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Ani ga Imouto de Imouto ga Ani de

Alt Names: alt Ani-Imoalt 亦兄亦妹alt 兄が妹で妹が兄で。
Author: Kurumatani Haruko
Artist: Kutumatani Haruko
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaGender Bender Gender BenderRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Youta and Hikaru, a twin pair of siblings, have grown up together and been close all their life. Since their parents are gone from dusk til dawn running a bar, Youta has stepped into the role of housewife of the family, cooking, cleaning, and generally getting things done. His twin sister Hikaru has always had trouble showing emotion, thereby leading to people misunderstanding her and showing fear of her. One morning after certain things come to light about their family, Youta and Hikaru are involved in a car accident. Upon awakening, they find they've switched bodies!


This is a manga published in a Shoujo magazine. Please do not edit Demographic to Shounen or Josei.
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@tony246: it's WIN-cest. I guess you can now understand it.

@Aereus: There are fifty shades of grey for men too. If you know what i mean
need more
Any manga similar to this? Cause this is so good.
Uhhh, I can't imagine falling in love with myself. And if you have been treating someone your sister, it's nearly impossible to feel that way about her.
@Frost: Try looking up "Smile Again", it's a hentai one-shot but it's pretty much what you mentioned (quiet little sister being assertive)
I think the best way to sum up this manga is this: God REALLY love pranks.
...raping time!!! (i kinda fell sorry for Youta but they current bodies suit them much better than before)... well knowing those kind of mangas they'll either swap back after Youta falls in love with Hikaru( meaning the same way she feels) or they stay swapped and Youta finally comesw to terms with that:D
so many follows after just one chapter. not bad.
Once again these type of gender benders feel weird since the little sister is in the big brother's body so if she still likes the big brother and wants to kiss him and stuff she'll be doing it to her own body, which to me just seems a bit awkward. It's like kissing yourself.

I think this story would've worked out just fine if they didn't switch bodies and it was the quiet little sister(in her own body) being assertive. Still interesting nonetheless. thanks for the update!
If only the sister was more aggressive before getting the boy body.
i smell rape >_<, chap 2 was nice xD
Oooo this is going to be fun (^_^)
Quite cliche..but ill take it
Cute so far. ~
Maybe in the us, but in japan theres a lot of difirent genres that cover the josei "population", not only cheesy romance. Some are rly good and other are just to cover the quota(imo) of josei mangas.

Btw u guys know of some manga like conductor?
Hmm maybe. I think Josei titles are more equivalent to cheesy romance "dime-novels" in the US. Something like Fifty Shades of Grey thats popular with women atm.
U mean josei, right?
Just Googled my answer, derp.
This is serialized in the Kodansha monthly magazine, Aria. The target age demographic is women age 16-22. So this could be considered almost "shoujo seinen" in a way.

Will be very interesting to see what direction this story takes then.
It's rather ambiguous when she says "I'll never give up this chance to make you mine" -- I think we'll just have to wait for next chapter. It could mean that she plans to now make him fall in love with "her" (or pregnant). Or as someone else mentioned -- being him is kinda the "maximum level of being with him" in a way. Since this is shoujo, and not seinen, I'd go with the seduce him into loving her.

I wonder how she's going to act at school though -- she had trouble expressing herself to people -- is she suddenly going to be over that problem now that shes her brother?
Btw is this a weekly or a monthly? It was 45pgs which is usually the length of a monthly, but it could be that long because of being a new series?
I think her sexual fantasy is shot down since she's not in her body anymore?

Because all i'm drawing right now is how she's going to make her brother (now in her body) pregnant, so when they switch back, they have to be together.

I have to ask, what is the difference, rather what is the definition of Wincest?
The sister is happy with the circumstances because now she can have "her brother" (though really it's just his body) all to herself... to do "things" with...
run bro and tell your story. . . before its to late >_>
I think her train of thought is that her brother can no longer view her as the little sister which he said would never change.
not really getting her train of thought here... nothing at all has changed apart from them swapping bodies. unless she plans to rape him in this stronger body how else does this help her?

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