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Isekai Izakaya "Nobu"

Alt Names: alt 異世界居酒屋「のぶ」alt Warung Dunia Lain "Nobu"
Author: Semikawa Natsuya
Artist: Virginia Nitouhei
Genres: Comedy ComedyCooking CookingFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Imagine there is a bar with many weird kind of food and drink that might bring you to another world! The bar, so-called "Nobu" is located in a alley of the old city Aiteria. AT the very first step, diners feels like falling into another completely country, with cold, super cool beer, so-called "Toriaezu Nama"!
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Topic Need help with proof-read. Anyone is welcome. New Window Loli Mamoritai
  • 6 Replies


When you've hit the 4th reupload/version of one chapter alone you shouldn't be uploading "scanlations." 


Oh... you are talking normal now ?

Okay, then just think it like this. This manga never have any English upload (because all of its upload chapter is from me).

Tr0pic0n is also working on it, His Translation is VERY GOOD as I can see.

So Later, I will ask his permission to use his translate in the better quantity, cleaned + redraw I get.

It might be better for everyone involved if the script gets edited before the chapter goes up. Much less work for the scanlator, much less people complaining. As TheDefend suggested, Google Docs is a good way to get people to collaborate while still maintaining control of the document. You can even use the comic's forums as a hub of sorts. If you are trying to crowdsource the editing of this manga, there are better, perhaps easier ways of doing it.

There's still a lot here that should happen before the chapter can be considered fit for release. This is just being called out because it's happening right out in the open rather than behind a group's chat or document. The typesetting in particular is making me shiver a bit. I think that everyone working together like this is great, and there's always things that can be done to improve. Maybe someone has suggested reading this, I'll link it again just in case. EDIT: Read this too!


I'll leave things as is for now, but please remember to keep the discussion civil and lively.

The point isn't moral imperative. The point is simply doing a good job. The effort is nice, but when the quality of the language is low, it looks bad for both the work and the scanlators. Especially when efforts have been made to contact Loli and ask to proofread the work before it gets posted publically.


As someone who did the first chapter and is slowly working on getting chapter 2 redone (slower now that I have to retranslate the chapter), I'd rather make sure the work is as good as possible.


You can just sent me the proof-read.


And I will also ask your permission to use your re-translation for chapter 1 and chapter 2 I re-do.

Really now? And who proscribes the "attitude that should be taken" towards scanlation?

I realize that exerting social pressure on people to do quality releases (and to act semi-professionally) helps keep the overall quality of experience for readers at a higher bar.


But if you're gonna argue that there's any actual moral imperative behind that, I'm gonna have to disagree.

When you've hit the 4th reupload/version of one chapter alone you shouldn't be uploading "scanlations." 

Really now? And who proscribes the "attitude that should be taken" towards scanlation?

I realize that exerting social pressure on people to do quality releases (and to act semi-professionally) helps keep the overall quality of experience for readers at a higher bar.


But if you're gonna argue that there's any actual moral imperative behind that, I'm gonna have to disagree.


The point isn't moral imperative. The point is simply doing a good job. The effort is nice, but when the quality of the language is low, it looks bad for both the work and the scanlators. Especially when efforts have been made to contact Loli and ask to proofread the work before it gets posted publically.


As someone who did the first chapter and is slowly working on getting chapter 2 redone (slower now that I have to retranslate the chapter), I'd rather make sure the work is as good as possible.

That's not the attitude you should be taking when a lot of people are asking you to proofread your work before you show it in public. Sure, some responses are unnecessarily aggressive, but you're doing no favors by continually and stubbornly doing these scans without prior proofreading. And you shouldn't be asking the audience to do what should've been your work for you.

Really now? And who proscribes the "attitude that should be taken" towards scanlation?

I realize that exerting social pressure on people to do quality releases (and to act semi-professionally) helps keep the overall quality of experience for readers at a higher bar.


But if you're gonna argue that there's any actual moral imperative behind that, I'm gonna have to disagree.

That's not the attitude you should be taking when a lot of people are asking you to proofread your work before you show it in public. Sure, some responses are unnecessarily aggressive, but you're doing no favors by continually and stubbornly doing these scans without prior proofreading. And you shouldn't be asking the audience to do what should've been your work for you.


Again, please. Send me or someone else a copy of the English translations first so that we can proofread it ahead of time. That way people don't ridicule you for purposely doing this.

Stop uploading this trash until it's the final version. You're just clogging up people's subscription lists because you can't figure this basic shit out. 



Stop uploading this trash until it's the final version. You're just clogging up people's subscription lists because you can't figure this basic shit out. 



Please help me again with this chapter.


I don't really know how to write script, so it will be a little slow for me to upload one.


Dear Readers, I'm happy that you are appreciate even my bad work. You can read this chapter at its early access


But please go back and read once more time with chapter 4 version 2 (version 3 or version X)

To have better chapter and better understanding.



I'm just glad the good vibes have returned.  Cheers, everyone!

I-I-I've never seen such an amazing improvement. Font choice, kerning, use of spaces, grammar, readibility and general flow of text, everything is so much better.


Keep up the good work.


Thank to Nguyen VIet Anh, Vice leader of Greatest Battle Group Scans group.

He give me the cleaned version => that's why I have clean and redraw chapter. He also give me all the fonts needed and teach me a lot of stuff.

My work is only translate to English. (but very bad one)


Second, Thank to VxXxV , Segamon , ...

Especially Gantz0127 (the person who help me with the best proof-read).


The chapter you read right now is the hard work of all of them. I'm just translate and put all their work together.

So please don't give me too much credit, I feel shameful to get it.

Keep up the good work, and please do not fret on the negative feedback. The initial translation had the charm of walking into a small restaurant where the owners are not native speakers, but dazzle you with delicious food. Considering the guests are unfamiliar with the cuisine it adds to the narrative and the mystique of the establishment and as such enhances the story.

I-I-I've never seen such an amazing improvement. Font choice, kerning, use of spaces, grammar, readibility and general flow of text, everything is so much better.
Keep up the good work.

I throwed him the idiot guide to scanlating. That did the work.

Chapter 3 Version 4 is up.

Please enjoy the chapter, everyone. People who understand, forgive me, appreciate my work and people who help me to proof-read chapter or point out my mistakes or teaching me stuff.


Sorry, I'm not re-do my chapter for you, people who insult me, bad mouth about me even I keep apologizing to them, keep trying my best to fix my mistake in the chapter. You can do whatever you want, I'm quite new to the hater on internet but I don't care about your hateful provoke anymore.


Special Thank to everyone who help me, to people support me.


I-I-I've never seen such an amazing improvement. Font choice, kerning, use of spaces, grammar, readibility and general flow of text, everything is so much better.


Keep up the good work.

Chapter 3 Version 4 is up.

Please enjoy the chapter, everyone. People who understand, forgive me, appreciate my work and people who help me to proof-read chapter or point out my mistakes or teaching me stuff.


Sorry, I'm not re-do my chapter for you, people who insult me, bad mouth about me even I keep apologizing to them, keep trying my best to fix my mistake in the chapter. You can do whatever you want, I'm quite new to the hater on internet but I don't care about your hateful provoke anymore.


Special Thank to everyone who help me, to people support me.

this version is way better! thank you for the hard work!

This is actually my first time seeing anyone learning the secret of the universe from eating.


A little trivia from ch3: The tax collection system described by the man is a variation of the tax farming system used in the ancient Roman empire. Customs tax standards were unclear and vary even between neighbouring cities. Furthermore, Rome only demanded a minimum quota for tax collections. Anything more than that is just gravy for the tax collector. For the corrupt, it's a great system for tax overcharging and accumulating personal wealth while the middle class gets taxed into literal slavery. That's pretty much why he mentions the citizens hating him.


Oppression over taxes tend to be caused by the local governors and tax collectors who pushed their luck a little too much and decided to take a lot more than they should, rather than direct oppression from Rome. This is compounded with Rome's usual policy of silencing dissenters instead of investigating internal corruption. So, tax rebellions tend to be isolated albeit damaging cases, and Roman historians wrote them off as ingrates and traitors without double checking if their governors caused the rebellions in the first place.


Is the tax system unsustainable and doomed to fail? History says yes.

 I want to protect the releases. joke aside here's  chapter 3 suggested fix. 




I've read the TL preferred way to do things and suggested that she make a new topic within the series (see "start new topic button" above) to post the script used for future releases (some proofreader might want to do it fast by only reading the raw text)


Thank for your help (Proof-read) and your support.

It's very kind of you, sir.


And Thank for the suggestion. I will try it now. I mean "Start new Topic"

Just read chapter 3. Another enjoyable read. On another note... why did chapters 2 and 4 disappear?


Sorry, I'm re-do everything so I'm taking them down. (Don't want to get more hater during this time)

So please wait for a while, I will re-upload the chapter 4 -> chapter 1 -> chapter 2, after I'm done.


It's still weekdays so I may take a long time to do it, but I promise I will do it as soon as possible.

 I want to protect the releases. joke aside here's  chapter 3 suggested fix. 




I've read the TL preferred way to do things and suggested that she make a new topic within the series (see "start new topic button" above) to post the script used for future releases (some proofreader might want to do it fast by only reading the raw text)

Just read chapter 3. Another enjoyable read. On another note... why did chapters 2 and 4 disappear?
Man fuck all these haters I dont see why people just dont read it if they dont like it, or do it themselves.
Theres plenty of others who thinks its just fine including myself.

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