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* * * * * (4.56 - 172votes)

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii

Alt Names: alt Ainda assim, O Mundo é Belo.alt Aun así, el mundo es hermoso.alt それでも世界は美しいalt Dünya Yine de Güzelalt Even So, the World is still Beautifulalt The World is Still Beautiful
Author: Shiina Dai
Artist: Shina Dai
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Nike is the fourth princess of the Rain Dukedom and one who holds the power to call forth the rain. Despite her own reluctance, for the sake of her country she travels to the Sun Kingdom to marry Sun King Livius. She soon discovers that the King, who conquered the world within only three years of ascending to the throne, is actually... a child?! Furthermore, for trivial reasons, he demands that Nike call forth the rain...!?
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Uhm, Timeless scans didn't ask us for any 'permission' or anything and, while we do appreciate groups at least asking us for a joint work on something if they want to speed up the releases, it's not really on us to give anyone permission to do anything with things that aren't even technically ours to begin with, lol.


For what it's worth, our releases were slow because our usual raw provider/scanner was very busy and had no time to scan anything for us for a long time. We have ordered and acquired a lot of raws and we have a new scanner who is in the process of scanning them for us but since we're talking about a lot of various volumes, it might take some time for it all to get scanned and for the staff to start working on them. In the meantime, I'd just like to say that we're going to continue working on Soredemo as fast as possible so thanks for all the support so far and hopefully, there will be an update soon.

Ah I see, that's reasonable! Thanks for letting us know \o/

Ah, I didn't have any rude intentions or anything when I commented, by all means, I respect Timeless scans if those are their intentions! (Many apologies though, if that's how you felt when I commented u_u;; I'm not trying to diss them or anything)


It's more like it's polite to at least mention if you're working on the same series as another group if they do intend to do speed scans. As a scanlator, I'd like to say that it can get very disheartening when you finish up a chapter to see another person post it up already without any indication. However, if Timeless Scans did ask for permission, then by all means, please continue and ignore what I've said.


Although, I can respect your opinion on the politics behind scanlations. It's a complete gray area and can be very varied so it's difficult to catch on with the do's and don'ts in scanlation.


Uhm, Timeless scans didn't ask us for any 'permission' or anything and, while we do appreciate groups at least asking us for a joint work on something if they want to speed up the releases, it's not really on us to give anyone permission to do anything with things that aren't even technically ours to begin with, lol.


For what it's worth, our releases were slow because our usual raw provider/scanner was very busy and had no time to scan anything for us for a long time. We have ordered and acquired a lot of raws and we have a new scanner who is in the process of scanning them for us but since we're talking about a lot of various volumes, it might take some time for it all to get scanned and for the staff to start working on them. In the meantime, I'd just like to say that we're going to continue working on Soredemo as fast as possible so thanks for all the support so far and hopefully, there will be an update soon.

Maybe the new guy will go after Livi this time, instead of another guy going hard for Nike again.

I like the work Fallen Syndicate has done as well, however given the release schedule for this series is pretty low, and we still got several volumes to go before we catch up with the raws, I'm not going to fling any poo when another group wants to see some faster releases (assuming that's what Timeless is doing).

If people prefer the crisp clean feel of FS, by all means read their releases as they come out.

I really just hate the politics behind scanlations.

Ah, I didn't have any rude intentions or anything when I commented, by all means, I respect Timeless scans if those are their intentions! (Many apologies though, if that's how you felt when I commented u_u;; I'm not trying to diss them or anything)


It's more like it's polite to at least mention if you're working on the same series as another group if they do intend to do speed scans. As a scanlator, I'd like to say that it can get very disheartening when you finish up a chapter to see another person post it up already without any indication. However, if Timeless Scans did ask for permission, then by all means, please continue and ignore what I've said.


Although, I can respect your opinion on the politics behind scanlations. It's a complete gray area and can be very varied so it's difficult to catch on with the do's and don'ts in scanlation.

I like the work Fallen Syndicate has done as well, however given the release schedule for this series is pretty low, and we still got several volumes to go before we catch up with the raws, I'm not going to fling any poo when another group wants to see some faster releases (assuming that's what Timeless is doing).

If people prefer the crisp clean feel of FS, by all means read their releases as they come out.

I really just hate the politics behind scanlations.

Ditto what 2KB said. Going to wait for Fallen Syndicate's beautiful, top-notch releases. I don't mean to be rude to Timeless Scans, but the way the text is warped and the screen-tones are smudged - it's very difficult to truly appreciate the art in this series (and read). People might argue, "don't bite the hand that feeds you," but I'm going to stay dedicated to FS's release of Soredemo.

As a reader and scanlator that really respects Fallen Syndicate, but did Timeless Scans ever ask to pick it up? I mean, I'm pretty sure FS recently got the raws for this series.

oh no not an annoying twin tail girl again................

aw man livi is so attractive but too young T_T *feels like a pedo*

another cute chapter huehue but I couldn't help but wonder WHY THEY WERE COMPLETELY DRESSED IN BED? Don't they wear pjs?!?! oh well .-.

What's this? Development? I like it *_*

ahh it was so cute >///< but i still wish he was taller already lol >.<

hehehehheheheheheheehaheheheheheheheheheehehehe otp

-giggles stupidly-

Oops ... I think Nike has some a long bit of explaining to do! Well ... it may be scary but it is prolly for the best.


Thanks for the release Fallen Syndicate. :)

Ahahaha Nike's expression was so priceless.

Same.  Plus, she says that she changes the song to suit the people and the environment, but it's the exact same song every episode.

there's only so much money they can pay the VA to sing

I hate that song sooo much. It was probably the main reason I couldn't bear to watch the anime.

Same.  Plus, she says that she changes the song to suit the people and the environment, but it's the exact same song every episode.

i have no sympathy for the desert prince and his supporters. i hope livius erases them from history.



yeah we can all keep dreaming T_T

i have absolutely no idea what this arc was about. whatever, though.

"It's a tender rain" - this song played in my mind while seeing Nike singing  :batoto_015: 



I hate that song sooo much. It was probably the main reason I couldn't bear to watch the anime.

Wow the spanish update defeated the english update

¡Gracias por el update Soul Craft Fansub!


"It's a tender rain" - this song played in my mind while seeing Nike singing  :batoto_015: 


Thanks for the update

i have no sympathy for the desert prince and his supporters. i hope livius erases them from history.

Gracias por los capitulos

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