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* * * * * (4.68 - 189votes)

Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san

Alt Names: alt からかい上手の(元)高木さんalt Si Master Jahil (mantan) Takagi-sanalt Teasing Master (née) Takagi-san
Author: Inaba Mifumi
Artist: Inaba Mifumi
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A spin-off of Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san! The (former) Takagi-san and her daughter, Chi-chan, bring you this teasing home comedy!
Is Dad going to make an appearance too...?

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  • 3 Replies


It gives off the whole doujin NTR vibe though.the 'nishikita' is always on a business trip like feel

you got that right there. i felt the same

Damn... even their daughter is getting teased.


Troll mom best mom.

It gives off the whole doujin NTR vibe though.the 'nishikita' is always on a business trip like feel

are you fcking kidding me




This is one mother that isn't getting fooled. She knows all the tricks because she wrote the whole wiki on the subject.

It gives off the whole doujin NTR vibe though.the 'nishikita' is always on a business trip like feel
Troll mom is op

Hn, this surprised me. The second chapter was quite a bit different in pace and execution than the draft I saw on the author's pixiv entry. It's a shame, too, since that draft was a bit sharper in it's execution, I feel.

Thanks for the chapter though!

I wonder how "he" is still being teased...



There was already confirmation in the original


I find astounding the number of people that have read this and missed that last detail.

It's the punchline to the whole thing.

Where's the NTR tag? :^)

This is Batoto, not a porn site.

(I know you were joking, but don't joke with that.)

I feel like after Nishikata started doing the teasing in the bedroom, Takagi looks to her daughter as a new outlet.

even with a different author at least we got a confirmation


There was already confirmation in the original

even with a different author at least we got a confirmation 



I presume the author of these spin-offs have to communicate with the original series' author either directly or trough their editors even from the story planning phase to get a clearance to get a go with it, If the original author feels something is off he probably will pitch in some revisions. So no, they can't just make a wildly random plot disregarding the original series.

Yep. Basically every official Touhou manga in practice. No matter what the illustrator wants, the original creator (Zun) dictates what is okay.

So from what I gathered, this is an official spin-off of our beloved non-progressing karakai Jouzu no Takagi series. I just want to know if how much control the different author has with respect to the story. How much is filtered to fit in with the original to make it "canonical". Coz I mean if this is free for interpretation, the author could literally write an entire NTR chapter and destroy the story all the while remaining "canon" to an extent.

I presume the author of these spin-offs have to communicate with the original series' author either directly or trough their editors even from the story planning phase to get a clearance to get a go with it, If the original author feels something is off he probably will pitch in some revisions. So no, they can't just make a wildly random plot disregarding the original series.

So from what I gathered, this is an official spin-off of our beloved non-progressing karakai Jouzu no Takagi series. I just want to know if how much control the different author has with respect to the story. How much is filtered to fit in with the original to make it "canonical". Coz I mean if this is free for interpretation, the author could literally write an entire NTR chapter and destroy the story all the while remaining "canon" to an extent.

I don't know. That it's not the same author is a bit of a problem for me. Not really a fan of non-canon doujinshi, or is this considered canon? Seems to be serialized.

Doujinshi by definition are self-published, however this is published by Shogakukan through their Manga One reader phone app so yes it's an official tie-in.  The other contest winning series is running in Gessan with Takagi.

that expression, she is nishikata's daughter alright

Where's the NTR tag? :^)

I don't know. That it's not same author is a bit of a problem for me. Not really a fan of non-canon doujinshi, or is this considered canon? Seems to be serialized.

Formally authorized gaiden, most likely the story will be under supervision from the actual author with some flexibility to expand the series. But well it's certainly having a different flavor.

100% of those who followed the main manga will automatically, quickly, without hesitation, follow this spin-off


I don't know. That it's not the same author is a bit of a problem for me. Not really a fan of non-canon doujinshi, or is this considered canon? Seems to be serialized.

10 bucks the Former Mc hasn't realized that she tricked him into marrying her yet.


HA!!! JOKE'S ON HER!!! He tricked her into marrying him.

Oh man, I can't tell if you're joking or not.

He's pretty often posting troll comments, so yeah don't take him seriously.

It's a different author?

So that's why the misandry's gone

to be fair, Takagi-san isn't as bad as the Vampire girl when it comes to (literal not teasing) abusing men and retardedly annoying female characters

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