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* * * * - (4.13 - 211votes)

Tokage no Ou

Alt Names: alt トカゲの王alt 蜥蜴之王alt The Lizard Kingalt Tokage no Oalt Tokage no Oh
Author: Iruma Hitoma
Artist: Kamizuki Shiki
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSmut SmutSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: I have a superpower. I am a heretic thrust out from the world of common sense, possessing a power in both my eyes and the ability to "repaint the world".

...Although, all I can do is change the color of my eyes, which is pretty useless. I hate going home because of my parents, so I decided to "train" my superpower at an old abandoned building, praying that the hidden power within my eyes would awaken.

And yet, what I found was a man missing several fingers on the verge of death, a classmate showing off way too much skin, the strongest assassin alive, a man who can jump in mid-air, and a bunch of other crazy people. Is this the world I've always wanted to be a part of...?

-manga adaptation of the light novel
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Leave slug alone! This fucking bullies man.


That aside, someone already spoiled it last chapter but it is nice to see it explained in much more detail. lol at the people complaining. Slow pace but as long as it's understandable, I don't mind.


13 chapters full of filler shits ... The plot don't even make much sense .......... i belive the author is trollnig ..... maybe the end of the LOOOOOOOONG PRolouge is actually the manga's 

I think they would still think it's progressing slowly. Because we've already clarified that the MC is Tokage but, we still haven't been given a good enough reason on WHY he is the main character. They have 30 questions in the beginning and answer 1 question every month after making it a very exhausting manga. I would love to read the light novel but, as a monthly manga? I think i'd rather lose my own eye much like Tokage-kun...

thank you Jkitty, just thank you. i glad someone can throughly explain why no matter what anyone says that the pacing is crap and flooded with filler.

you just don't put filler in a monthly series. at least not early on. and especially not ever with as much as this series has.

Its not simply because it's a prologue that everyone feels the story is slow. All the backstory, what little we did receive, occurred in chapter 1 and the last 12 have been random slaughter and death. There's no direction and not much plot unless you consider a whole lot of crazy much of a plotline.

Continue like this and you will see your deserved axe flyin' your way.

I would like the sadistic girl to be the 1st victim of Tokage's power but i highly doubt it will happen

I like how they give you a flash back in, what is essentially, a flash back just in case you forgot that happened in this flash back....



"repaint the world" my ass, you eventually did nothing noticeable.

And.....and what?! I don't wanna go bald because of this...does someone knows any translation group who is doing the Light Novel?

this is just getting dumb now going to unfollow if it doesn't do anything within the next 2 chapters

the author must have some kind of metal condition...

Just started reading this today, and I can already feel how lost I'm going to be when the next chapter comes out...

This seriously should NOT be a monthly series.

At this point I really can't tell anymore where this is supposed to be going. Not much place for romance at least.

frog's dead, that's slug. I think.

if people weren't told it is a prologue it wouldn't feel as if it were progressing slowly


I think they would still think it's progressing slowly. Because we've already clarified that the MC is Tokage but, we still haven't been given a good enough reason on WHY he is the main character. They have 30 questions in the beginning and answer 1 question every month after making it a very exhausting manga. I would love to read the light novel but, as a monthly manga? I think i'd rather lose my own eye much like Tokage-kun. Taking a similar type of mystery based story for example, Mirai Nikki (which if you haven't read it DO SO NOW IT IS AWESOME xP) it fills in a good portion of plot within the first 4-6 chapters while still being able to keep a cliffhanger after cliffhanger even until very late in the story. At this moment we're just getting a lot of details from throwaway characters. Considering that they have literally killed everyone but Frog, Sugamo, Tokage, and Kingfisher it means that the plot development for every other character was pointless backstory grandstanding. You don't give back stories to every NPC kay? God... could you imagine trying to get through any RPG if every single character had their own 5 page long back story? Soldier A was born in etc etc... and then etc etc happened, and then they left home to join the army, then they were promoted until finally their life was snuffed out within a half second after they tell you their life's story. Yeah... it might be amazing attention to detail.. it would also have people jumping out of windows long before the game ended.

This manga is going extremely slow, aside from the fanservice and the good draw this is lame.. at least for now

I truly wish Sugamo suffers every inch of pain her selfish ass has put others into. I truly wish for a karmic ending.

If this is the "prologue" (12+ chapters!), it makes me wonder how long the series will be.  Is the author aiming for Meitantei Conan/Case Closed length or something?!

all that mess for a fucking eyeball....she really should be tortured till the end of times



yeah bitch .____.



Ain't this the girl that just got her arm cut off? '~'

Yeah.  Her bangs are different from the other girl's, and her hairband is different too

i would rant again about how bad the pacing and how convoluted everything is but i just.... don't feel like wasting my time. someone please translate the LN's so i can learn why the manga has survived so long. seriously, i would have axed this shit by now.. there has to be something about the LN that people love so much to keep the manga alive. but the manga is just.... sooo...... slooooooooowwwwwwwwww~~~~~. first 3 chapters i was hooked. now. i just wish someone would tell me the MC's real power (if he even has one), so i can just quit coming back and have no regrets.

and this time-line. i would be confused if it wasn't for the fact that i just don't have it in me to give a fuck anymore. this manga should have never been made a monthly. or shouldn't have started out as one anyway.

hopefully this or the next chapter is the last of this slow ass prolouge and we can move on with the story and whatever plot this manga is supposed to have. and maybe the pacing will pick up too.


seems i ranted anyway. oh well. better than wasting money on a plane ticket to japan just to go kill the author and editor and however many others i can get before the police get me.

if people weren't told it is a prologue it wouldn't feel as if it were progressing slowly

I'm pretty sure it's the bitch that got his eye

Nah, Sugamo's hair and eye color are different. And this one doesn't look like a Yandere.

I guess she has been "disarmed".

21 pages.... HAVE MERCY ON US AUTHOR!, well, that settles it, the girl is just plain psycho.

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