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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.55 - 259votes)


Alt Names: alt 化けてりやalt Baketeriaalt Бакетерия
Author: Yoshiyuki Takahashi
Artist: Yoshiyuki Takahashi
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiHarem HaremHorror HorrorRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Every good thing in Naoya Kamitani's life comes with a catch: He managed to get into a prestigious university... missing the fine print that he'll be sacrificed to appease dark beings. When he arrives at the school, he immediately runs into a man with all the answers... who never tells him the whole truth. A rather pretty girl wants him all to herself... as her dinner. He gains the favor of the richest, most influential girl in school... and she's a total sadist. He even finds out he has a daughter... who sets fire to everything when she gets excited. Will Naoya come out on top? It's a long road ahead of him...
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Topic Ichi or Ryou? New Window Wanderer
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Okay, ch6 is the first chapter of it I ever read and the one that made me want to do the series. Enjoy.

Ah, we did find chapter 7 raws so we will be able to keep releasing without the month hiatus

And @NyuuuuSaaaan yes Spidergirl does appear again every now and then. And I think Kamitani is just as uncomfortable as you... for very different reasons
Damn, Tsukui has three girls already. Work harder Kami-Tasty.
I don't suppose this spider mentioned at the beginning of chapter 5 is an irrelevant one-off thing I can skip and never look back on?
I'm fucking terrible with spiders.
what was that
@Coma Culture: Don't get me wrong, the MC is pretty good. He's at least got more guts than most we see these days. But when compared to someone as interesting as Tsukui, he has quite a ways to go.
The main character isn't a putz! he's a woman slaying, shame-free robot dancing walking Youkai meal with big friends, a daughter made of fire and some weird-ass guardians who make sure the one's that screw with Kamitani get their just Desserts. Just the fact that Kamitani has courage and dreams and isn't emo at all makes him stand out. He's a real cool guy.
Tsukui is mysterious and cool. If he wasn't so mysterious i doubt he'd be so cool. So he's fine where he is.
Sometimes, I wonder if Kamitani should be the real MC. But then I realize that this series would have nowhere to go. He's already at the peak of epic youkai trolldom, there's nowhere for him to advance. So I guess I'll put up with the usual MC putz for now.
No just this series. We don't have the ch7 raws and the tanks don't come out till the end of October
@Castellan, I went to your site and read the release post but I'm a little confused. Are you only going on hiatus for this series or ones related to that magazine or are you completely shutting down till you get the tanks?
Wow this guys a youkai woman slayer :P
TheCreepin32, you may be right... You'll find out for sure next Friday in chapter 6.

We should have ch6 released Friday, and then go on hiatus for a couple of months unless a small miracle happens. Read the release rant on our site to read why and how someone can help.
Last panel shows that the snobby bitch from chapter 2 has become tsukui's sexslave.
thank you japanzai, this manga is great!!!
I'm starting to warm up to this manga. Sure the protagonist is the most unluckiest guy in the universe but he's got courage for days.
ooh? this is awesome :D
Gotta hand it to the guy. He has been put in his place countless times already. Still, he has the courage/stupidity to keep dreaming.
if you think that you havent read enough harem manga.
Ah.. I knew something like that would happen since some super cute big breasted girl was the first to come to him and ask him to the party. At least they got what they deserved
Wow, I was bullied in school too and I've even worked in social services (protip: don't do social work until you're old enough to legally drink) but holy crap talk about a messed up mind! Theres a big difference between shrugging things off and mentally cracking so it no longer registers.
Posted Image
my tsundere senses are tingling *-*

...or is that kuudere? whatevur~
Damn another bitch that red head but she also got what she deserved
It getting better and better. Now it has become more interesting.
hmm this drawing style looks oddly similar to Nurarihyon no Mago, as well as the inclusion of the youkai group.

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