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Dekisokonai no Monster Trainer

Alt Names: alt A Failure of a Monster Traineralt できそこないの魔獣錬磨師alt 没路用的魔兽炼磨师
Author: Minami Takumi
Artist: Yui
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In a world where everyone has a monster crest from birth, a select few rise to become Monster Trainers. Reyn Erhardt, a slime trainer, the lowest of the low, cares nothing for status and just continues his daily regimen of training for his personal slime, Pem-Pem. Yet in school dominated by monsters as grand as dragons, those who cannot hope to rise to the top take out their frustrations on the lowest ones, and Reyn and Pem-Pem make for easy marks. Or do they?
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  • 3 Replies


Author/Story itself says Gods and Dragons are at the highest level. Dragon loses to slime at the weakest. Consistency? Clearly. The main character is always the strongest

No the Author has phrased it in an *Everyone Knows* fashion. *Everyone knows* that dragons and gods are the strongest.  But, the actual reality is that training is what truly matters. Just like how in "The Legend of the Sun Knight"  *everyone knows* that the Sun knight is the greatest and most forgiving being on the planet. But,the reader *knows* that he's actually the most despicable bastard in all of existence ^.^ (<3 you Grisia Sun) . The *everyone knows* premise is designed specifically because the main character is supposed to be overturning what is considered *common sense* by *everyone*.

Ubel Blatt is similar, and has a much better backstory. It also adds substance by making it so that the bad guys are highly distinguished and much loved royalty, not demons everyone hates. It is easy to kill a demon, but a king? No, that's almost nearly impossible. Even with swords made of blood that can cut almost anything, you'd have to slaughter the whole nation first.

No one would ever do that, especially if they sacrificed themselves for that nation in the first place.... Oh, well, guess I was wrong

I would say Erinia has a brick for a brain, but that would be insulting the brick. The only good thing she has going for her is her status as a Dragon Trainer. If not for that, she'd be a useless girl whose family would have just used her as a means of social climbing through marriage.


I hope the MC winds up with Alica. She's a hundred times better than his other option. Besides, her wolf approves.


Oh for all those people complaining about how bad this is, here is a simple solution to solve your problems.




If you don't like it, then buzz off and go read whatever it is that you like. Nobody is forcing you to read it, so just stop and take your negativity back to whatever bridge you trolls crawled out from under.

It never fails to astound me how seriously people take what is supposed to be a light-hearted, self-insert power fantasy. Not every manga is Berserk. 

And to be fair, Berserk isn't even that good. (in my opinion) People just like it for the same reason they like Game of Thrones: the sex and nudity. Take those away and both would be farts in the wind.


Berserk is highly generic, even with Guts' tragic past. It is the basic 'super strong swordsman saves the world from super monsters (god and demons in this case) with enchanted armor and weapon' idea. There are a dozen manga like Berserk, the only thing that makes it stand out is the high amounts of nudity and rape. The manga is overly troped and so boring I couldn't be bothered to read more than a few chapters.


Ubel Blatt is similar, and has a much better backstory. It also adds substance by making it so that the bad guys are highly distinguished and much loved royalty, not demons everyone hates. It is easy to kill a demon, but a king? No, that's almost nearly impossible. Even with swords made of blood that can cut almost anything, you'd have to slaughter the whole nation first.

Dragon girl is thirsty

.....weird story pacing and writing

Too much gore doesn't fit in this manga thought haha 

Was really hoping that chick's head was cut in half

I like the concept and the world, but the writing seems a bit chaotic. 

You said what I was trying to say so simply...very nice!

No, an author only needs to make sure her own world is consistent with the rules she has created for it. What rules she chooses to use are entirely up to her. I should point out that Twilight worked rather well for what it was. A teenage romance, nothing more, nothing less.


And as for dragons. Well, they come in so many shapes, sizes, types, and concepts it isn't even possible to name them all. And no, the dragon was not considered god-like in all cultures. In European cultures, the dragon is certainly not a divine creature. It has connotations of being related to the devil in some stories (such as George and the dragon) but for the most part, the European dragons are dangerous pests that steal sheep and cattle, and occasionally humans when they get hungry. They are little more than animals.


I never saw Reign of Fire, so I cannot comment on its "accuracy" as to the depiction of dragons (I am in general not fond of things where the stated point is solely to kill dragons.) 


I do recommend the book series Dragon's Blood if you are looking for a rather unique presentation on dragons in a more animalistic role. Also the Joust series is another good example of a human partnership with dragons that are simply intelligent animals.


I adore dragons of all kinds. They are my favorite animals followed closely by man-eating unicorns. And no, I do not care that neither of those things exist. A girl can dream...

Try Kuutei Dragons.


You seem to like dragon stuff.

Was really hoping that chick's head was cut in half

I like the concept and the world, but the writing seems a bit chaotic. 

No, an author only needs to make sure her own world is consistent with the rules she has created for it. What rules she chooses to use are entirely up to her. I should point out that Twilight worked rather well for what it was. A teenage romance, nothing more, nothing less.


And as for dragons. Well, they come in so many shapes, sizes, types, and concepts it isn't even possible to name them all. And no, the dragon was not considered god-like in all cultures. In European cultures, the dragon is certainly not a divine creature. It has connotations of being related to the devil in some stories (such as George and the dragon) but for the most part, the European dragons are dangerous pests that steal sheep and cattle, and occasionally humans when they get hungry. They are little more than animals.


I never saw Reign of Fire, so I cannot comment on its "accuracy" as to the depiction of dragons (I am in general not fond of things where the stated point is solely to kill dragons.) 


I do recommend the book series Dragon's Blood if you are looking for a rather unique presentation on dragons in a more animalistic role. Also the Joust series is another good example of a human partnership with dragons that are simply intelligent animals.


I adore dragons of all kinds. They are my favorite animals followed closely by man-eating unicorns. And no, I do not care that neither of those things exist. A girl can dream...

I'm sorry to rain in your parade, but christian religions are not to be taken seriously, specially when you know that they create corrupted versions of other religions gods and call them demons.

Sorry to wake you up to reality, but the Dragon is a creature that is present in many different cultures and in every single one of them he is a being that is close to godhood.


Also, who cares if a dragon doesn't exist in reality, not once did I say that he does, and no it's not "in my imagination", having a nigh invulnerable body is one characteristic that pretty much any dragon in any work of fiction shares with each other, same with his every other characteristic, even in that Reign of Fire film, which uses a more realistic version of how a dragon would be.

Oriental dragons are not even classified as reptiles, they may come from the "evolution" of a carp(fish) or from a snake(reptile)(both end up with the same appearence), then they become something else entirely.


And no even an author has to follow certain guidelines to create his story, otherwise his story will sound forced, and will contradict what most people know about a certain monster or legend, making it hard to both relate and accept, hence why certain stories don't work out in the end. Need I remind you of the Twilight series?


No, an author only needs to make sure her own world is consistent with the rules she has created for it. What rules she chooses to use are entirely up to her. I should point out that Twilight worked rather well for what it was. A teenage romance, nothing more, nothing less.


And as for dragons. Well, they come in so many shapes, sizes, types, and concepts it isn't even possible to name them all. And no, the dragon was not considered god-like in all cultures. In European cultures, the dragon is certainly not a divine creature. It has connotations of being related to the devil in some stories (such as George and the dragon) but for the most part, the European dragons are dangerous pests that steal sheep and cattle, and occasionally humans when they get hungry. They are little more than animals.


I never saw Reign of Fire, so I cannot comment on its "accuracy" as to the depiction of dragons (I am in general not fond of things where the stated point is solely to kill dragons.) 


I do recommend the book series Dragon's Blood if you are looking for a rather unique presentation on dragons in a more animalistic role. Also the Joust series is another good example of a human partnership with dragons that are simply intelligent animals.


I adore dragons of all kinds. They are my favorite animals followed closely by man-eating unicorns. And no, I do not care that neither of those things exist. A girl can dream...

i'm just here for the cute slime

I would actually find it quite amusing if the slime didn't have some secret special power and was just damn near impossible to kill by vitrue of being a living blob of goo. Literally just keep using tackle until they give up from frustration or succumb to exhaustion.
Imagine it like you'd be watching a battle between a real monster and a Magikarp with infinite health.

I would of loved if this was the premise for this series, his slime is nigh unkillable and he has a title like, "the weakest undefeated". It would at least put a spin on series like this and make them more interesting. It would also open the door to great comedic routines and generally god level trolling.

I might ordinarily agree with you, but negative commentary, especially for a new scanlation disourages a group to continue working on it, which, for those of us who enjoy generic trope-filled bullshit, is nothing but a bad thing. 


Don't worry OTS doesn't really care about what people say. I mean for everyone that says something is bad there are a ton of others that will read it. Even if that wasn't true we would still continue doing it for a simply reason.... we like doing it. To put it simply for as long as we have members that enjoy working on something we will keep doing it (see accel world which so few people like it and yet we keep doing it).


What I am trying to say is that we are doing what we are doing mainly for us and then for the rest of the readers.

These comments make me laugh so hard. I don't get why people keep getting back and read the new chapter when they already said how bad the manga is and what a big of a suffering it is to read it. I guess writing that comment to complain must be really important. :P


Either way enjoy the new chapter even though the 24 hours delay was not kept by batoto. And look forward for OTS to release more chapters from this "shitty" manga so you can all cry over it! :P

It never fails to astound me how seriously people take what is supposed to be a light-hearted, self-insert power fantasy. Not every manga is Berserk. 

Maybe not, but this mangas real problem is story telling, sure it tells a story well enough to keep up with, but that keeping up takes serious effort. I honestly can't tell what the problem is with this because I'm not a write but my best guess is undeveloped but necessary plot lines and general pacing suffers too as the panels jump around too much. But thats just my two cents

This series is so painful to read in many ways. OTL

This is so bad lmao

It... irks me whenever someone uses the "It's not supposed to win awards!" defense whenever any kind of criticism (legitimate or not) is levied against a work of fiction.  It is as you say, this is a "self-insert power fantasy".  The problem is that this particular power fantasy does little to distinguish itself from its peers and plays straight the same tropes and cliches that many, it seems, are growing annoyed with.  This, to me, causes this story to fall into the same general category as the whole "Call of Duty clone" and "Halo clone" debacle that plagued the FPS video game genre.  If you and others want to read this (and the many more like it), go ahead.  No one is stopping you and no one is criticizing you, specifically, for reading them.  You just need to accept the fact that there are people reading this that dislike how the story appears to be progressing and are utilizing the resources on this site (namely the comments section) to voice their opinions.  Is that not what this section is for? To comment on the story as it progresses?

I might ordinarily agree with you, but negative commentary, especially for a new scanlation disourages a group to continue working on it, which, for those of us who enjoy generic trope-filled bullshit, is nothing but a bad thing. 

Still not to late to repair a plot. Imagine entire battle just inside of dream. Woman wins. And the MC with slime just fell unconscious. Then the woman accused on unfair duel, yet people will disrespect her.

This is seriously bad...


You mean you have to pay micro-transactions to keep playing after a certain amount of time or "rush" time-based mechanics?

Yes like that. This MC pays a lot for slime.
This is a new standard in shit manga. lol It's unbelievable.

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