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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.72 - 248votes)

Senryuu Shoujo

Alt Names: alt 川柳少女alt Poetry Girlalt Senryu Girl
Author: Igarashi Masakuni
Artist: Igarashi Masakuni
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Yukishiro Nanako is a cute, cheerful high school girl with one peculiar trait – instead of verbal communication, she writes senryu (a type of haiku) poems to relay her thoughts. Together with ex-delinquent Busujima Eiji, they are budding freshmen of the school’s Literature Club.

Even though Nanako doesn’t talk, with the power of senryu, the adorable pair has no problem enjoying their fun school-life through the tune of 5-7-5 syllables.
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Will they, will they not

the rom-com pulls my heartstrings


Why are we still here?

If my waifu isn't here?

Answer to me, God.

Pfft, This is the best.

I am liking this a lot.

Too much damn cuteness.

Seeking for respite,
He wanted to cool his mouth,
But had his heart warmed.

Delinquent pulls flag

It is too early for him

He has much to learn

So extremely cute
Very adorable
Would this be cheating?


Your syllable count

Is off by one, I'm afraid

Try better next time!

So extremely cute
Very adorable
Would this be cheating?

I can die without regrets now. 



Every time you smile

I can feel it increasing

My sugar level.

Main girl tries to feed

The boy she likes some ice cream

Just to get a kiss

Spicy food is good
As long as it doesn't burn
But it always does...
Eiji needs to step up his game
Nanako is cute Where can I find girls like her And some insulin.

You counted wrongly
Seven has two syllables
He did it just right

Seems like I screwed up...
How could I let this happen?
Now I Sudoku.

Oh, I just realized that Nanako was "throwing a fit" like she did as a child with exactly the same haiku. Ei-kun is double baka for not only missing the signal but also completely forgetting the story.


Let me try again

Adjust this old post to make

a proper haiku


Ei-kun you baka!

You forgot her cute story

You missed her signal

Wait, something’s not right! You just pulled a 5-6-5... Unforgivable...


You counted wrongly

Seven has two syllables

He did it just right

A comments section
Always in 5-7-5
Brings us all great joy

Wait, something’s not right!
You just pulled a 5-6-5...

Half of the fun here

Is figuring out a way

To comment like this

A comments section

Always in 5-7-5

Brings us all great joy

It is amazing

How this series keeps getting

More and more awesome

I stumbled upon,

a manga called Senryu Girl.

I read and followed.

- Aoitenshi

I'm extremely impressed the translation team tried to keep the syllable count as well. That sounds like it'd be a huge pain.

The comment section is off the fucking chain!


Haaa I just stumbled into this and I love it! Totally adorbs...

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