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The Wrong Way to use Healing Magic

Alt Names: alt Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata: Senjou wo Kakeru Kaifuku Youinalt 治癒魔法の間違った使い方 ~戦場を駆ける回復要員~
Author: Kurokata
Artist: Kugayama Reki
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasySeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ※ Stormy rainy day, especially for a high school student with no special talent like, Usato Ken. He was summoned to another world by being with two talented students a third year girl, Inukami Suzune and a second year boy, Ryuusen Kazuki. Yet he thought that it would be useless and useless to feel inferior to not possess any special ability .. after a test, Usato Ken. Got some magical talent that took him to a hell called "training" and from here begins this story of comedy in a different world.

Raw: http://www.rawdevart.com/2017/08/chiyu-mahou-no-machigatta-tsukaikata.html
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This shouldn't be a spoiler but ... that bear cub a few are whining about him wanting justice for is right there on the cover image.  He's clearly going to be a beast tamer.  That rabbit is probably some special fairy beast - it's clearly intelligent at least.


As for the snake - it's a giant fantasy monster.  It could easily be acting out of pure malice and nothing else.

so the snake just felt like killing some bears for no reason? if it was for food then it would have eaten them yet they're just laying there in their nest where they were yesterday.

do we really need to build up an "evil* animal out in the forest? personally thought it would be far more interesting for a eat or be eaten story where the MC is forced to grow as a character...

keep in mind that this very incident happens all throughout the animal kingdom. animals kill many enemies and predators, doesn't mean they then eat them too.

Spoiler warning (1st and 2nd chapter).


so the snake just felt like killing some bears for no reason? if it was for food then it would have eaten them yet they're just laying there in their nest where they were yesterday.

do we really need to build up an "evil* animal out in the forest? personally thought it would be far more interesting for a eat or be eaten story where the MC is forced to grow as a character...

the snake is  invading territory. aka stealing territory. killing the head is the best way to do it. reasons could be his old hunting ground was getting small for his size. he could have been chased out(not likely because of how big it is) or his hunting ground was getting dry on sources.

Is he going to get a tamer subclass? That's be convenient for him, somewhat. More work for him, but his pets wouldn't die as easily (which is a concern I'm surprised not many animal tamer class type in fantasy stuff aren't more worried about)

so the snake just felt like killing some bears for no reason? if it was for food then it would have eaten them yet they're just laying there in their nest where they were yesterday.

do we really need to build up an "evil* animal out in the forest? personally thought it would be far more interesting for a eat or be eaten story where the MC is forced to grow as a character...

Suspension of disbelief is one thing, but a fantasy world needs to be consistent within itself.

Thus far, it hasn't been inconsistent with itself: there's nothing established about this world that suggests monsters should act like real-world creatures. It's only been inconsistent with the real world.

This snake attack only has "mistakes" if we assume it works like snakes we know. Since this is a fantasy world, it's entirely logical that the snake slid up, raked its fangs over them until they bled to death, and left their bodies because it was only doing this for sport.

Would a real animal do that? No, of course not. But it's not a real animal, it's a monster.

Right, is he going to go shoot lions next to avenge gazelles? Or kill frogs to get revenge for the flies?

Harambe and Cecil must be avenged!


Maybe because it's a ----> FANTASY <---- manga?

Being a work of fiction is no excuse for making those mistakes. Even if we say that the snake killed them because of territorial reasons, which could explain why it did not eat them, the wounds shown are just stupid. My first thought seeing the torn-up bears was "that couldn't have been done by a snake". Suspension of disbelief is one thing, but a fantasy world needs to be consistent within itself.

Right, is he going to go shoot lions next to avenge gazelles? Or kill frogs to get revenge for the flies?

A Couple differences here. 1) He's looking at the cubs that are now parentless after he just saw them playing. 2) The Snake didn't kill the bears because it was hungry. Note that none of the bears were eaten. Just killed.

Maybe because it's a ----> FANTASY <---- manga?



Why didn't the snake eat the bears...? Most animals don't just randomly maul each other like that.


Besides, how did the snake even tear them up like that? Snakes bite (puncture wounds) or constrict (crushed/mangled), they don't really... scratch like that... I literally did not link it to the snake until he said that.

Maybe because it's a ----> FANTASY <---- manga?

Fight or Flight responses do a serious number on our thought processes. You just don't think the usual way in such conditions without extreme amounts of acclimatization. This is compounded by not knowing anything about an individual entity initially; a dehumanized subject receives little to no compassion in comparison to something you've known for even a little while.


In fact there's an entire industry nowadays dedicated entirely to setting off these fear-responses as regularly as possible, as its effects against rational thought and the resulting scrutiny have been proven quite the game-changer.

Right, is he going to go shoot lions next to avenge gazelles? Or kill frogs to get revenge for the flies?

It's still only half the reason he wants to hunt the killstealing snake (Rose told him to hunt the bear, and he failed to complete the mission by his own power).

Why didn't the snake eat the bears...? Most animals don't just randomly maul each other like that.


Besides, how did the snake even tear them up like that? Snakes bite (puncture wounds) or constrict (crushed/mangled), they don't really... scratch like that... I literally did not link it to the snake until he said that.

The heck is this MC saying? The bears earlier attacked him and now he wants to avenge them? Why? Out of all the places to get a justice boner, he decided that it had to be right then? I don't understand the way this MC thinks. He was trying to do the very same thing to the bears earlier too.

Right, is he going to go shoot lions next to avenge gazelles? Or kill frogs to get revenge for the flies?

You say that like someone isn't going to feel compassion or sympathy over a child crying over its dead parent after watching them and knowing who/what the culprit is.

Right, is he going to go shoot lions next to avenge gazelles? Or kill frogs to get revenge for the flies?

the healing part reminds me of another isekai with healing as magic...

this manga brings different flavor to recent isekai manga that is not silly...

Very good concept, was skeptical because of the "isekai flood", but this one is actually quite decent.

He wants to be useful to his 2 friends, so what's wrong about it? Not everyone is a neet.

He knows them for at least, half a day, if not less. They hardly qualify as "friends", and the motivation to literally serve them was never presented, or justified. It was just there. We are just lead to assume that he is the type to only gain confidence, if he is insanely dependent on someone else without the capacity to make decisions for himself. That's what the guy is complaining about, that the healing-guy lacks self-agency to an underwhelming degree.

I personally didn't really care about why the healing-guy is so steadfast about helping out total strangers for absolutely no reason, I found the manga to be the type to be lulzy for like 10 chapters, and probably afterwards it'd turn into a boring pile of shit. But I somehow feel like, with how consistent isekai translation groups are, that we'd never actually get there...

It's not about running away, but the freedom of choice being taken away from him, and him not even trying to protest. I think he's more of a "pussy-ass bitch" for not questioning why he has to go through what's basically torture, for people and a place that has no relation to him. It is not HIS problem, nor does he owe anyone anything.


I'd be fine if they at least delved into it a bit, like the MC deciding on his own to go through the harsh training, and not, like he himself mentioned, him being brainwashed into doing their bidding.


But that's just my preference. I also think it's cool that he got himself ripped through this process, I just wish it was his CHOICE to go through it, and not him being bullied into it.

He wants to be useful to his 2 friends, so what's wrong about it? Not everyone is a neet.

Judging by the pacing, I'm guessing we'll get to see Usato's future pet by the end of the next chapter. 

"The MC didn't run away like a pussy-ass bitch and instead stuck around and got fucking swole, I prefer MCs who run away from their problems and cry about it."


Yeah, go back to watching Reeeee:Zero.  My boy Usato is going to get jacked as FUCK and there's nothing you can do about it.

It's not about running away, but the freedom of choice being taken away from him, and him not even trying to protest. I think he's more of a "pussy-ass bitch" for not questioning why he has to go through what's basically torture, for people and a place that has no relation to him. It is not HIS problem, nor does he owe anyone anything.


I'd be fine if they at least delved into it a bit, like the MC deciding on his own to go through the harsh training, and not, like he himself mentioned, him being brainwashed into doing their bidding.


But that's just my preference. I also think it's cool that he got himself ripped through this process, I just wish it was his CHOICE to go through it, and not him being bullied into it.

Quote: "Isekai is like a drug addiction, even though you know that drugs are bad for you, you'll still take them". - Random dude in an isekai manga comment section


i don't wanna curb stomp the whole cast, which is good enough for an isekai manga in my book.

Agreed. And oh god those sparkly eyes were brilliant! XD

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