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* * * * * (4.51 - 69votes)

Hallelujah Overdrive!

Alt Names: alt ハレルヤオーバードライブ!
Author: Takata Koutarou
Artist: Takata Koutarou
Genres: Comedy ComedyMusic MusicRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Asakura Kosame was rejected by the girl he likes. He bought a guitar and created a song solely for his confession on graduation day in Junior High. Unfortunately, the girl likes another boy from a different school, who happens to play in a band.

Kosame then entered Meiro High. He decided to join the light music club and become great, to show it to the girl who rejected him, for revenge. But it turns out there is NO light music club at Meiro. The one who sees him at that time is...
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I'm probably just overthinking but The "Overdrive" is the name of the company that made "Deardrops"(quite similar to teardrop), a game about a music band. 

Overdrive's Deardrops ROCKS!!!

the interactions, the dialogue, they all seem like such a mess.

The fuck is going on with this manga?

Shoulda said this sooner apparently.

Thanks for the new chapter!

The fuck is going on with this manga?

I'm probably just overthinking but The "Overdrive" is the name of the company that made "Deardrops"(quite similar to teardrop), a game about a music band. 

Figures, it's taken. Average modern rock, kinda melancholic, but still aggressive...sounds about right, I guess.


Also this one thai animu cover band probably took the name from here.

the drawing style changed.. a bit? the expression looks softer i think.


live gig here we go!

Tanpopo's back story was so good!

Having goosebumps just seeing the illustrations.


Damn looking forward to a great anime 

The art got better! I have vol 8 (not sure) raws saved in my pc :D

"Flora" is not such a bad name, I think it's great!!!

Goes well with "Tanpopo" which I believe is dandelion.

I know a girl named Flora . . . she's a biology student, no lie.

Having goosebumps just seeing the illustrations.


Damn looking forward to a great anime 

I'm not reading this manga yet, but the name has drawn me here several times. Holy Crap is that a badass name.

"Flora" is not such a bad name, I think it's great!!!

I wish for Anime so I can hear the music, rather than my imagination

I would love a KosamexUrara ending... A man can have dreams, right?

Not in love triangles, no.

I would love a KosamexUrara ending... A man can have dreams, right?

This manga deserve more attention.

now that's an interesting censor system.

i wonder who's the lucky side character who will get aiha xD best girls always go to the side characters.

Man, Love is a B*tch!!!!

A bit of spoiler (not for the story tho)...

The art gets better.


I've seen vol 8. And man I really liked what I've seen. I've already grown to like the current art or style of this manga but it srsly gets better. Not sure if it's as good as Aku no Hana art transformation but still a good one.

>Take responsibility.


*runs through train of thoughts*

Oh, come on. In the court of the Crimson King. Richard D. JAMES album. Do your homework.

And what was that on page 15, anyway?

I'll die of joy if there was an anime adaptation of this.

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