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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.66 - 182votes)


Alt Names: alt Black Butleralt El Mayordomo Negroalt 검은 집사alt 黒執事alt Kara Kahyaalt Piru Hovimestariksialt خادم سیاه
Author: Toboso Yana
Artist: Toboso Yana
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalShounen ShounenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Among the noble families of Victorian England exists Sebastian Michaelis, butler to the Phantomhives. He has unquestionably impeccable knowledge of all subjects, including etiquette, martial arts and cooking, as well as talents in every other area imaginable.

However, though Sebastian is undeniably perfect, he is forever destined to meet the needs of his 12 year old master, Ciel. Wearing a black tailcoat whilst gracefully brewing the world's strongest red tea, why is it that such a high class butler chooses never to leave the side of such a frustrating master? And what is the truth behind his perfection? The secrets of Sebastian and the tragedies of his cunning young master slowly unfold as the duo goes up against many terrible and unexpected foes.
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Why did he actually degrade into this pathetic state? I am a bit shocked by this change of character, I thought he was rather ruthless amd determined, but most of all a very proud and hard-bitten kind of guy... I'd understand if it was memory loss but he does not seem to have lost any memories... makes me sad. The werewolf arc has been much, much better than the bishounen school fanservice arc though.


one sentence and I knew this chapter gonna be godly "it's time to finally pick up pace" is the only sentence u will NEVER read in most of shounens (looking at bleach & naruto)

Yes, about time, I been waiting for this. seeing ceil in such a broken state is like a sadist delight. fufufu *cuddle Ceil it will be okay*

... next chapter: return of the prince

Why did he actually degrade into this pathetic state? I am a bit shocked by this change of character, I thought he was rather ruthless amd determined, but most of all a very proud and hard-bitten kind of guy... I'd understand if it was memory loss but he does not seem to have lost any memories... makes me sad. The werewolf arc has been much, much better than the bishounen school fanservice arc though.

two words: shock therapy

Wow. That is all.

I did not see that coming...

I look forward to the new work from Toboso Yana-san :3

Volume 19 (alternative) cover:


The Kuroshitsuji anime's third season will begin in July. This is going to adapt the arc "Noah's Ark Circus" (Volume 6-8). The arc Phantomhive Manor Murder Case (Volume 9-11) will be OVA and it's planned for this fall (in theaters).



How would they do that .... 0 - 0

Volume 19 cover:


After seeing cute defenceless Ciel fo awhile, I want the bad mouthed, twisted one back so badly...

So the werewolves are the women of the village? or are they involved with the werewolves in some sort of.... activities?

Bow chika bow wow.

That John Brown is not a normal human for sure

wait, wait, wait... did sebastian pull the snake through her panties ? 

Thank you for the translation, Black Asylum :)


Ciel was really cute in the beginning of the chapter. His turmoil and confusion makes him look his age for once. I wonder what the Queen has now ordered him to do.

On another note, it seems that I was wrong and the werewolves were female not male ...  I really like this arc, though I still don't get Master Sullivan's real role in the village. She doesn't manage the logistics in the town, her authority doesn't seem that absolute since she needs to get the villagers agreement for everything, and she seems to have to be sacrificed but for what purpose exactly ?

And, Oscar works for The Daily Mail as a sideline... He has to, with that attitude. :P It certainly isn't The Times. ;)

Well, at least the story is finally moving somewhere

So the werewolves are the women of the village? or are they involved with the werewolves in some sort of.... activities?

I love that the snakes have a reaction face @ page 22 :D

love seeing the servants so berserk :D thanks Black Asylum 

Thank you for the new chapter Black Asylum :D

I'm happy to have learned a bit more of Finny's past and its similarity with Ciel's, and contrary to the anime (at least how I remember it) Sebastian didn't purposefuly come to recruit him. 

I really think that those creatures are really the men of that village, offered as a sacrifice to protect it, a bit like Craster's sons in The Game of Thrones I guess. It's too suspicious with only women in the village and the way that the witch worded her spell.

In the end that witch doesn't know as much as I thought she would, I was kinda happy to discover that.

This scared Ciel starting to be annoying :(

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