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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.55 - 259votes)


Alt Names: alt 化けてりやalt Baketeriaalt Бакетерия
Author: Yoshiyuki Takahashi
Artist: Yoshiyuki Takahashi
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiHarem HaremHorror HorrorRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Every good thing in Naoya Kamitani's life comes with a catch: He managed to get into a prestigious university... missing the fine print that he'll be sacrificed to appease dark beings. When he arrives at the school, he immediately runs into a man with all the answers... who never tells him the whole truth. A rather pretty girl wants him all to herself... as her dinner. He gains the favor of the richest, most influential girl in school... and she's a total sadist. He even finds out he has a daughter... who sets fire to everything when she gets excited. Will Naoya come out on top? It's a long road ahead of him...
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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Topic Ichi or Ryou? New Window Wanderer
  • 4 Replies


Long Haired Ichii and Lolita Misasagi FTW!
@Roberto Dario Vina Sosa
Wow, I never noticed that... you might be right
Since nobody mentioned it.
A manga about Youkai and it's set in college? Hell yes
Can she just stay that way? Forever? D: Pretty please?
There are even film about that book...google it.
But, the lolita of the book wanted to give him a boner...

I want a flashback abount ikki! Finally some romance...and I have so many questions in mind...
Loli is short for "Lolita", a book about some dude boning a child. I say we need a better word.
Long haired dere Ichi
That last chapter was so cute, thxn so much! haha
It's Thanksgiving week for people in the United States. Many of our staff are spending time with their families, and our release schedule will be kind of messed up. That, plus this is a heartwarming chapter that shouldn't wait until after Thanksgiving to be released, means that this goes out today, and it's possible we won't have a chapter ready for next weekend.

So, if you need a weekly dose of Baketeriya, don't read this chapter yet!

(And Ichii, let your hair down more often...)
@1Suspect: I guess you don't read hentai manga then. Almost half of them are loli. Also, it depends on a person's pov above what's sexual and what's not.

Loli in a maid outfit: Cute
Loli naked in a bathhouse and you can't see anything because of steam: eehh...just there really
Loli having sex/doing sexual things: sexualization

Just because there's a naked loli, it doesn't mean it's sexual. It's just there. As for your whole "Don't respond to this as i have no intention of debating it" thing, don't post in a public thread like this. If you just want to vent your disgust about something, then make a diary/journal.
LOLI power!! that is all.

Am I the only one interested in what she meant by (since childhood) it time for a flashback.

@Suspect:- Something most be wrong with you if you thought this was 'sexualized', I know not everyone can accept or are into lolicon, but you need to chill the hell out.
Sado tsundre girl
Silent youkai girl
Loli youkai girl that make the mc her father

Instant follow
So the Blondy oni is a gal, exhibit one: wrapped sash on the chest !=> http://img.batoto.net/comics/2012/09/14/b/read5053a2119317f/img000032.png
Needs more Daimonji. She's too adorable.
im glad everything makes sense now
Are you entirely sure the mark is gone? LPosted Imageet's have a bit more closer look, shall we Posted Image
Now we see some of that romance start to formulate a bit more.
Haha the ending for chap 10 was just amazing. She's not a very self-aware "imouto" is she?
this manga start to get epic
wow, first time I had a wish for a new chapter granted so fast~
Thus another horror? harem formed.
catfight yaay

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