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* * * * - (4.48 - 102votes)

Liar x Liar

Alt Names: alt ライアー×ライアー
Author: Kindaichi Renjuurou
Artist: Kindaichi Renjuurou
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: One day, on a whim, twenty-year old Minato decides to walk around the city dressed in her friend's cute high school uniform. To her horror, she ends up running into her stepbrother, Tooru, who is actually only months younger than her. Since he's cute and a notorious player, Minato has had to deal with constant jealousy and suspicion from other girls throughout her entire school days.

Amazingly, she manages to convince Tooru that she's actually someone who just happens to look a lot like his stepsister. He is so convinced that he starts trying to date her and, for various reasons, she goes along with it. What started as a simple joke is now evolving into the biggest lie Minato has ever told!
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I need to confirm if he's actually in on it or not!

Stop regurgitating crap that doesn't even apply. She's no victim when she's clearly okay with the things being done to her. It eventually ended because she didn't like the emotional pain it was causing her "victimizer", not because of anything she hated. She also stays good friends with the guy and insists he's not a bad guy at every junction. She even doesn't want Tooru to think badly of him when he asks later on why she was two-timing. She doesn't see herself as a victim so neither should you.


Really? Just because a person does not realize they are the victim of an abusive relationship everyone else should just ignore the abuse? Now that's really disgusting.

I can't feel the same way about Karasuma as Minato does


I agree. The fact that she still thinks of him as this great guy who acted out of character because she somehow pushed him into it, despite everything he's done (and his own explicit denials that he was ever the amazing person she thinks he is!) kind of shows how much this whole mess has obliterated her self-esteem.


So the fact that he ultimately chooses not to take advantage of her, when he's a big reason why she places so little value in herself that she would quietly acquiesce to his demands in the first place? Not really a big plus in his favour. If anything, it brought him back up to zero, and even that's a little generous.

Anyway, this next thing doesn't have anything to with the manga. It's just me being petty about comments bickering, so I've spoilered it to make it easier to skip:


I can't feel the same way about Karasuma as Minato does


Damned cliffhangers

This marks the end of volume 6, so there're only two volumes left before we're caught up! (The series is still ongoing, though)

But even if I could forget about her pathological lying, I can't forgive her for ignoring her little brother as he was being raped and mindbroken in highschool, and then later despising him for it.


Pretty sure Tooru is a big guy at that time, if he despise it he can throw that senpai anytime. No drugs or rope involved and Tooru casually put his trunks back so I'm sure that he is consent with the act. 

But even if I could forget about her pathological lying, I can't forgive her for ignoring her little brother as he was being raped and mindbroken in highschool, and then later despising him for it.

Oh, give me a break.  Now you're just trolling.  No shred of evidence he was ever being raped in any way shape or form.

Have we finally made it there?? Is the Reveal upon us?

Stop blaming the victim. It's offensive.

Stop regurgitating crap that doesn't even apply. She's no victim when she's clearly okay with the things being done to her. It eventually ended because she didn't like the emotional pain it was causing her "victimizer", not because of anything she hated. She also stays good friends with the guy and insists he's not a bad guy at every junction. She even doesn't want Tooru to think badly of him when he asks later on why she was two-timing. She doesn't see herself as a victim so neither should you.

She's so disgusting tbh. The fact that she feels sad for the guy trying to rape her. Like c'mon. (Slight spoilers; she does indeed stay friends with Mr.Blackmail)

"Wow I'm such a bad person, I lied so much", yet in the end nobody blames her, she suffers no consequences, and she doesn't do anything to repent. But even if I could forget about her pathological lying, I can't forgive her for ignoring her little brother as he was being raped and mindbroken in highschool, and then later despising him for it.

Imagine if the genders were flipped. Every day MC comes home he sees his imouto, dead-eyed, half-naked, curled up on the bed, smelling of cum, as some older boys nonchalantly walk out. Her onii-chan (the man she loves with all her heart) says "disgusting slut" and spends the next 5 years avoiding her.

Tooru's undying love for Minato is pathetic and almost a mental illness. She couldn't protect his smile and doesn't deserve to be the one bringing it back.

Stop blaming the victim. It's offensive.

She's so disgusting tbh. The fact that she feels sad for the guy trying to rape her. Like c'mon. (Slight spoilers; she does indeed stay friends with Mr.Blackmail)

"Wow I'm such a bad person, I lied so much", yet in the end nobody blames her, she suffers no consequences, and she doesn't do anything to repent. But even if I could forget about her pathological lying, I can't forgive her for ignoring her little brother as he was being raped and mindbroken in highschool, and then later despising him for it.

Imagine if the genders were flipped. Every day MC comes home he sees his imouto, dead-eyed, half-naked, curled up on the bed, smelling of cum, as some older boys nonchalantly walk out. Her onii-chan (the man she loves with all her heart) says "disgusting slut" and spends the next 5 years avoiding her.

Tooru's undying love for Minato is pathetic and almost a mental illness. She couldn't protect his smile and doesn't deserve to be the one bringing it back.

This is turning into a Hentai-plot device awfully fast...

More like shoujo drama plot-device n°3743 : "make the rival do something bad to the MC and stop half-way because he knows that he shouldn't do this. Then make him support the MC's love because he realises how strong the MC's feelings are.

N.B : It works even better if the rival was nice to the MC before that."

This is turning into a Hentai-plot device awfully fast...

Welp, nothing for it at this point. If she wants to make sure Karasuma keeps this a secret, then she really has no choice but to
It's not what she wants to do, and she'll probably feel bad about doing it afterwards, but it's for the best, really.

Another quick update! Chapter 41 is up on my blog with an actual credit page courtesy of my cleaner/typesetter Nona! I haven't uploaded it here yet because I feel like I kinda want to tweak my translation a little to make it flow better (much to Nona's chagrin, I'm sure) 

And as a total side note, I really recommend Cheese in the Trap for anyone who likes this series (which I feel like there's fewer and fewer of every day...^^; ) The MC and the story have a similar vibe to Liar x Liar (The plot's completely different, though) Anyway, it's an awesome series and I definitely recommend giving it a shot! (It even has a kdrama based off of it!)

I'm actually somewhat aghast at her wimpiness about this--not just the way she's giving in, but the way she's sort of mentally treating this like it's somehow OK behaviour.

If I were in her shoes I would have said "I don't go out with people who try to blackmail me, so that proposal of yours just ended any chance you might ever have had.  You do have a chance of me not holding you in complete contempt from now on, though:  Don't follow through on your little threat and make it perfectly clear to everyone involved that you are not going out with me.  But if you want to go for it, be my guest--I'll be upset, but I'll have to live with it."


Absolutely agree with you. But that makes too much sense and they need to milk the drama from this as far as they can take it, so they made her a character that's pretty easy to push around and highly susceptible to empathy for others. So instead of realizing this guy is actually kind of being scum, she thinks it's her fault that he's going out of his way to hurt her and agrees partially out of guilt and the rest out of personal interest to keep things a secret.

Excellent job again Kuhime, thank you very much for resurrecting the the manga scanalations!


Real talk here for a moment... He is literally threatening her now unless she goes out with him again, acting in a way completely foreign to her and as she puts it: like a whole different person. Seriously how is she acting so casual with him on the forced date? If I were in her shoes, I think my circumstances would be weighing heavily on my mind the entire time, rather than just random idle moments. 

I'm actually somewhat aghast at her wimpiness about this--not just the way she's giving in, but the way she's sort of mentally treating this like it's somehow OK behaviour.

If I were in her shoes I would have said "I don't go out with people who try to blackmail me, so that proposal of yours just ended any chance you might ever have had.  You do have a chance of me not holding you in complete contempt from now on, though:  Don't follow through on your little threat and make it perfectly clear to everyone involved that you are not going out with me.  But if you want to go for it, be my guest--I'll be upset, but I'll have to live with it."

That 'cardinal rule' is literally one of the silliest things I've heard. The only time I would even consider something like that as anything more than absurd would be if you're already in a relationship with someone. Then sure, going out with people who you may be interested in could spell trouble for your present relationship. However Minato is not, technically, in a relationship at this point. Nor was she even aware of the misunderstanding going around, if it even mattered. 
It's not as though these two characters are strangers, either. They're more or less pre-existing friends. Turning him down on an offer to go somewhere together (the movies doesn't really imply that much) might seem more strange if you don't have a reason. Giving him a chance to confess and let him down gently given her present circumstances makes sense. It's good for the guy, too. It lets him convey his feelings even if they're not reciprocated. It gives him motivation to move on by closing that chapter in his love life, rather than some half-assed "lets just avoid this guy who was a friend until he takes the hint"

I'm not saying that she should avoid him out-right, just not go out with him in anything that can be construed as a date. There's also her relationship with Karasuma-kun to consider and while she didn't ask for it in any sense of the word she is still dating two guys at once while pretending to be two seperate people. It's a mess that seems to mostly be there to drum up drama.

so many layers of mistakes... just like eating Esterházy torte while dieting

Oh my god you guys~ You have no idea how cool it is to have an actual cleaner/typesetter~!! Like I still can't get over it, you know? I just can't handle how awesome it looks~~~!!!! *blessed*

So anyway, Chapter 40's on my blog and I'll upload it here soon, and Chapter 41 is scheduled for Saturday! I can't wait for you guys to see how professional it looks!

She could have just said no to going out to him to the movies. Even if, as Minato, she didn't have reason to think he was romantically interested, the movies themselves are a traditional date spot. I've never actually dated myself but a cardinal rule seems to be to not go alone on a outing with someone you may be attracted to. Then again, it may be the culture that compels her to hear out his confession then reject him, but I still think that turning down his offer would be enough. 
Take it from me. It's normally enough.

That 'cardinal rule' is literally one of the silliest things I've heard. The only time I would even consider something like that as anything more than absurd would be if you're already in a relationship with someone. Then sure, going out with people who you may be interested in could spell trouble for your present relationship. However Minato is not, technically, in a relationship at this point. Nor was she even aware of the misunderstanding going around, if it even mattered. 


It's not as though these two characters are strangers, either. They're more or less pre-existing friends. Turning him down on an offer to go somewhere together (the movies doesn't really imply that much) might seem more strange if you don't have a reason. Giving him a chance to confess and let him down gently given her present circumstances makes sense. It's good for the guy, too. It lets him convey his feelings even if they're not reciprocated. It gives him motivation to move on by closing that chapter in his love life, rather than some half-assed "lets just avoid this guy who was a friend until he takes the hint"

What's she supposed to do?  The "her" who is going on the date doesn't "know" he's planning to confess.  She can't very well turn him down pre-emptively when she's not supposed to know there's anything to turn down.

If she was actually the two . . . or, um, three now . . . different people she's being, each of their behaviour would be impeccable.  All the problems come from there in fact only being one of her.


She could have just said no to going out to him to the movies. Even if, as Minato, she didn't have reason to think he was romantically interested, the movies themselves are a traditional date spot. I've never actually dated myself but a cardinal rule seems to be to not go alone on a outing with someone you may be attracted to. Then again, it may be the culture that compels her to hear out his confession then reject him, but I still think that turning down his offer would be enough. 


Take it from me. It's normally enough. 

Real talk here for a moment... He is literally threatening her now unless she goes out with him again, acting in a way completely foreign to her and as she puts it: like a whole different person. Seriously how is she acting so casual with him on the forced date? If I were in her shoes, I think my circumstances would be weighing heavily on my mind the entire time, rather than just random idle moments. 

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