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All-Rounder Meguru

Alt Names: alt All Rounder Megurualt オールラウンダー廻alt 全能格鬥士alt 全能格斗士
Author: Endo Hiroki
Artist: Endo Hiroki
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMartial Arts Martial ArtsSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Hiroki Endō’s latest series tells the story of two old friends, Meguru Takayanagi and Takashi Yamabuki, who after a long time meet each other again at an amateur shooto mixed martial arts contest. While Meguru only practices MMA for fun, Takashi is pursuing a serious goal. Even though each of them has their own reason to fight, both are becoming stronger with each match… Universally praised for its realism and accurate depiction of martial arts, All-Rounder Meguru is one of the first manga to provide a glimpse into the energetic and exciting world of modern MMA.
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Maki x Meguru the awkward duo!

Not sure whether I'm more entranced by Maki's ass or her back tbh.

104 page 6

Meguru: I'm not good with triangle chokes, but aren't they Momoko's specialty?

The use of "but" makes it very unclear (I assume the original japanese was "demo" but in this case it would be used as a way to connect a dependent clause to an independent clause).

Meguru should be saying  "I'm not good with traingle chokes, aren't they Momoko's specialty?" here. Using "but" would be a way to indicate a contradicting statement, and implies Meguru IS in-fact good at triangle chokes.

I'm not up to going back and looking through all of these--but on this one the translators are right; your understanding of the grammar here is quite wrong, like weirdly wrong.  "Not X, but Y" does not imply X is the case, nor is there any kind of colloquial usage where it would.  The way they have it is not at all unclear, it's very standard, normal English.

So, summarizing the previous arguments from below: Someone disliked the translations because they were too "fun". Then people berated him for not having a substantive criticism. Then someone else chimed in on critiquing the translation, which is fine because he actually pointed something out. Silent Sky defended their translation, citing the subjective nature of translation, vernacular, and basic conversation. Then things devolved into an argument over kissing ass and giving critiques.


TL;DR If you have criticisms of the scanlation, phrase it in a way that is respectful and substantive so that the scanlation group may improve. If you don't, you're an ungrateful dickwad and can go fuck yourself. 

Wow, I see the last batch got a bit heated about our translations, ugu.

Anyway, other than ch 108, I uploaded a ch 100v2.




Thanks for the great, awesome-quality release, guys! I also really enjoyed ch108  :)

Wow, I see the last batch got a bit heated about our translations, ugu.

Anyway, other than ch 108, I uploaded a ch 100v2.



These translations (at least the english ones: I haven't looked at the others) are of top-notch quality.  Truly great work!

Chapter 107. No manga before this one has made me laugh this hard.

I only survived through that much amount of laughter thanks to my neighbor's house being set on fire.

And even then I was cracking up as I saw his dumbass jump from his rooftop to the pool.

Thanks a lot Silent sky for bringing my favourite manga once again to me. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!



























Going back to the previous comments I may have been wrong about this particular situation but I'm still going to stand by what I said. Going through forums and message boards I've seen some pretty deplorable behavior by the community and the below comments irked me.  This rant was a long time coming. 


Besides if this was real criticism and not vaguely concealed griping I could think of many better ways to let the team know than leaving a laundry list on a comment section like this. Sorry if I rustled some jimmies, that wasn't my intention.

Pathetic ass kisser? Hah, right. Maybe I am an ass kisser, but at least I'm a self aware ass kisser. I'm aware that I read these free translations only by the kind graces of those who make them. I'll kiss, lick, pull, suck and tug whatever I need to to keep these people happy.


 Mindless placating prevents growth. The man guided by the sycophant will find ruin! Just look at George Lucas. His first three films were competent, because he had people there to tell him he was wrong, or to revise his ideas. The prequel films were terrible, because he had complete control of the entire process. 


 What I am getting at is that no one here is wrong for voicing criticism. If the scanlators were simply told everything is great, then they will continue to think so. If someone properly voices criticism, then they have an opportunity to learn. Not all criticism is good, but what I've read isn't entirely off the mark. Even if I did not agree with rozzak said below, he/she has solid feedback that the scanlators "could" use to improve. I don't even know if they read this comment section, but honest feedback is always more important than sparing feelings. You NEED to know how your audience feels, and you NEED to know what you are doing wrong. 

Just because people comment on an error doesn't mean they're not grateful for the effort, you pathetic ass kisser.

Pathetic ass kisser? Hah, right. Maybe I am an ass kisser, but at least I'm a self aware ass kisser. I'm aware that I read these free translations only by the kind graces of those who make them. I'll kiss, lick, pull, suck and tug whatever I need to to keep these people happy.

What a mess of a party... I feel bad for Meguru. Thank you for the mass-release Silent-Sky!

To all the people complaining about the translations, really?

You all do realize that these scanaltions are all here for us to read for FREE. I have nothing but respect for the teams who put all their work up here for everyone to enjoy and I hope they know that I along with many others appreciate all their hard work. I could understand feeling angry or short handed if these were official translations and you had paid for them, BUT THEY ARE NOT.

You people are like kids who get a free lollipop and then whine b/c you don't like the flavor. Get over it.

TL/DR Shut up it's free

Just because people comment on an error doesn't mean they're not grateful for the effort, you pathetic ass kisser.

So great to be able to read ARM again, thanks Silent Sky!


Regarding the translations, I don't get what people are complaining about, they were quite clear for me, one has to remember that japanese sentences aren't usually structured the same way as in english and the japanese tend to ommit a lot of words, leaving it to context.


In short: as long as you're paying attention to what you're reading, you should understand these translations just fine.

To all the people complaining about the translations, really?

You all do realize that these scanaltions are all here for us to read for FREE. I have nothing but respect for the teams who put all their work up here for everyone to enjoy and I hope they know that I along with many others appreciate all their hard work. I could understand feeling angry or short handed if these were official translations and you had paid for them, BUT THEY ARE NOT.

You people are like kids who get a free lollipop and then whine b/c you don't like the flavor. Get over it.

TL/DR Shut up it's free

I agree that the translations are pretty bad. Typesetting sorta hides it, but a lot of the text doesn't make sense in the context of the story, and also makes it unclear what the characters mean.


For example 


104 page 6

Meguru: I'm not good with triangle chokes, but aren't they Momoko's specialty?

The use of "but" makes it very unclear (I assume the original japanese was "demo" but in this case it would be used as a way to connect a dependent clause to an independent clause).

Meguru should be saying  "I'm not good with traingle chokes, aren't they Momoko's specialty?" here. Using "but" would be a way to indicate a contradicting statement, and implies Meguru IS in-fact good at triangle chokes.


104 page 18 makes more grammatical sense if you changed "It all happened quickly" to "It all happened so fast."


Chapter 105 pages 16-17 (Maki's monologue) doesn't make much sense either.


I couldn't figure out what she meant by saying Meguru was unappealing, and why that connects to Momoko meeting up with Yudai. The dialogue seems janky and out of place, but without seeing the raws I can't say it's the translator's fault. 


105 pg 19 "It's go go with the beat beat" completely baffled me.


107 pg 16 also has very jarring and weird dialogue and fragmented sentences. 



 Umm... what? I'm not good, but she is. I have no idea how you found that kind of sentence unclear. Your criticism makes no sense, and the sentence does nothing to imply Meguru is in-fact good at triangle chokes.


 Again... what? There is no difference between the two phrases. The only thing you can argue is the severity of the two comments, but that can be seen as subjective. They are both fine grammatically, so I'm not sure what the crux of your issue is. Your criticism seems entirely subjective, unless I'm missing something. Quickly is just an adverb modifying "happened". 


Maki found it unappealing, because he wasn't being the guy she likes: capable, crafty, and hard-working. They were discussing his lack of motivation, and how he was avoiding the other guy. His sort of laziness and cowardice are very unappealing to her. Maki is very straight forward and values strength. How is any of that not clear? 


 Keeping an eye our for grammar is fine, but reading comprehension is also important. If the only way you can understand the English language is when it's in an oddly specific form of correct grammar, then you're the one who is baffling. If you weren't a native speaker of the language, then I'd understand. Very few people actually speak with perfect grammar. Our spoken language is full of fragments, mixed tenses, and all kinds of writing no-nos. This isn't to say it's entirely acceptable in writing, however there are always exceptions. 


 You should consider whether the work is fiction or non-fiction. Clearly in non-fiction you want everything precise and grammatically correct. The information within is usually educational or informative, so it's very useful that it's clear and uniform. In a work of fiction this is less important, as we have literary devices that come into play. What you write is supposed to evoke a particular feeling or emotion from the reader, so you play with grammar to achieve this. It is our knowledge and experience of the language that allows us to understand and interpret language when it is executed with less than perfect precision. Of course there are things that muddy the waters too much (grammar is a thing for a reason), but none of the criticisms seem to have done so. 


 I'm rambling. 


 Point is: everything in the translation is perfectly understandable.

>dislikes the translations

>only explanation for disliking the translation give is "group was having too much fun"


lol faggot. There's no legitimacy to your complaint.

I agree that the translations are pretty bad. Typesetting sorta hides it, but a lot of the text doesn't make sense in the context of the story, and also makes it unclear what the characters mean.


For example 


104 page 6

Meguru: I'm not good with triangle chokes, but aren't they Momoko's specialty?

The use of "but" makes it very unclear (I assume the original japanese was "demo" but in this case it would be used as a way to connect a dependent clause to an independent clause).

Meguru should be saying  "I'm not good with traingle chokes, aren't they Momoko's specialty?" here. Using "but" would be a way to indicate a contradicting statement, and implies Meguru IS in-fact good at triangle chokes.


104 page 18 makes more grammatical sense if you changed "It all happened quickly" to "It all happened so fast."


Chapter 105 pages 16-17 (Maki's monologue) doesn't make much sense either.


I couldn't figure out what she meant by saying Meguru was unappealing, and why that connects to Momoko meeting up with Yudai. The dialogue seems janky and out of place, but without seeing the raws I can't say it's the translator's fault. 


105 pg 19 "It's go go with the beat beat" completely baffled me.


107 pg 16 also has very jarring and weird dialogue and fragmented sentences. 


I can't be the only person that thinks these translations are a waste of time to read.  I got halfway through the first new chapter and just closed it with little interest in continued reading.  I had hoped it was just the group having fun with the last chapter months ago but looks like it has continued.  Time to wait for a serious translation.


>dislikes the translations

>only explanation for disliking the translation give is "group was having too much fun"


lol faggot. There's no legitimacy to your complaint.

That last chapter was...something else.


Good shit Silent Sky.

I can't be the only person that thinks these translations are a waste of time to read.  I got halfway through the first new chapter and just closed it with little interest in continued reading.  I had hoped it was just the group having fun with the last chapter months ago but looks like it has continued.  Time to wait for a serious translation.

I'm pretty sure you commented on the wrong manga?! Wrong browser tab?


Edit: That, or you must be trolling, and, yes, are the only one – the release is excellent.

Thank you! Finally new chapters!

I can't be the only person that thinks these translations are a waste of time to read.  I got halfway through the first new chapter and just closed it with little interest in continued reading.  I had hoped it was just the group having fun with the last chapter months ago but looks like it has continued.  Time to wait for a serious translation.

That's as may be so, but I hope you don't mind if I personally wish for the opposite. ARM is still mainly a martial arts manga, and between keeping an MMA manga (the only MMA manga currently being published, as a matter of fact, at least as far as I know) as an MMA manga and seeing it devote at least half its writing in romantic arcs and the resolutions thereof, I much prefer the former.

What I said goes along with that though. The sooner they screw each other, the less emphasis the romantic aspects would have. Sex is essentially a romantic resolution in most cases. It would cement the various relationships and lead to more focus on the MMA.

Although if we go by Eden it's an endless world as an example, in a few volumes it'll be yakuza wars or some other bullshit.

Why does that dark edgy childhood friend guy even exist? Eden had the exact same character (that annoying edgelord knife mercenary that got like half the chapters dedicated to him, even though he had absolutely no substance). Hell even the love interest is a carbon copy of the dude from Eden's.

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