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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.56 - 97votes)

Kuzu to Megane to Bungaku Shoujo (Nise)

Alt Names: alt クズとメガネと文学少女(偽)alt Scum and Glasses and Literature Girl (Fake)
Author: Tanigawa Nico
Artist: Tanigawa Nico
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedySchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: "Murakami Haruki? I know--it's actually Kadokawa Haruki." This is the story of some glasses guy and a piece of human trash who falls for a (fake) literature girl who has nothing going for her aside from her face.

RAW: http://sai-zen-sen.jp/comics/twi4/bungakushoujo
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I like that the glasses dude has more screentime but at the sane time I don't want him to win the girl because she's a fraud. A cute fraud but el stupido.

>"This is the love story of some glasses guy and a piece of human trash who falls for a (fake) literature girl"

>Main clause: "This is the story of some glasses guy and a piece of human trash"

>Relative clause: "who falls for a (fake) literature girl"

>Subject: "(love) story of some glasses guy and a piece of human trash"


It's shounen ai, dumbasses. 

Double chapter today for the end of the month! See you all again in August~

I like that the glasses dude has more screentime but at the sane time I don't want him to win the girl because she's a fraud. A cute fraud but el stupido.

"Keep those delinquents company in the restroom"


Did the misunderstanding got worse somehow?



Well d**n; a straight man givin' up the booty to some thugs in the bathroom to save his future ex-girlfriend. That's pretty impressive right there....

I have no words.


Not cool bruh...

When you tryna rescue your crush but your friend decided to drop some heavy shit on you


Oof. That's a nice bit of painfully dark humor.

So sorry for this chapter >.< Rhymes are hard to translate so the English might not perfectly line up, but it's the best I could do without putting in 4 translation notes. I hope it was still funny though ^ ^

Is this a Jojos reference?


Not necessarily, since Japanese has a kind of normalized usage of the term "oraora"--it's just that we know it because of Jojo's. But there's really no good translation for it and I figured people reading this series would be weeb enough to understand it lmfao. I might go back and change it at some point, but I'm not sure.

Just in case you didn't realize, those fonts are made by people, and those creators have the right to sell their creations. It's true that a lot of them are free but there's also people who live by selling them. I get that it's pretty easy to get a pirated copy of something but brazenly stated to buy legal copy is stupid seems rather rude.

No one said it's stupid. People can do whatever they want with their money.

Is this a Jojos reference?

People spending money to get fonts nowadays? Oh, I understand now. Leave me your contacts and I'll send you them for free.

Just in case you didn't realize, those fonts are made by people, and those creators have the right to sell their creations. It's true that a lot of them are free but there's also people who live by selling them. I get that it's pretty easy to get a pirated copy of something but brazenly stated to buy legal copy is stupid seems rather rude.

Quick note for anyone who doesn't see the updated chapter:



It's basically the same but because it plays into the next chapter I figured I should go back and change it. I originally left it out because I didn't think it mattered and was trying to save on text space so it didn't look so cramped, but oh well.

People spending money to get fonts nowadays? Oh, I understand now. Leave me your contacts and I'll send you them for free.

>Action Man

Pls no.
Use Samaritan or SamaritanTall instead.


Unfortunately spending $50-$150 on a font is a bit much for me ^^;

>Action Man

Pls no.
Use Samaritan or SamaritanTall instead.

Action Man?


Anime Inept?

000 Insomniac Comic Dialogue?

Wild Words?


Hangover Monday?


Thank you so much, I'll go through these (:

The more I use the A.C.M.E. font, the more I dislike it...does anyone have any good manga fonts they think would make a good replacement for it? I've searched but haven't found much :/


Font in question:



Action Man?


Anime Inept?

000 Insomniac Comic Dialogue?

Wild Words?


Hangover Monday?

anime ace?


Yeah, that's the font I normally use for all the dialogue, etc. But there's a bit of a shakier font within the raws that I didn't want to just use the same font for, so I used A.C.M.E. instead. But I don't think it quite fits my purposes.




goes to Anime Ace




goes to A.C.M.E. (but I don't think it fits)

anime ace?

The more I use the A.C.M.E. font, the more I dislike it...does anyone have any good manga fonts they think would make a good replacement for it? I've searched but haven't found much :/


Font in question:



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