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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.47 - 75votes)

Photo Kano - Sweet Snap

Alt Names: alt フォトカノ Sweet Snapalt Photo Kanoalt Photo Kano Sweet Snapalt Photo Kano: Sweet Snapalt Picture Girlfriend
Author: Yuzuki N-Dash
Artist: Yuzuki N-Dash
Genres: Ecchi EcchiHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Based off the popular Japanese PSP game, Photo Kano (or Picture Girlfriend) is about a boy, his interest in photography, and the harem that grows out of it.


- Photo Kano - Your Eyes Only (http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/photo-kano-your-eyes-only-r3863)
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@bakanki, god, those are massive melons...
This effing coward... why do people have lots of childhood friends -_-
now i know just why the art looked so familiar :P
Commendable but he's still a bit of a wuss. Let's hope for a nice beach episode on the next chapter.
Another Photo Kano manga (it's only 1 chapter though xD) is available for online reading, Photo Kano Memorial Pictures. It's focused on the last two hidden heroines, Kanon the little sister and Ootani Momoko the intern teacher.
Posted Image
Why isn't some of Yukizi and Dash's other work on BatotoXD
next chapter looks promising
*I can already see the ending.

In b4 more flashbacks of Maeda and Niimi's childhood... I can already see the ended. Oh wait, I already saw the ending.
D'awwww lika puppy~<3
Sorry but I have to say it..
Yeah well.. good job you fuckface.
before you go and say that the mc is a retard and stupid ... please think in his shoes.... Imagine yourself a pathetic guy,ugly,uninteresting and stuffs... will you ever dream of having the most beautiful girl in school to like you? i'm pretty sure you really don't have to imagine since you are ugly in real life too (well most of you ... (like me :| ) )
Even in a 'sad' scene, there's always a shot of panties.... #wrongfocushere
Damnnit, there is a limit to how retarded can someone be.
it's not if he can win back the girl, is rather whether he deserves her and if he's not a idiot and get the situation wrong again
The vn can make the mc worse, lol.
He better not screw up on this one...
After this, I don't think he is good enough for her.
Yay! Main character finally enters the "grow balls and take charge" stage! :)
between the this photo kano and the other one, i like this one better. but i must agree, maeda is a bit thickskull'd and slow lol, even for a manga character

Cause his a manga character and japanese :D
That Maeda, why does he have to be so f*cking retarted?
Will he win back her heart?

i was scared to read this chapter but it turned out alot better then i thought (ntr) seems she was so down she just keeps skipping club well this is the Mcs last chance to get it in his head she loves im will he fuck up again i hope not.
Ok MC guy now...grow some and fix everything

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