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* * * * * (4.61 - 103votes)

Cross Manage

Alt Names: alt クロス・マネジalt Kurosu maneji
Author: Kaito
Artist: Kaito
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: "Hard working" or "passionate" was not in Sakurai’s vocabulary and joining a team sports in school was out of the question. But one day, he accidentally walks in on his female classmate Toyoguchi naked in the locker room and in return for keeping it a secret from everyone else, he is forced to become the manager for the female lacrosse team. Toyoguchi is passionate about lacrosse and was responsible for creating the team for the school. Sakurai reluctantly begins his role as manager but is slowly drawn into Toyoguchi’s personality and begins researching and enjoying the sport. The once lazy Sakurai who was scared of failure now learns to put himself out there and put serious effort into something worthwhile.
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'Unknown sports' doesn't seem to be a good or bad indicator for success...just look at Eyeshield 21. Super long running manga for a sport that basically doesn't exist in Japan.
@Lennox But think about it this way. It won't last long meaning that Jump editors wouldn't be able to milk money out of this awesome comic, which more often than not spoils it.
@skoobiedoobie you;re right. You'd think they would have special magazines for these types of manga. Specially since the sport is Lacross, (which isnt as well known as others) i can't see this lasting long sadly :(
Well it took me a couple chapters to get into the story but it does look good. The One-shot's premise wasn't bad either though.
That probably will become the answer next chapter. Been wondering the same thing.
Why the hell should he be embarrassed? He gets to hang around with girls all the time.
they should have a sports manga magazine and a shounen/battle magazine. it sucks that because this isn't battle and action that it gets ranked so low. it would really suck if this got canceled before it even got a chance to really take off. happens with so many manga in shounen jump these days
@chw well it's quite different from all the rest of of the shounen battle mangas, especially with the characters. same with that one manga... uh... hakyuu or something. couldn't even get past 4 chapters of that.
chapter 3 is rank 2nd last in Weekly Jump .... i dont understand Japanese readers...
Tsun tsun
it gradually make it into the story ... is kinda rough on the edges but in the same time kinda nice
the sport is not that important but the relations of the characters
imo is worth following and i expect the story getting better by each chapter (at least i hope)
ok, i changed my mind. i braved through the first chapter even though my mind was telling me to stop because it was so boring! i made it through it and then read the next two chapters. surprisingly it wasn't bad. disregard my previous comment
it's weird, i liked the one shot but not the actual serialization. it sucks cause i had high hopes for it. well, on to something else!
GOD bless America. the most that will happen if you accidentally walk into the girls locker room is a smack from the girls(or maybe nothing at all XD) lol. but then again we don't put the locker rooms right next to each other with identical doors and no name plate.
Yep , the one shot design is so much better.
I liked the one-shot design much more than what I've seen of the actual manga... weird.
Top portion of the page: http://vatoto.com/read/_/122403/cross-manage_by_kuudere-scans/46

Out of context statements ftw.
Nice chapter, I like the MC solve their problem just like true manager
With chapter 3, my appreciation for this series jumped quite a bit. Unfortunately, everything I'm reading seems to indicate the series is going to get axed soon due to it's ranking.
He's such a good guy.
"What can a guy who doesn't know the rules teach?"
*Didn't even know how many players were needed*

Anyways, this main character is awesome.
It's not ranked any better this week with it being 3rd from last. I guess you need a violent tsundere or a loli in order to get it noticed these days in Japan.

I agree with lowziqian about Ass class. It's definitely the editors pushing the hype to get it that highly ranked.

The author is rushing things with the last raw chapter 9.

Oh well enough bitching I suppose and I'll just read what we get till it gets axed. Thanks to Kuudere for sticking with it.
Nac-chin is annoying. That is all.
Damn, why did JUMP have to get this =0<? Boy of an all-female team isn't COMPLETELY new, but it's a nice concept from the norm. Best thing about this is that Sakurai's using intelligence already. How that'll play out in terms of being the team's strategist(if the series gets that far =0( ) will be enjoyable to watch.

This is seriously giving me Again!! vibes, as far as the first 3 chaps goes. Anyone who likes this should check Again!! out as well =03.
chapter 3 was.. wow!

The MC has common sense and guts!

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