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Somali to Mori no Kami-sama

Alt Names: alt ソマリと森の神様alt Somali and the Forest Spiritalt Somali to Mori no Kamisamaalt Somali ve Orman Tanrısıalt Сомали и Хранитель леса
Author: Gureishi Yako
Artist: Gureishi Yako
Genres: Adventure AdventureDrama DramaFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The world is ruled by spirits, goblins and all manner of strange creatures.

Human beings are persecuted, to the very point of extinction.

One day, a golem and a lone human girl meet.

This is a record of the pair; one a member of a ruined race, the other a watchman of the forest. It tells of their travels together, and of the bond between father and daughter.

Web Manga: http://www.zenyon.jp/lib/top.php?id=15
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Can't say I blame them. With their low level of technology, magic, and physical power, these humans are very vulnerable to anything so large with sharp teeth. Would you not kill a lion if you were the only thing between it and your family? The only difference here is that this thing also looks like a literal demon.


I understand this point of view, but I also think there's a fine line between wanting to survive and wanting to conquer. The want to conquer comes from the fear of the possibility of danger, not the definite existence of it. To use your example, people would and should fight a lion approaching their civilization; people shouldn't automatically fight a person with a gun. Both are dangerous, but one has the possibility of being reasoned with.


Unlike wild animals, In-humans can communicate and the humans know that but ignore and kill anyways. This isn't exactly their first encounter with a demon.

This manga TL;DR : Hurrr durr human are violent creature they deserve to extinct :DDDDD

Look how far we've come.

Oh wait....

Can't say I blame them. With their low level of technology, magic, and physical power, these humans are very vulnerable to anything so large with sharp teeth. Would you not kill a lion if you were the only thing between it and your family? The only difference here is that this thing also looks like a literal demon.

While it's not exactly an untrue statement based on the history we have been shown in this story, the comment is also sort of blatantly disregarding they've now been hunted to near extinction and are now pretty justified in being fearful anything non-human as almost literally every other sentient species on the planet wants them dead simply for being human well after the initial conflict was resolved.  It kinda reeks of self-righteousness on the part of the non-humans.  The flashback appears to be post-war, but we don't exactly know when that happened exactly as our only frame of reference has been "a long time ago".

We don't know when but the references we are given is more than enough.


1. In chapter 8, we're told the loli in the flashback is her great-great-grandmother and she herself is currently a "grandmother" (age/appearance-wise), so we can infer that the story took place 6 generations ago.


2. We know that witches live longer than humans based on chapter 10 and that the "loli witch" is a child by witch standards. Therefore, we can infer that its normal for witches to live 100+years easily.


3. From there, its basic multiplication. 6 generations of witch descendants * 50+ years each (assuming witches have their children at "middle age" give or take a few decades) = 300+ years have passed since the flashback story.

Yeesh, again with the misanthropy. So humans are “weak”, “timid” and “can only find peace via grabbing a blade”? I guess all the other sentient races are just rainbows and sunshine then because magic. Okay.

Did...did you read the first chapters of the manga?  If you didn't you may want to go back and read them.  So far as I can tell the only truly innocent beings presented as a racial whole so far are the Golems and sorta the witches.  Also there is firm emphasis put on exceptions to the rule among many races including humans.

wow it went from light and "ohh we will be friends forever" to "hory shieet!, I have to GTFO here asap!"

He wasn't lying, though.

While it's not exactly an untrue statement based on the history we have been shown in this story, the comment is also sort of blatantly disregarding they've now been hunted to near extinction and are now pretty justified in being fearful anything non-human as almost literally every other sentient species on the planet wants them dead simply for being human well after the initial conflict was resolved.  It kinda reeks of self-righteousness on the part of the non-humans.  The flashback appears to be post-war, but we don't exactly know when that happened exactly as our only frame of reference has been "a long time ago".

Yeesh, again with the misanthropy. So humans are “weak”, “timid” and “can only find peace via grabbing a blade”?

oh.. my sweet summer child

Kids and food... this one is so true! If the food looks or sounds appealing, they're especially going to like it, even though they would not have eaten it if presented otherwise.

But then again, that's true for (plenty of) adults as well. XD

Yeesh, again with the misanthropy. So humans are “weak”, “timid” and “can only find peace via grabbing a blade”?


He wasn't lying, though.

Yeesh, again with the misanthropy. So humans are “weak”, “timid” and “can only find peace via grabbing a blade”? I guess all the other sentient races are just rainbows and sunshine then because magic. Okay.

This loli is a gabillion times cuter than our usual one. I would like to make an exchange, please.

I can't see anything good happening to the witch in the "near future". The humans will find out she isn't one of theirs, they will get scared "of the unknown" and try to kill her, as is usual.


The loli witch is fine. It outright said at the end that she's being accepted as part of the village. Even if that were true of only the youngsters she's befriending, by the time any troubles came her way, the old people who would hate her if she were to be found out would have died, replaced by the youngsters who grew up with her presence.

since when does food have to be "cute" to eat it?! fuck that, give me the potato

also, witch's tears being all floaty is one of the most original things I've ever seen about race differences

Humans and animals in general tend to identify food, judge its quality and edibility, by visual cues and odor. If a food is "cute", it's more likely to be safe to eat.


Though I guess it's not really a good idea to just blindly eat everything visually appealing, especially fruits.

since when does food have to be "cute" to eat it?! fuck that, give me the potato

also, witch's tears being all floaty is one of the most original things I've ever seen about race differences

When they were in the monster town, some monster said that humans were a delicacy.

Then they should learn human husbandry and start cultivating them! You see how much truffles go for in this world, humans could

be brought up and sold for some mad dosh. Bojack Horseman handled how you take an intelligent species and breed them down

as a food source. Again, though, I doubt this series would go in such a morbid direction.

Well, I was trying to be sarcastic, but didn't use the proper /s. My bad. And I don't think the monsters in this story are 100% good either, which

makes it a lot more interesting. How do we even know which set of events is the truth? The monsters could be full of shit. There could be an enclave

of advanced humans elsewhere, like with Adventure Time. In fact, golems were a heresy that humans wrought when they tried to create life, but right now I'm enjoying the world and its interactions with its inhabitants.

When they were in the monster town, some monster said that humans were a delicacy.

Must be great to be able to think positively like that... I can't see anything good happening to the witch in the "near future". The humans will find out she isn't one of theirs, they will get scared "of the unknown" and try to kill her, as is usual. We humans are scum like that. And even if Somali end up finding other humans, it will only be a matter of time before she is killed like the others for food.

Well, I was trying to be sarcastic, but didn't use the proper /s. My bad. And I don't think the monsters in this story are 100% good either, which

makes it a lot more interesting. How do we even know which set of events is the truth? The monsters could be full of shit. There could be an enclave

of advanced humans elsewhere, like with Adventure Time. In fact, golems were a heresy that humans wrought when they tried to create life, but right now I'm enjoying the world and its interactions with its inhabitants.

I'm sure this will end well. This and Hakumei are my two comfy fantasy series.

Must be great to be able to think positively like that... I can't see anything good happening to the witch in the "near future". The humans will find out she isn't one of theirs, they will get scared "of the unknown" and try to kill her, as is usual. We humans are scum like that. And even if Somali end up finding other humans, it will only be a matter of time before she is killed like the others for food.

Golems are natural born protectors of lolis.

I'm sure this will end well. This and Hakumei are my two comfy fantasy series.

Huh..... IV?

In the East, witches aren't quite the same and are often monsters, so I'd imagine that's why so many manga and Japanese video games have witches as separate.

Ah, so they’re more akin to the entirely supernatural abominations that were the Ladies of the Wood/the Three Crones from The Witcher 3?


That’d make more sense.


omg lol



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