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* * * * * (4.55 - 185votes)


Alt Names: alt ゆめくりalt 유메쿠리alt Yume-Kurialt 温泉物语alt Сон Каштана
Author: Hiro
Artist: Hiro
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Yugami Makoto likes to travel to different Hot Springs. On his 100th visit to a Hot Spring he meets a beautiful foreign girl in the bath. Stunned by her beauty, he immediately falls for her. But there is more to the girl than the eye meets. And why is Makoto forced to work at the Inn afterwards?

Published in a Seinen magazine. Please do not edit demographic to Shounen!

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Hawt teacher~

This only interferes with my enjoyment of a manga when there are man-haters amongst them. I'm so very tired of man-hating lesbians in manga. There are more than enough of them in real life, as it is. These two, though, are refreshingly calm and reasonable (so far).


That is possibly the most sexist thing I have ever read about lesbians (I mean the real-life part of what you said).


I will admit, however, that lesbians with vendettas against men are strangely frequent in manga, and they shouldn't be. Nobody in reality is innately a lesbian in conjunction with disliking/distrusting men, nor does anyone become so through such a development. My mother, also a lesbian, was married to my father for close to 20 years before coming out of the closet, if you want an example.

Manga, as much as any other form of media, should not encourage any such misguided ideas.


But yes, I do like the two girls' relationship in this one. Innocent, happy, and actually rather realistic and/or ideal for their age. By Japanese standards, at least.


COMPLETELY UNRELATED TL NOTE: Readers, chapters 14-16 are divine. You will love all of them.

*sigh* Another romcom manga with yuri / shoujo ai characters... 


This only interferes with my enjoyment of a manga when there are man-haters amongst them. I'm so very tired of man-hating lesbians in manga. There are more than enough of them in real life, as it is. These two, though, are refreshingly calm and reasonable (so far).

What an adorable chapter.

Eh, the main character got tossed to the bench for the time being. Am I the only one who finds this... Well... Pretty bland? Not that I think it's bad or anything, but I feel like the story doesn't cause too much of an impression on the reader.


The series starts and likely ends with the main character and/or his love interest. This does not necessarily mean he has to be the center for any significant stretch of the plot at a time.


Blood Alone, a rather nice largely-feelgood manga series, has a format very similar to this one. There's virtually no romantic plot progression whatsoever for much of what we've seen so far. Not a whole lot of progress on the suspenseful intrigue side of it either. Does it matter? Not really. It's rather episodic, but has short bursts of intrigue that don't have a whole lot to do with each other at any particular time until much later on.


The point is, this is a relaxed series. There's a goal, but we're not rushing to it. It's also not a pure comedy/rom com/slice of life series. The result is as such--storytelling set at a very leisurely pace since the beginning.

I get the feeling someone tossed a donation to the mangaka and he just leisury took his time doing nothing in this manga, not that Im saying it's bad or anything.

Eh, the main character got tossed to the bench for the time being. Am I the only one who finds this... Well... Pretty bland? Not that I think it's bad or anything, but I feel like the story doesn't cause too much of an impression on the reader.

Akino is still best girl, just saying.

It seems I've overestimated their occurrence in my head...

Well, if an event marks you, of course you're gonna remember it more clearly, and thus think it occurs more often.


But really, avoid that kind of comments next time, if you don't want to receive flak, that is. Saying things that more or less imply "I don't like this because of this subject" can easily be read as "this is shit".

Especially with things like yuri and yaoi, where one common reaction involves "eww, homo". Come on, if people were genuinely disgusted by a series you liked and expressed their unhappiness in a condescending manner, you wouldn't be ok with it.

Could you please point me to some other ones?  Evidently this is a much more common thing than I'd realized, and I'm missing out.

It seems I've overestimated their occurrence in my head...

Here is one where it's one sided but it's taken seriously:


A relationship is played with more than it being developed:


Here is one where there's a character but she is relatively (plot wise) unimportant:



(This set up is more common, where it's one sided and only used as a convenience/comedy)



I'm sure there are more in the above category, but I can't remember them.



This is the one that made me avoid yuri/shoujo ai developments/characters:


I guess it's unfair to judge based on what happened in Kono S o, Mi yo!... but it just kind of stuck with me.

If you don't know some of these already, I hope you enjoy them. They are good manga, regardless of this topic.

*sigh* Another romcom manga with yuri / shoujo ai characters... 

Could you please point me to some other ones?  Evidently this is a much more common thing than I'd realized, and I'm missing out.

I suddenly like ponytails a whole lot more. Also, last few pages of chap 7 were pretty great.

okay goddess is cute alright...

i just cant bring myself to like the yuri couple

I feel you, in this case if it was just a couple of overly attached friends I wouldn't mind, but the yuri path in this particular couple doesn't feel right to me.

i just cant bring myself to like the yuri couple

For the past few chapters, my enjoyment of this manga has come from the relationship between Tsutsuji and Mitomo. My god are they a beautiful and adorable couple to watch.

don't really get this manga, at first it was a very interesting love history between a god and a human but now it's kind of boring without any further development, only with those two girls that seems a little overly attached to each other( something like shoujo Ai) and the rest of the girls that are kind of "normal" im not saying that everyone have to fall in love with him like in love hina(wooh that was and amazing manga)

it's just my opinion

*sigh* Another faux connoisseur who thinks the mere presence of two traits (regardless of whether they're good or not) are enough to make a series less enjoyable.


Or enough to just be a hater in general. What's wrong with either of those elements? Not to mention that I don't see a combination of the two anywhere near as much as, say, a harem rom com and/or a tsundere parade. Boy do we have a lot of those.


Translator note to readers with enough class not to dismiss a series with a misinformed one-liner: The next few chapters are rather awesome IMO, especially 13 and 14. We get even more development for the Goddess's personal history, though it's just a lil' bit.


It's not that I'm hating on them, but I can't I say I enjoy those elements. I can't speak for anyone else, but they detract from my enjoyment of a series. I'll look past it but I'm not going to enjoy it. If others don't have a problem with it and/or enjoy it, they should simply disregard my comment. 


The presence of those elements in the harem mangas is what actually brought this mood, and now, unfortunately, surfaces whenever I see them developing. My comment was only meant to express my personal displeasure with the developments, and not meant to deter other's from continuing their reading or insult this manga in anyway.


If someone does see as more than that, I apologize. I also apologize to you for having to take the time respond to it.

*sigh* Another romcom manga with yuri / shoujo ai characters... 


*sigh* Another faux connoisseur who thinks the mere presence of two traits (regardless of whether they're good or not) are enough to make a series less enjoyable.


Or enough to just be a hater in general. What's wrong with either of those elements? Not to mention that I don't see a combination of the two anywhere near as much as, say, a harem rom com and/or a tsundere parade. Boy do we have a lot of those.


Translator note to readers with enough class not to dismiss a series with a misinformed one-liner: The next few chapters are rather awesome IMO, especially 13 and 14. We get even more development for the Goddess's personal history, though it's just a lil' bit.

*sigh* Another romcom manga with yuri / shoujo ai characters... 

Hmm... preferred the old glasses though... they were classy, although not that original.

you have to QUIT SCHOOL to work? What the shit? he just threw his future away!


EDIT: LOL nevermind. he was just changing schools.

Mr. Puppy...

One day, dogs will take over the awesomeness, then we'll be like 'Mr. Doggy, you so cool'!


Sorta like "Mami-san, you so cool"?

Oh wait. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5Fliy0kEQ8

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