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Prison Lab

Alt Names: alt プリズンラボalt 監獄実験alt 감옥실험alt Kangoku Jikken
Author: Kantetsu
Artist: Mizuse Chiho
Genres: Horror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Eyama Aito, a high school student, is the victim of daily bullying. One day a strange letter arrives inviting him to a "captivity game." He may choose one person to hold captive for one month with a chance at winning a large amount of money. He chooses the ringleader of his bullies, Aya Kirishima, and the only rule of the game is to not kill her. Everything else is fair game. Eyama's revenge begins!
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Topic Manga with similar plot New Window Gourama
  • 2 Replies


whats the purpose of try to make us like the girl now?
sometimes I think mangagakas don't really plan the fucking history, they just draw trying to get the deadline

New drama plots makes things interesting. Perhaps he might've planned it as early as "eh----yah---" guesses but didn't know how he was going to implement thei dea

trying to play the mood whiplash eh

whats the purpose of try to make us like the girl now?


sometimes I think mangagakas don't really plan the fucking history, they just draw trying to get the deadline

Hmm, scanlators thought that the double five was a mistake, but maybe it just means that by choosing number five one gets two rewards for the cost of one?

The moment she said "thank you" i was about to ship them together, but then reality came back to me and i remembered this aint no sweet sugary vanilla manga...

Well, the torture room kind of puts a damper on things. And the intentional starvation. And the bone breaking. And the years of pent-up psychological and physical abuse. But get through all that and I'm sure things will be A-OK!



Scrolling down on this page, halfway through: Oh shit, why does my strangely keen interest in sleeping drugs have to remind me of what this shit is now?

or cutting her/his tounge and cauterizing it

Or just choosing a mute person to begin with. Though I do think there's much more to the game as has been hinted.

Yeah I felt kind of pity thought but as for our main character he doesn't felt so much about it even thought he was kind of surprise.


The moment she said "thank you" i was about to ship them together, but then reality came back to me and i remembered this aint no sweet sugary vanilla manga...

The moment she said "thank you" i was about to ship them together, but then reality came back to me and i remembered this aint no sweet sugary vanilla manga...

This one was surprisingly good : )

When will volume 4 get released?

First chapter of vol 4 is out here http://wasabisyrup.com/archives/q80MIIABgjQ

When will volume 4 get released?

Dammit! I'm up to the latest and now I have to wait. :(


Is there a rule against drugging the partner?
Because it seems like that would be the easiest way to win the game.


or cutting her/his tounge and cauterizing it

Is there a rule against drugging the partner?
Because it seems like that would be the easiest way to win the game.


Thanks for reading!

I have gotten very busy lately so do not expect regularly scheduled releases. I will get new chapters out when I can.


aw too bad, this is pretty fun to read esp last 3 chapters 


thanks for your hard work though

Why do you think the guy was in the next rooom? They are prepared for pretty much anything.

I don't think they realy care about lives of captives out of the game itself.

Was she really unable to say his name out loud? It felt implied early Aito would just kill her once he lost so I was assuming she would purposefully not guess her name correctly when the time came.

Why do you think the guy was in the next rooom? They are prepared for pretty much anything.

Was she really unable to say his name out loud? It felt implied early Aito would just kill her once he lost so I was assuming she would purposefully not guess her name correctly when the time came.

Thanks for reading!

I have gotten very busy lately so do not expect regularly scheduled releases. I will get new chapters out when I can.

Great new volume thank you again for doing this series.

So this is pretty much Death Note meets Hostel innit



Unlike trashy manga like Deadtube, where the author's ulterior motive is clear as water because the plot, characters, and setting are horribly written, only catering to fetishists and people with a craving for dark ero garbage.

"deadtube is such gory trash for edgy kids, i'll just read this torture manga instead. brilliant logic. trying to say that deadtube is easy to see through but this manga with the main characters main and only drive is to torture his victim is just a huge mystery.

His statement is idiotic, though. The comparison doesn't work.
In his situation, all he had to do was go for real help. Talk to people outside the system, which was well within his power. He could have done so the entire time.
Her power wass completely taken away and she's cut off from all outside contact. If she even tries, they just grab her.
He can't really compare their situations at all.

Getting away with illegal shit is insanely easy, let alone high school level bullying.

For example, death threats, serious business right? Lets say you receive one from some guy you know. Police goes to have a chat with him, he denies everything, its your word vs his because you aren't super paranoid and record every single phone call or face to face conversation.

Even if you have a recording or he leaves a written trail, he can always play it off as a "joke" or word the threats so that it sounds like hes talking about killing you in a video game instead of real life. Police are not going to give a shit if he words the threat to include the words "counter strike" because they will think its a video game dispute, even if you don't play the game.

Unless he is a moron and posts a 10 page manifesto on his facebook detailing how he is going to carry out his death threat against you in real life, the police are not going to be able to do anything (assuming they take you seriously in the first place). And one day as you walk out of your house, you just happen to have an unfortunate accident.

Same thing with beating up another kid in high school. Assault is a serious crime right? It automatically stops becoming serious in the eyes of the police once they realise its a high school bullying case, at which point the bullies are going to get suspension at worst and maybe some state mandated counselling. Thats assuming the bullies don't have half a brain to claim that it was an "accident" and obviously they would drag the victim to some isolated corner before beating him up, so conveniently, the only witnesses around are the bullies who all claim it was an accident.

I actually have real life experience where my landlord was doing a ton of illegal shit, and i had tons of evidence backing me up...my lawyer said that the law backed me 100% and i didnt need to worry...I showed up to the tribunal hearing and the judge refused to hear any of the evidence because his only concern was getting the case resolved ASAP so he had to do the minimum amount of work. My landlord didn't even need to defend himself, he just sat there trying not to laugh as the judge kept trying to pressure me into signing a form without reading it. I contacted my lawyer afterwards and she just kept giving me vauge excuses like "I'm not sure what happened" and then stopped returning my calls.

And that's an adult case that typically gets more serious attention than "oh its just high school bullying no big deal".

Sometimes you can both analyze a piece of literature and enjoy the bloody trainwreck.

Definitely, but there comes a point when you might have to realize there's not much to actually analyze.

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