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* * * * * (4.5 - 34votes)

Boku no Ushiro ni Majo ga Iru

Alt Names: alt Arkamda Bir Cadı Varalt åƒ•ć®å¾Œć‚ć«é­”å„³ćŒć„ć‚‹
Author: Yamada Hitsuji
Artist: Yamada Hitsuji
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Nanri Ryusuke has transferred schools 3 times this year because of his parentsā€™ divorce and he is determined to make a good impression at this new school because it appears that he's staying for good this time. However, his seat is in front of the weird girl in the class, Fujimori Miya, who claims she is a witch and who everyone in the school avoids. Miya, for some odd reason, takes a creepy interest in Ryusuke and makes him the subject of all her crazy experiments and spells.
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Well, first thing first.
Guys, the chapters aren't too short, but long enough. - You don't need 15-18 pages to introduce a single gag, thus 1 chapter = 1 gag.

Complaining about length of chapter is, in this case, just plain stupidity.
batoto comments: Serious business edition.
I doubt chapter length or number of chapters in a volume or whatever has anything to do with laziness; it's just the style that was decided on.
It does make a difference, though. It affects the flow of the plot when events come in little bite-sized pieces like that. Result is this feels less like a normal manga and more like a 4-koma. I'm not a big 4-koma fan on average* but this seems to work fairly well with that kind of pacing, so whatever.

*Exception: Want More "Working!!"
I dont mind to be a M, if is with Mai >///<
...So, let me say this. From my perspective, you are all insane fighting over something stupid like this. So, to barron: Chapter length has no reflection on the actual amount of effort a mangaka puts in. While it's true that the most common manga tend to be around 18 pages, space is fundamentally at a premium, so it's not surprising that some mangaka wind up only getting slots of five pages.

And now to the other side of the argument. I see people saying that "30 chapters in a single volume isn't lazy." It isn't. It has NOTHING TO DO with being lazy. All it shows is that the manga was popular enough to get a volume release, had at least 30 chapters, and the chapters were short enough to fit 30 into a single volume. Anything else is guessing.

I also see someone declaring that barron's complaint about things being "too short" is proof that they know nothing about manga, and stating that he has no right to complain unless he makes a manga himself, and that he "doesn't know a think about weekly releases". This is an incredibly stupid philosophy to go by. If the only people allowed to voice complaints about something are professionals in the field, we're running down a dangerous road.

Of course, we know nothing about the condition of the studio, so we can't really make judgements about how hard the mangaka is working. There are some groups that can easily handle 18 pages weekly, and some that have trouble with more than three a week. Though practically speaking, at four pages a week, the mangaka probably isn't getting assistants and has to everything themselves, compared to larger groups that tend to have 2 or 3 assistants to do some of the more menial work.
care to show me some manga you made to the point you can call the author lazy?
if not, then stfu

you're free to dislike it, buy you eho didn't know the hardship of a mangaka and never give a single cent to read his work doesn't have the rights to say the author lazy over a simple reason, TOO SHORT!
shall I teach you something about "weekly release"?
@Tonie Zap
Even Minamoto-kun Monogatari is longer - such that it is bearable, but this got me quite startled.
Imo this is too short.

But it might be a bit early to judge it afte just 3 chapters - maybe (pbly not) the future will improve.
Nanri...you die by being married to her...
OMG just calm down barron, the heck is wrong with you?
If you judge a work by the length of its chapters, then you reaaally should think again. Tantruming and capslocking won't get you anywhere either.
LOL you better not read minamoto-kun then barron.
30 five page chapters is 150 pages, five 18-20 page chapter ( a normal manga tank) is 90-100 pages. On the whole each volume of this manga will e larger then average. The plot seems to be broken down into small more concise punchlines and gags rather then detailed story.
@syockit this manga is too short to be on the manga market.. those who will buy it will think a million times to buy again.. LAME!!!!!
@barron08 30 chapters in one volume, you call that lazy?
Posted Image So Short
Plz more I like it xD

and shoujo or shounen I don't give a shit as long as the story caught my attention. (I'm a boy)
chapters are so short that till this point there's absolutely no plot or anything that caught my interest.
thats good he made a friend!
chapter 2 is a life lesson, donĀ“t count on people xD
super short chapters ftw XD
This strongly reminds me of the Making Fiends flash comic, but with a witch who is less malevolent and a protagonist who is vastly less invincibly innocent. Not so much of SHnY since 'Miya' seems to be knowingly and happily terrifying the school staff and students. However, the seating arrangement is the same and the witch could be unaware of her reputation, since I'm basing my view on nothing but expressions.
must say not digging the short chapters but any one else feel that this is very similar to the melancholy of haruhi suzuimiya not say its a replica but give me a similar vibe
That was short...
Shoujo-Sense = Sense Scans. They do other mangas that aren't shoujos.
http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=34685 <--- the manga info god says is shounen so for me is shounen.

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