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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.7 - 222votes)

Piano no Mori

Alt Names: alt วัยกระเตาะ ตึ่งตึงตึ๊งalt ピアノの森 - The perfect world of KAIalt 琴絃森林alt 피아노의 숲alt Piano Forestalt Piano no Mori: The Perfect World of Kaialt Piyano Ormanı: Kai'nun Mükemmel Dünyasıalt 森林中的钢琴师
Author: Isshiki Makoto
Artist: Isshiki Makoto
Genres: Award Winning Award WinningComedy ComedyDrama DramaMusic MusicSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A tranquil tale about two boys from very different upbringings. On one hand you have Kai, born as the son of a prostitute, who's been playing the abandoned piano in the forest near his home ever since he was young. And on the other you have Syuhei, practically breast-fed by the piano as the son of a family of prestigious pianists. Yet it is their common bond with the piano that eventually intertwines their paths in life.

Piano no Mori won a Grand Prize from 2008 [12th] Japan Media Arts Festival.
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Aww come on, don't cut me off here, I love these situations! I want to take a big bite out of them, not nibble!

ohh i like Mori's reaction... hehehehe


you're talking to the black horse.. men!... XD

*sigh* I just hope that tabloid reporter won't find out about Kai's upbringing. I mean, she's already going to be all over him when she sees him ("OMG, a bishounen! Let's take lots of pictures!") and she's probably going to shower him with attention, but if she finds out he come from the edge of the forest she won't even think of how it might harm his image in the music world because all she's going to be thinking is 'SCOOP!'


unless she likes him enough personally not to reveal that but I don't know...

Ok, so that better have been just nerves


Wait, hold on, what, don't write something that laden destiny and just not... what


In other news, chinese kid, stroppy as hell or merely focused?


Hmm... agreed on the part that the European audience wouldn't be that affected.

Then again, it must have inconvenienced Sophie (what to do with that strap, and she have to be careful too, so the other strap doesn't fall off either) and thrown her off-pace "because it's the first time that something like this happened".

I think that she was majorly upset because of that reporter though. It was an accident, not something planned just so that she could get attention. Having someone misunderstand your intentions can hurt. (i think it was mentioned somewhere too that she was "young"... but i'm not too sure...)


Exactly. There were more reasonable reasons for the reactions than those that were presented and I wish the mangaka had used them.


That whole angle with the reporter though, that's going in a good (and I mean good in the 'I kind of want to slit her throat' kind of way) direction. She's being played up perfectly to be a shallow, manipulative and crass little so and so, I don't know when she's going to throw the poo on the fan but you can tell it's definitely coming.

Wow, reminds me of my own dad when I was younger. 


Now you know why they say that Asians can do things better than you.


Hmm... agreed on the part that the European audience wouldn't be that affected.

Then again, it must have inconvenienced Sophie (what to do with that strap, and she have to be careful too, so the other strap doesn't fall off either) and thrown her off-pace "because it's the first time that something like this happened".

I think that she was majorly upset because of that reporter though. It was an accident, not something planned just so that she could get attention. Having someone misunderstand your intentions can hurt. (i think it was mentioned somewhere too that she was "young"... but i'm not too sure...)

Um, no.  Anyone would be affected by something like that, but she was able to continue despite the humiliation of wardrobe malfunction on top of the pressure of the competition. 

This is also a very prestigious competition.  The fact that it even happened, especially for the very first performance is a shock in itself for anyone, including the audience.

And it's not like models don't have any pride.  


Uhm, no. Everyone does not have the same standards as you do and yes models have pride. However pride =/= an inflated sense of modesty.

How much do you know about modeling? My guess is not much. Try reading this article but I'll quote you a relevant section because it's long:


"A makeup artist hands her a cloth to remove her makeup while she waits for a seat at the bar. Eventually, her face is transformed into a pale, white-lined canvas best summed up as extraterrestrial. There's no private changing area here, so she quickly strips and changes into a black top and pants with its calves cut out."


Models are often forced to wear items that aren't even street legal, dresses that haven't been lined so they're breasts are out and unsupported, as well as the usual lingerie shoot in which they're often only given bottoms and artfully arranged hair to cover their chests. They're also often manhandled as designers stitch them in to their couture outfits and make other adjustments on the fly, or posed like a doll by photographers. They get sent to various locations, often don't get the luxury of a changing area and when they do, they tend to have to share it with a lot of people. Modeling is a tough business (relatively famed for trampling all over laws and common decency) so if they complain too much (and aren't Naomi Cambell aka world frelling famous) they'll simply be dropped from shoots and the work given to some far less 'squeamish' girl.


So you want me to believe a model was that upset with just her bra strap showing, dimly to a group of people who are a good deal further away from hers than any photographer has ever been during a lingerie shoot in which she would be wearing far less? Nope - I don't buy it. Had she not been wearing a bra at all, that'd be a bit more believable and I'd still expect a lot more decorum on her part if not her brothers or the audience - but just a bra strap? No.

Meh. As if a French model would give two pence if her bra showed for a minute or two. Those ladies spend a lot of time clad in far less and the French are notoriously easy going with all things sexy. Nor would a European audience be particularly shocked or fascinated by the slight appearance of a bra during a performance, how she handled the mishap would be on their minds not the fact that "her bra is still clearly visible."


I understand that they're trying to give her intro some impact and earn her some sympathy but meh on the whole dilemma except in the heads of the few Japanese watching,, for everyone else (except the tabloid reporter, that bit was spot on) it should have been a non issue.

Um, no.  Anyone would be affected by something like that, but she was able to continue despite the humiliation of wardrobe malfunction on top of the pressure of the competition. 

This is also a very prestigious competition.  The fact that it even happened, especially for the very first performance is a shock in itself for anyone, including the audience.

And it's not like models don't have any pride.  

So we've found the copy cat character, huh

somehow i sense a onesided rivalry triangle thing going on: Wei Pang is chasing after Shuhei, Shuhei is after Kai and Kai...

Meh. As if a French model would give two pence if her bra showed for a minute or two. Those ladies spend a lot of time clad in far less and the French are notoriously easy going with all things sexy. Nor would a European audience be particularly shocked or fascinated by the slight appearance of a bra during a performance, how she handled the mishap would be on their minds not the fact that "her bra is still clearly visible."


I understand that they're trying to give her intro some impact and earn her some sympathy but meh on the whole dilemma except in the heads of the few Japanese watching,, for everyone else (except the tabloid reporter, that bit was spot on) it should have been a non issue.

Shouldn't it be "Sophie" instead of "Sopie"?
1 night, just 4 hours and I read 112 chapters
Ouch, she really shouldn't have worn that dress, huh...
Bet you anything he's plotting to fix Ajino Senei's hands.
I bet it's all for sensei.
Is it me, or are these chapters mighty short?
Oh nooo!! Kai!!! ><
Amamiya's new hairstyle looks better than the last. :D
@EterGrobie - Normally, I'd agree with you, but here's the caveat: Shuuhei never openly proclaimed Kai as such and established that kind of relationship with him to the point where this is made clear to Kai. A true rivalry can not exist without the acklowledgement of its existance from both concerned parties. Without that, you just have a tangled mess of a relationship. In the perspective of Kai, who has yet to discover Shuuhei's one-sided rivalry, his best friend is giving him the cold shoulder for no apparent reason.

Or if he did announce it to Kai (the long delays this series had while under KEFI's care made me forget specific details), Shuuhei had never turned it from a friendly rivalry to an unfriendly one.
amamiya went full douche with kai
Shuuhei is so emo.

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