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Sachiiro no one room

Alt Names: alt 幸色のワンルームalt 幸色的一居室alt 행복한 색의 원룸alt Sachi-iro no One Room
Author: Hakuri
Artist: Hakuri
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: From AOC Translations: One day, a girl was kidnapped. However, that girl started to desire a life living with her captor and swore that she will marry him. In return, her captor provides her with happiness that she had always longed for. How could a story between a girl and her captor be so heart warming?

Original comic: https://comic.pixiv.net/works/3174
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Can this actually be called kidnapping?  Certainly he apparently intended to kidnap her, announced that he was going to kidnap her, so I guess he's guilty of attempting to kidnap her.  And that certainly leaves this unsettling question of what was in his head at the time.  But she agreed to go with him, so he never actually took her captive; if anything he's more aiding and abetting a minor in running away from her legal guardians (and in this case, like, good for him).

I bet she's going to take the knife and try to kill that guy in the video.


Really!?  Who would've guessed?  I thought she was planning to break the PC monitor so she wouldn't have to see the video anymore!

I do appreciate this idea that the general public should just fuck off in the area of understanding the feelings of people that they have no clue about. That part actually got me pretty steamed up. This mini-plot with the fake kidnapper seems kinda dumb though.


Cuz the important conflict in the story is supposed to be the public common ideas of justice and normality vs our main characters' dreams. But if you add this weirdo who doesn't fit into the 'normal' group of people, then that conflict falls apart. There may be a way to work with this, but I think there were better avenues to take.


Although I still personally advocate that this should be something like Three Days of Happiness that was super short, super concise, and a real gut punch at the end. Meaning I hope this concludes in about 5 more chapters. But I know full well that this won't end that way.


Oh well, this is still better than most of anything coming out right now. So hush my mouth I guess.

ok, ch 8 gives a strong sign.... i still hope sachi wasn't raped by that guy, though it's already stated she's sexually abused before >.<

This story has an interesting way of both being eerie and cute at the same time. As for the Stockholm syndrome that people have mentioned, not that I'm an expert, but I don't really think this is an example of that. When I think of Stockholm I think of more an individual who over a period of time, under a highly emotionally agitating situation and the manipulation of someone else, comes to have a "bond/sympathy" for that person as a coping or survival mechanism. However with Sachi it's a bit different in that she liked him from the moment they met, not under coercion, as she sees him initially as an escape from an already terrible situation and later as the first person to show kindness to her. She wasn't put in a situation where she felt she had to bond with him to survive, more almost the opposite where she feels she has survived because she's with him. Not to say this is a normal situation, the story points that out itself, but imho it just doesn't fit Stockholm syndrome. 

I bet she's going to take the knife and try to kill that guy in the video

I like this one 100000x more than Happy Sugar Life.

I wonder if the reason he doesn't take off the mask is actually because he has some sort of scar or injury or something. It would be very painful, for you.

>doesn't know how to crack an egg
>knows what the internet is, as well as Twitter and Instagram

I was born in the wrong generation.

Just going to say this, many kids try to kill themselves for stupid reasons, but pretty much all of them totally expect their feeble attempts to fail and garner attention instead. This girl was seriously trying to die and that resolution can't be taken with a normal mindset. That girl is broken.

While I don't doubt that people attempting suicide purely for attention exist, the documentation doesn't back it up as a significant group. It would be more accurate to say that women in general make more suicide attempts and fail way more often because of the methods they choose while men are more likely to actually get the job done via lethal methods. but less likely to make an attempt.



I've always frankly had doubts about Stockholm syndrome. 


It has a reported 8% occurrence rate with kidnap victims according to FBI record keeping. In addition, it doesn't even sound like you're familiar with the case that gave it the formal name. When victims who had been held hostage in a bank were tortured for 6 days. With on of the victims becoming close friends with one of the captors.


I was wondering where the drama (which I will never love) to push the story forward was.

Except not really. She has suffered mistreatment in the hands of her own parents, which were supposedly the ones who should love and nurture her in the first place.

I've always frankly had doubts about Stockholm syndrome. 


I'm afraid the next chapter would be someone uploaded the picture of XXX-san doing xxx with the uploader or something along that.... please no.......

Somebody doesn't understand what Stolkholm syndrome is.

Except not really. She has suffered mistreatment in the hands of her own parents, which were supposedly the ones who should love and nurture her in the first place. That obviously is going to make her awkward at best and a total nutcase at worst, which made her the perfect bullying target. The poor girl has known nothing but hardship her entire life. It' not really a stretch that she fell for the first human being who didn't treat her like a punching bag. Also it seems the kidnapper is the first decent person she has met, which says a lot about her upbringing.

Just going to say this, many kids try to kill themselves for stupid reasons, but pretty much all of them totally expect their feeble attempts to fail and garner attention instead. This girl was seriously trying to die and that resolution can't be taken with a normal mindset. That girl is broken.

I'm pretty sure it's not about the abuse nor the stockholm syndrome.  It's the fact that the kidnapper and victim were practically made for each other.  Serendipity is a thing, but this seems to be a whole new level of that, and at some point people will say it's a little absurd.


Shit happens, but I don't think it's wrong in saying this is very unlikely.  Doesn't mean it can't be realistically handled despite all.  Also doesn't mean that it can't be enjoyed even if it's unrealistic.


You mean aside from the absurdly unlikely premise...

Somebody doesn't understand what Stolkholm syndrome is.

You mean aside from the absurdly unlikely premise...

What's so unlikely about it? Child abuse, pedophilia and Stockholm syndrome all exist. Go to any news website and there's an article about a mistreated adolescent/teenager killing themselves every week.

And hell, wasn't there a big stink on the news about a mentally ill teenager running off with her soccer coach a few weeks ago? I've only read the 1st chapter so far, but as far as I can tell, the premise for this isn't all that absurd

Hmmm, I disagree. I feel like this manga has great potential especially considering that it is handled pretty realistically.

You mean aside from the absurdly unlikely premise...

This would be an okay place for a tragic Romeo and Juliet ending. I'd be fine with that. I dontvthink there is too much more to be explored with these ideas and it would only hurt the story to drag on too far.


Hmmm, I disagree. I feel like this manga has great potential especially considering that it is handled pretty realistically. I'd say that if the author wants to follow the " they emotionally heal in 2 chapters and the rest is just fluffy romance" route, then 10 more chapters would be fine. However that won't live up to the potential it has. After all if the characters' emotions are handled realistically, I'd say it would take solid 30 chapters for Sachi to emotionally heal considering the fact that she was abused for 14 years. As for the guy, we don't know anything about him, his backstory is important too. Then there is a huge conflict that prevents them to live  "happily ever after" and that is the police. By law, the guy would be given a sentence if found out. Her parents are a problem too. In my opinion this story could either be seriously popular if it lives up to its potential or it could be just another romance manga. (notsayingthatIdon'twantromanceinthis)

"Am I allowed to be happy?"


"I see, okay... PSYCH!"

Is the axe already falling?


This is depressingly realistic, by the way.  Cannot count the number of people I've met with trauma in their backgrounds who literally have asked "am I allowed to be happy?"

Hmm, it's actually nice :) Even though I haven't really read all of the released chapters yet I have a totally great feeling about it. Finding something positive in their own negativities (at least it doesn't seem like your run-of-the-mill shoujo manga)

this manga feel like something that will end tragically at vol 1 but the cover of vol 3 told us that she survived 3 volume


i think it's time to realize that uploading cover that is above current scanlation can be considered spoiler


not that i mind any kind of spoiler though, just reminding

If the cover itself doesn't contain any sort of spoiler I don't think it matters too much. Sure, we have plenty of readers here that might not know how many volumes it goes on for, and who might expect the possibility of it ending in volume one, but that's pushing it a little far. It's not like the author only releases just the first volume and gives you instructions for ordering the following volumes at the end, so there's no reason for us to take extra caution to avoid telling people that it doesn't end yet.

Heck, look at that cover right now. You just see her face sticking out from the curtains, as far as you know she could be leaning forward in a wheelchair. Maybe the tragedy is doubly effective when people think it's all gonna be fine!


I'd like to preemptively apologize just in case I did actually nail it right there, I swear I'm just speculating. 

this manga feel like something that will end tragically at vol 1 but the cover of vol 3 told us that she survived 3 volume


i think it's time to realize that uploading cover that is above current scanlation can be considered spoiler


not that i mind any kind of spoiler though, just reminding

Eh, there are some series that have spoilers on their covers. For example, Otome Sensou freaking spoils a major thing happening several volumes from current scanalation, despite anyone's intentions - but it was removed and only the most recent cover is on the main page. Some of the finished series also have spoilers on their covers, but I won't name them to avoid... well, spoiling.


This? Not really a spoiler. I mean, if you went into a bookstore and saw this on shelf (I either didn't see or couldn't find it when I was in Osaka), you'd see 3 volumes minimum anyway. Hell, I think we're not even past volume 1 yet, so obviously it won't end on her dying this chapter.

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