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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.63 - 195votes)


Alt Names: alt バーテンダー
Author: Joh Araki
Artist: Nagatomo Kenji
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story of the Sasakura Ryu and Eden Hall, a small cocktail bar in the Chiba area of Tokyo, where troubled customers come for the "glass of the gods," which with Ryu's assistance helps them to resolve their often highly emotional problems.

The above is the synopsis of the anime. In the manga, Ryu starts out working in a bar called Lapin.
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lol the grandpa was sly

Today's cocktail sounds nice. I'll have to try it sometime.

When I grow old, I want to be as cool as that grandpa.

Thanks for the chapter Cityshrimp!

Love this latest chapter. Thanks a lot, Cityshrimp!

People, seen this?


Japan beats Scotland to win world’s best whiskey title



That's just wrong.  

(It also strikes me as a somewhat exaggerated title; the reality seems more like "Dude who likes drinking whisky, like, a lot, and talks about it, really likes this Japanese one.  Other dudes who like drinking whisky may have different opinions".  I mean, it's just this one guy writing a book doing rankings, who has managed to become famous.  It's not like it took a prize in a blind taste test with multiple judges even.)

Them faces when the monk makes a joke

People, seen this?


Japan beats Scotland to win world’s best whiskey title



Hmmmm, there must be something special to that bottle of sherry cask Yamazaki, because I have a bottle of the standard stuff and I was throughly non-plussed.  Not bad, but certainly nothing exciting either.  I'd take a Laphroig, Lagavullin, Glenmorangie, etc any day.

People, seen this?


Japan beats Scotland to win world’s best whiskey title



That last line! I just want to change my profession into a bartender just so I can throw in that line!

*sip sip*

aaah i never grow tired of this... as far as im concerned Bartender can go on longer than Doraemon.

Honestly, Bartender is the only manga that can make something so mundane (a character entering by just opening a door) so epic...

Man, that rival young bartender is such a rude obnoxious jerk.  Our young apprentice may be a bit of a twit and a bit of a drip, but at least he's not gratuitously nasty to everyone.

Good stuff as always! Thanks CityShrimp!

That's funny how glasses work, in mangas. I'd ilke a couple of glasses like that, that look whitened, translucid but not transparent, to the eye of anyone I'm not looking straight in the eyes :D

yay! update! :)

I'm thirsty.

That's a warm cave :)

i don't like the idea of giving him an apprentice ^_^


Hrm.  The historical reference in ch 115 is . . . doubtful at best.  The battle was of course not called Don Quixote, being Scottish, but I expect he was being metaphorical.  Going by the song mentioned (and friendly google), the battle he's talking about is Bannockburn.  But near as I can make out the Scottish victory at Bannockburn was not highly unlikely, nor preceded by defeat and near despair.  They just won, 'cause they were prepared, they fought in a good location and used the terrain, they were well trained and well led.  So yeah, few spoons of salt with that one.  Cute story though.

This is actually good!

oh god, every chapter feels so short.


it's like you're taking a sip of the most delicious beer and someone keeps taking away your can.



Are we not done with this multi-chapter story yet? (I don't feel like calling it an arc)

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