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Isekai Izakaya "Nobu"

Alt Names: alt 異世界居酒屋「のぶ」alt Warung Dunia Lain "Nobu"
Author: Semikawa Natsuya
Artist: Virginia Nitouhei
Genres: Comedy ComedyCooking CookingFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Imagine there is a bar with many weird kind of food and drink that might bring you to another world! The bar, so-called "Nobu" is located in a alley of the old city Aiteria. AT the very first step, diners feels like falling into another completely country, with cold, super cool beer, so-called "Toriaezu Nama"!
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Topic Need help with proof-read. Anyone is welcome. New Window Loli Mamoritai
  • 6 Replies


WOW.....this is the first time i see a translation group that revise their chapter many times and also uploaded it many time...keep up the good work!

This is the first time I do translate, all I ever do in the past is read other people work.

But I can't do anything about my English, that why I ask anyone I can for proof-read.


Thank you for understanding. ( I have a lot hater insult me, therefor, I'm glad even one person cheer me up).

WOW.....this is the first time i see a translation group that revise their chapter many times and also uploaded it many time...keep up the good work!

Chapter 5 not proof-read yet. Don't let the curious get better of you and press spoiler. Only press if you want to help me proof-read or you are too tired of cliff hanger.
Here is the chapter 5 that I translate but still not proof read yet.
First is the name of dish, in chapter 1 tr0pic0n use Chirashi is in-correct. And that was also my fault, I translate it first time and I don't have info yet. The dish is called "Sashimi Rice Bowl - Kaisen Don" . Chirashi is mixed Rice with seafood and whatever you like to have in, not just sea food.

As suggest, I upload chapter 2 version 2.

The title is 若鶏の唐揚げ

Tartar sauce is made by mixing mayonnaise, eggs, onions and pickles. Pickled scallions are used as a variation and you can see him chopping them on page 21


Already make version 2 with what you suggest, thank for the help, Est.


But I will not upload yet, will confuse readers and invite some haters as well.


I will upload Chapter 2 version at the same time with chapter 5 proof-read that I'm current working on. Expect It will be ready soon in 2-3days.

And with chapter 5 we will catch up with the release.

I can't read and don't check Japanese raw yet, but Chicken Karaage is only Fried Chicken (what Berthold have) It's doesn't have sauce.

What Nobu Taisho and Shinobu have, this dish have sauce.

I might be wrong with chapter 2 tittle, but I think Chicken Nanban is the food they mention.


From the recipe I can't find the pickles scallions you mention , But I think I saw the leek in Chicken Nanban Dish (I might be wrong though)


The title is 若鶏の唐揚げ

Tartar sauce is made by mixing mayonnaise, eggs, onions and pickles. Pickled scallions are used as a variation and you can see him chopping them on page 21

Frankly, it sounds like it's one of those "they are actually speaking different languages and magic is involved but people are still saying the words albeit incorrectly."

For example, there's a story where they call "onions" "oriane"

One of the lines in this manga's original web novel version was

「ノブ? 人の名前か?」

"Nobu? Is this a person's name?"
"Yeah, that's the master's name. Nobu Taishou. Call him Taishou when you're in the shop."

I'm guessing that it's a mispronounciation of the word "亭主" or "Teishu" which means "owner" "innkeeper" "master" etc. Especially so since the guy's name is Nobuyuki.

Apparently, Teishu can also mean "husband" but I highly doubt that the guards would be calling him husband...

On the other hand, if the kanji they're trying to say is "大将" "Taishou" then that means "Boss" which makes a lot more sense than it being a mispronounciation.

「はふ、うん。美味しい! 大将のチキン南蛮、最高!」

"Mmm, yep. Delicious! (Taisho's)Boss's chicken nanban is the best!"

That's how the line was said in the Web Novel. I got the Raws for the manga myself so I'll check them when I get back home on my main computer.

Sorry for the post many comments in a role but I'm not spam.


It will be fun if Shinobu is later revealed to be the daughter of Darth Vader and twin sister of Nobu.

After that She marries to Hans-olo, with whom she has a son named Ben known as Kylo Ren when turned to the dark side.


Wait,... wrong series.

Master can also be used here because he's "the master of the shop"

Even more so because the speaker is a nobleman so he uses a lot more formal and polite speech than other characters like the guardsman.

If you don't think that works then you could just use "Owner" instead.

If you check out other manga with bars such as "Bartender" you can see they also use Master a lot when referring to the bar's owner


I see, thank you very much for this information.


But "in this Bar / Restaurant, people call him as Taisho" .

And another problem is how Nobu call Shinobu in first name basic, even if they don't married yet, they might be already in relationship.


Okay, I admit I might be wrong but right now we don't have enough info. So let's put this topic on hold.

At least, until we have volume 2 or a chapter Hans confess to Shinobu (or maybe that never happen),

when Nobu and Shinobu's relationship is confirm, I will fix it (but right now, I still think I don't need to)

PS: I may talking many but I don't know about Japanese yet. Please don't ask me to translate from Japanese raw to English, I just learn Japanese in a cram school last two weeks. Other info can be search on internet.

Master can also be used here because he's "the master of the shop"

Even more so because the speaker is a nobleman so he uses a lot more formal and polite speech than other characters like the guardsman.

If you don't think that works then you could just use "Owner" instead.

If you check out other manga with bars such as "Bartender" you can see they also use Master a lot when referring to the bar's owner

I thought I will do a version 2, but first I must check the internet.



I can't read and don't check Japanese raw yet, but Chicken Karaage is only Fried Chicken (what Berthold have) It's doesn't have sauce.






What Nobu Taisho and Shinobu have, this dish have sauce.


I might be wrong with chapter 2 tittle, but I think Chicken Nanban is the food they mention.


From the recipe I can't find the pickles scallions you mention , But I think I saw the leek in Chicken Nanban Dish (I might be wrong though)




Because there's so much I don't know detail so I think I will keep my proof-read and don't make version 2.

Did she really married ??? cause neither of them wore wedding rings (꒪.꒪)


There're a lot of married couple in Japanese (or Asian) open a restaurant / bar together.

And I think they don't wear ring because it make them hard to work ? (Chef use knife and many thing by hand)

just like Doctor / Nurse must take their ring / accessary before working ?


And this page raw in Japanese of chapter 4.


I only know a little about Japanese but I can read a word Johan Gustav say in panel 4, have 1 word "Goshujin" (ごしゅじん)  which mean Master / Husband.


There're only 2 case can use that word, a Master of a mansion hire maids and maids will call him Goshujin-sama, other case is Wife call Husband.

Even if Nobu hire Shinobu as waitress but in a Bar / Restaurant they don't call each other like that, simple Taisho (Chef) and  ueitoresu. (waitress)


Beside in Japan, call a girl by her first name basic is a big no-no (if you read manga or watch anime), Nobu call Shinobu by her first name non suffix.


PS: I may talking many but I don't know about Japanese yet. Please don't ask me to translate from Japanese raw to English, I just learn Japanese in a cram school last two weeks. Other info can be search on internet.

Did she really married ??? cause neither of them wore wedding rings (꒪.꒪)

Everything cleaned up very nicely now. What a transformation. Good work translator

That was quick! Not a bad idea that I, Nicholas, just had, eh? Haha, good answer. It's a bar recommended by I, Nicholas.

Unfortunately, I don't have much to give. Too bad! I don't have anyone to gift it to!

Taisho. In this bar, people call him Taisho. Nobu Taisho. In this bar, people call him Taisho.

How many months' worth of salary will this cost? Even if it's payday...

Irasshaimase!! Welcome honored guests. Welcome! ... Welcome.

Ah... Ah, it's warm...

It means to put things aside and have a drink right now. Take my word and give it a try. (Nama is short for Nama/Draft Beer)

Yeah, Beer. Yeah, Ale (Difference between Ale, Beer and Lager matters later on. The customers all call it Ale.)


Chapter 2: Chicken Nanban Chapter 2: Chicken Karaage

Besides, patrolling all day makes me really thirsty. Not to mention I've ran a lot during today's training.

Last time Nicolaus ordered for me!! Nicolaus ordered it last time.

It looks horrible... Hans wanted this? That... It can't be... (Bertholt has a history with squids)

Shinobu, can you run an errand for me? Sorry Shinbou, can you go buy some pickles?

Not at all, I just need some leeks. It'll add a lot of taste. No. Pickled scallions are fine as well, that'll be tasty in it's own way.

Eh?!" Is there even a road behind the store?! Huh? Was there a street like that in this city's alleys...?



Are you perhaps can read Japanese in raw ?



And... what should I do now ?

I promise with Bato.to staff and everyone I won't delete and upload version 2, version 3 that confuse them.

But I really want to make change in the chapter. The mistake isn't really that much but if we correct them we will have best chapter release.


Okay, I will make a version 2 of them right now. And I will ask for permission before delete and upload version 2  of them.

That was quick! Not a bad idea that I, Nicholas, just had, eh? Haha, good answer. It's a bar recommended by I, Nicholas.

Unfortunately, I don't have much to give. Too bad! I don't have anyone to gift it to!

Taisho. In this bar, people call him Taisho. Nobu Taisho. In this bar, people call him Taisho.

How many months' worth of salary will this cost? Even if it's payday...

Irasshaimase!! Welcome honored guests. Welcome! ... Welcome.

Ah... Ah, it's warm...

It means to put things aside and have a drink right now. Take my word and give it a try. (Nama is short for Nama/Draft Beer)

Yeah, Beer. Yeah, Ale (Difference between Ale, Beer and Lager matters later on. The customers all call it Ale.)


Chapter 2: Chicken Nanban Chapter 2: Chicken Karaage

Besides, patrolling all day makes me really thirsty. Not to mention I've ran a lot during today's training.

Last time Nicolaus ordered for me!! Nicolaus ordered it last time.

It looks horrible... Hans wanted this? That... It can't be... (Bertholt has a history with squids)

Shinobu, can you run an errand for me? Sorry Shinbou, can you go buy some pickles?

Not at all, I just need some leeks. It'll add a lot of taste. No. Pickled scallions are fine as well, that'll be tasty in it's own way.

Eh?!" Is there even a road behind the store?! Huh? Was there a street like that in this city's alleys...?

thanks for the proofed chapter 2, Shindoreira.

Chapter 2 is up. Enjoy everyone.

Thank you for your hard work

Chapter 2 is up. Enjoy everyone.

I'm sorry you've interact with this kind of people. Let me tell you that I am 100% grateful for there is a nice man like you who share this wonderful manga with us. No matter what the quality, I support you all the way. But you also have to set in mind that keyboard warriors exists. They're dicks who think that "constructive critics" is a legit excuse to be... well, dicks.



Do whatever makes you happy. NEVER turns hobby into a job. Once you put scanslation into a mandatory task it would be much harder to do, and it could push you into quitting altogether. I've bookmarked this manga, so I would know if there's any update, no matter when you publish it.

Keep up the good job! smile.gif


Thank you, It's very kind of you but ...


Just a little suggestion, how about creating a personal translation group blog so people who wanted to help translating can visit that blog instead and only post finished product here. It's not that I don't appreciate the translator group, it's just uploading half finished product in a place where majority of translation groups posts only finished product will confuse a lot of people. Majority people come to Batoto to read finished products, and almost 90% of the time they get finished product as they wanted, so when suddenly they saw unfinished product a lot of them got confused/disappointed/irritated.


It's like people come to food corner ordering a hamburger in a stall and they only got the buns, while other people got exactly hamburger when ordering in the other stall, some people won't mind and tell the waitress understandingly "you haven't put the patties in this burger" while some other will got irritated and sue the stall...


I'm just afraid if your translation group keeps doing it like this, it will invite unnecesary conflicts and you need to address each of angry mobs everytime you uploaded unfinished product here. It's also for your own mental health, less of angry mobs to take care of.

I do have a blog for that purpose, but unfortunately, no one read it.

And I actually noticed my mistakes but too lazy to fix and reupload.

I think it's about time I started working with other people, but muh self deprecating and procrastination.

Didn't she not want fishy food? hmmm..... In the end the girl got fish? or am I getting it wrong :P?

First, It's not the problem that I'm right or I'm wrong anymore.

But the problem is I cause too much drama in the comments laterly and make everyone feel bad. And for that



I'm sorry you've interact with this kind of people. Let me tell you that I am 100% grateful for there is a nice man like you who share this wonderful manga with us. No matter what the quality, I support you all the way. But you also have to set in mind that keyboard warriors exists. They're dicks who think that "constructive critics" is a legit excuse to be... well, dicks.


Second: From now on, I will not upload chapter anymore if it (not proof read yet) ,


Do whatever makes you happy. NEVER turns hobby into a job. Once you put scanslation into a mandatory task it would be much harder to do, and it could push you into quitting altogether. I've bookmarked this manga, so I would know if there's any update, no matter when you publish it.

Keep up the good job! smile.gif

Excuse me, Everyone, may I have your attention for a minutes.


First, It's not the problem that I'm right or I'm wrong anymore.

But the problem is I cause too much drama in the comments laterly and make everyone feel bad. And for that




Second: From now on, I will not upload chapter anymore if it (not proof read yet) ,

I will change from asking in comments / topic to ask only Gantz0127 (one of many kind gentleman that offer to help me, and the one who proof-read chapter 3) to proof-read. But Gantz0127 also have his school and many thing he need to do as well.

That's why we may take long time to release a chapter.


Third: After chapter 2 and chapter 1, I will take a break ( only 5 chapters has been release and we already done 4, expect next sunday to have chapter 5, working on it will make 2-3days later to release the proof-read version). I don't know this manga is monthly or Bi-monthly but good manga take very long to release. After chapter 5, expect we wait months to get chapter 6.

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