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* * * * - (3.84 - 613votes)

Kimi no Iru Machi

Alt Names: alt A Town Where You Livealt 君のいる町
Author: Seo Kouji
Artist: Seo Kouji
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Kirishima Haruto lives in a small town in Hiroshima and is just about to enter high school when Eba Yuzuki, a mysterious girl from Tokyo suddenly decided to go to high school in the countryside and despite his objections, she moves in to his home.

Haruto must now put up and take care of this clumsy freeloading city girl and at the same time, make sure his long time crush Kanzaki Nanami doesn't get the wrong idea!

This story takes place a few years after the popular sports romance Suzuka and is based on the author, Seo Kouji’s hometown.
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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Am I being paranoid here? Coz I have this nagging feeling this manga is about to end soon...
Posted Image
I have a feeling the ending is coming REAL soon. Possibly within the next month, month and a half.
Hmm. The ending *might* come in quite a few chapters now.
If it doesn't... Fine. haha.
@defry i completely agree, i mean is it too much to ask for these two to have sex already, I'm not even asking to watch, just imply that he came saw and conquered. it didn't take yamato that long to knock up susuka and she was more difficult to handle.
The author prolongs it too long.
Plus, I'm not the type but... if you live with your girlfriend or boyfriend for a while... you'd end doing something. It's not realistic, someone add the tag of fantasy in this.
Thanks for reminding us about Kanzaki. She looks too much like Asuka and I forgot her too.

But please. No Good Ending anymore. I'm tired of that.
And sorry. My usual rant, but.. I want Asuka in the picture toooo~
If he so much as considers her, I'm gonna be so @*$&#^% annoyed. -.-
just remembered who kanzaki is when i read the comments.. -_-
@HammerU89 I'd rather have Kimi no Iru Pastel than Kimi no Iru Drama Llama >_>
Nope, this is nothing like Pastel.. Pastel might be slow with moving it's story but this is just idk what to call this thing.
I guess so. I think this situation would lead to another conflict between the 2 main characters. It's so predictable that it hurts.
This is so confusing! There are women everywhere in this series, like mice, popping in and out of the picture!
Rage incoming next week, everyone brace yourselves.
Kanzaki. It's been forever since she made a significant appearance. Somehow, she's still my favorite girl. I reall want her back in all the drama around Haruto. Remember, she used to be Haruto's crush.
wow i remember reading this manga until the part where it showed the readers that eba broke up with the main guy because of something stupid...after that i stopped reading it and thought it would just be like suzuka. but no, it is worse than suzuka (im not saying suzuka was bad after all i read it till the end). im even wishing the author would continue suzuka rather than prolong the inevitable ending...
Kanzaki... Kanzaki... Can't remember her. Better do a quick search.
Yeah this is getting too much like Pastel. Some actual development would be nice.
Woop woop you saw my panties. T_T seriously
@TheRater. Pastel, you could read one volume and skip the next three and you wouldn't miss much.
kimi no iru pastel? the pastel in which you reside / exist in? i think i am missing something -.-
Wouldn't it be natural not to mention certain things? The ending could have been better.
It's turned into Kimi no Iru Pastel now. That's not necessarily a bad thing if we keep getting such delicious fan service.
Reaction to page 10
... Yes, yes i would.
dat panties
Chapter 171 is a straight illustration of why I'm a fan of hentai mangas. In these, it happens.
1. Guy in small room with 2 cute and drunk females, AND NOTHING HAPPENS??? Damn.,.

2. That is what a wicked witch should look like.

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