia from the rock hitting her head. I was totally expecting that though.




The sun shine fades...


God damn it Livius.

Livius better show off that bad ass country conquering skills right now


So fucking mad.
I better see Sun Kingdom fucking some shit up in near chapters.

They're really underestimating Livi's response.

DANG, i certainly could not have resisted him after all that. Darn shota king being the main hero D:<


although if Livi gets all ruthless and stuff this would totally be worth it

I see a potential war in the making.

From the beginning what made me stay was his cunning and ruthless personality, but over time that got dulled to make room for the romance. I hope this time we get to see the person that was able to subjugate all the kingdoms. I wanna see the look on that dumbass's face who came up with this harebrained scheme when the shit hits the fan.

Livi was willing to drown himself to get Nike, Mr Sand Prince better be ready for war.

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