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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.7 - 212votes)

Mishiro san to Yamada kun

Alt Names: alt 三白サンと山田くんalt Mishiro-san and Yamada-kunalt Mishiro-san to Yamada-kunalt Mishiro-san y Yamada-kun
Author: Jin (Mugenjin)
Artist: Jin (Mugenjin)
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A love comedy about Mishiro san and Yamada kun.

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karate captain's suffering never ends

Some people are just born to suffer...
Damn, somehow that's deep...
I keep thinking of Kirei Kotomine when reading the cat's lines.

Done 13

When it gets approved, enjoy.

Oh snap this is the same guy who did the orc thing! Can't believe this flew under my radar.


Thanks for translating!!

Mawari-chan used Cat Guard. It's super effective!

First, sorry about chap 10's untranslated bubble speech and thanks Wide for pointing that out for me.

I'm deleting my uploaded ugly chapters.

And lastly, same schedule, 2 chaps for Sat and 2 for Sun incoming.


Chap 10 redone with the bubble speech done right, ch12 uploaded and 13 in the works. enjoy it everyone!

First, sorry about chap 10's untranslated bubble speech and thanks Wide for pointing that out for me.

I'm deleting my uploaded ugly chapters.

And lastly, same schedule, 2 chaps for Sat and 2 for Sun incoming.


Is the Injustice reference a translator addition? Or was it in the original?
Whatever the case I approve.

It's in the original.

I don't make up the references in this manga... which means more time searching japanese forum for the Internet slangs ==!

Please tell me there is still more to come?!

They're about halfway through the chapters available on Jin's page.

Is the Injustice reference a translator addition? Or was it in the original?
Whatever the case I approve.

Poor karate captain, all he wanted was to be thanked.

karate captain's suffering never ends

uploaded chapters 10 and 11, also updated the cover to the one of ch12

Poor karate captain, all he wanted was to be thanked.

Huh, pretty cute. Reminds me of a sillier Houkago Play. Rough but cute art.

After re-reading chapter 9, I want to ask.


Are Jin and Deep Sea Prisoner the same person? Because I swear the style of that despair face is the same as some of DSP characters.

It's pretty funny, tbh. And the artstyle reminds me of Douman Seiman-sensei. 


I feel like I've read some of those chapters twi... oh.


Please tell me there is still more to come?!

yes. chapters 10 and 11 are 95% done, waiting for the translation of one bubble of ch10

Please tell me there is still more to come?!

I feel like I've read some of those chapters twi... oh.

Already done up to ch 8, will finish them by tomorrow. Hope you will enjoy them when they are up

I mean, this is hardly even comedy and not at all slice of life, so...

Well, it's Jin sensei first manga-ish work so it's more of a pass time thingy. 

He did ii Orc somewhere in the middle of this manga.

All i want is to raise his reputation so more people would buy his work on Amazon (he actually told  me to go ahead and do this :D) and hoping he will has a proper serialization.



Will add to the v2 :P

hey man i could help you out with typesetting and stuff, not the best but it's something.


Go or it!!

Guys, we have the typesetter!!!

and you thought it would be something else with the tags comedy, romance and slice of life?


I mean, this is hardly even comedy and not at all slice of life, so...

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