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* * * * * (4.71 - 505votes)

Gosu (The Master)

Alt Names: alt 고수
Author: Ryu Ki-Woon
Artist: Moon Jung-Hoo
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyMartial Arts Martial ArtsShounen ShounenWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A young man set forth to avenge his master, a once powerful martial artist who was betrayed by his own men and barely escaped with his life. Armed with his master's supreme martial art techniques, he is ready to bring terror and wreak havoc among the murim. But before he even got started, he learns that the ones who had betrayed his master are already dead... Erm, so what happens now?

Raws found at: http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=662774&weekday=wed
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There is no plot, its just the author's self insert flexing his muscles.
We could have gotten plot and character development now, but there just isnt any.
This could have been a series where the MC fought super OP enemies or a comedy series where the MC's martial arts are irrelevant because theres nobody to fight anymore. I honestly thought it was going to be the latter from the description.
Instead, the MC fights useless mooks all the time with the same "sent them flying" art then the arc's bad guy who is hyped up to have "one in a million" legendary talent and then the fights are just people shouting attack names, shooting kamehamehas, surprised faces when they get attacked from behind like in Bleach and people trash talking, complaining that their opponents are holding back, and endless cliche after cliche.
Like i said in my previous comment, the arc where the main girl got kidnapped could have been used for character development to find out why she is haunted by ghosts. Instead, most of the arc was used to show the author's self insert flexing his muscles.

Trash talking and wild exaggerations are a proud part of every martial arts manhwa, whether you like it or not. That's just the way it is.

As for missed exposition opportunities: I figure the author's going for the long haul on this one, and plans to do more gradual reveals.

He just can't catch a break...

what do you mean the guy that he is trying to kill saved his life even though he is fully aware why he is there to begin with, there has to be a reason for it doesn't seem like the guy is that evil to me or at least isn't anymore

He just can't catch a break...
I really hope we get some more comedy in the near future.

I dont think you've been sleeping that long... You still have your fat on you. Hibernate for a while long. 

I don't know about this, feels like those were just fake memories, like someone is trying to manipulate him not to fight. Something doesn't feel right.

Right in the feels...

Then the whole subplot with the Demonic Cult was for nothing?


I'm just guessing here, but it could have been something they wanted to include in the story originally. For whatever reason it ended up being cut from the story or they never got the opportunity to do it. It's unfortunate as I'm sure it could have been a great arc, but shit happens I guess. I have my doubts they actually planned to write Gosu 20 years ago, but I'm pleased they chose to include it.


I'm just speculating though, I don't know if they ever gave a reason for it in an interview,  post chapter notes or some other way. SCS or someone else living in korea might know?


Anyway it functions as a nice reset button for the Gosu timeline imo, a bit of tragedy with the old murim alliance and at best a pyrrhic victory.

The sequel isnt even from the same author lol

There is a Yongbi sequel??

Then the whole subplot with the Demonic Cult was for nothing?

Introducing the war with the Demonic Cult was not necessarily for nothing. First of all, after the appearance of Goo Hwi in the previous sub arc, this arc finally connected the previous story line from Yongbi to Gosu. The idea of the war with the Demonic Cult was first introduced in Ch 119 of Yongbi, and we were finally given details from starting from Ch 68. Second, Gang Ryong (our MC) has practically been living as a frog in the well while working at the restaurant after coming out of hiding. Since the connection has been made, I am rather convinced that more characters and details from the "Yongbi era" will be revealed, which will probably open Gang Ryong's mind to a whole new understanding of how the Murim operates, as well as add to his character growth and possibly his martial arts.

The war against the Demonic Cult was never depicted in the original Yongbi series or its sequel.

Then the whole subplot with the Demonic Cult was for nothing?

I like that we got to see another prelate even if he's dead and I hope this means they're willing to include survivors/prelates from the demonic cult in a future arc at some point..I mean getting these many callbacks to yongbi is nice by itself so. They might have lost, but I'm hoping some of them escaped.


The way it's formulated in korean, was it implied by ''spearhead'' that he's the strongest or just the squad leader? Because in Yongbi they make mention of a ''Grand Prelate'' as the leader. 

The war against the Demonic Cult was never depicted in the original Yongbi series or its sequel.



I think the war happens between the end of Yongbi and the sequel. According to the Mad Blood Archdemon Prelate in ch 119 of Yongbi, the demoncult is preparing a war against the murim that will take place ten years after the end of Yongbi. The war is only mentioned in ch 69 and we are given a clearer picture of what happened in this chapter (ch 78).

First, this old dude is TOO full of himself for someone who uses poison.


And last, I havent real ALL Yongbi but i dont remember anyone called Sa Paecheon. The only whip-user was that disciple from the Celestial Eminence and he was NOWHERE as strong as this dude, not even close if we believe that now he is waaaay weaker than he was during Yongbi.

As a huge fan of both Yongbi and Gosu, I can say that Sa Paecheon was never in Yongbi, but his title as one of the Three Eminences has been mentioned. I quote from ch 14 of Yongbi: "It is said that in the Murim of the Middle Kingdom... There are twelve Supreme Masters that one must be wary of... From the Righteous Murim, the Three Eminences and the Five Warrior Emperors, and the Chaotic Murim, the Four Heavenly Kings!"


To remind everyone:

In Yongbi, the only Supreme Masters introduced are: Goo Hwi, the Heaven Ravager King, was said to be the youngest and strongest of the Four Heavenly Kings. The Celestial Eminence is the "shameless beggar" introduced in the beginning of Ch 17 of Yongbi, though I don't think we were told that he was one of the Eminences until Ch 68 of Gosu (from the resemblance of how he's drawn). The master of the whip-user from Yongbi is the Divine Lord of Destruction, Hyeon Jae-yang, who is one of the Five Warrior Emperors; and, I believe he is said to be the strongest of the Warrior Emperors. The female fan user, who is Yongbi's fiance, is Hong Yemong, the Ice Jade Empress of the Fan, who is also one of the Five Warrior Emperors (and from how she was introduced in Ch 29 of Yongbi she might be the only woman among the 12 Supreme Masters).


In Gosu, the Supreme Masters that are mentioned so far are: Shadow Eminence, Sa Paecheon; the Celestial Eminence (from Ch 68, I can't recall his name if it was ever mentioned in Yongbi); the Enlightened Eminence (from Ch68 whose name has not been mentioned); and the two Supreme Masters (whose names and titles were never mentioned) who tried to ambush the Sa Paecheon after his battle with the Infinite Divine Archedemon Prelate (info from Ch 69 and 78).


So, thus far, only eight of the twelve Supreme Masters have been mentioned in both Manhwa. And, according to the Celestial Eminence's conversation with the Sa Paecheon (in the flashback in Ch 78), Sa Paecheon is the most powerful if only considering his martial arts. He probably proved this from how he was able to escape from Goo Hwi, Yongbi, and Hong Yemong, after fighting both and killing both of the two Supreme Masters who ambushed him after he faced the Infinite Divine Archedemon (the "spearhead" aka most powerful of the Demonic cult).


I am not saying the Sa Paecheon isn't too full of himself, 'cause he is. I am just saying that though he is too prideful of his former glory, he was someone who once had the strength to back it up. Sorry for the long text and the run-on sentences, I just wanted to remind everybody about some of the facts that haven't been mentioned in a while.

The whole war against the demoncult hasn't happened in the manga, it may be what the Yongbi sequel is about.

I think the war happens between the end of Yongbi and the sequel. According to the Mad Blood Archdemon Prelate in ch 119 of Yongbi, the demoncult is preparing a war against the murim that will take place ten years after the end of Yongbi. The war is only mentioned in ch 69 and we are given a clearer picture of what happened in this chapter (ch 78).

The whole war against the demoncult hasn't happened in the manga, it may be what the Yongbi sequel is about.

The sequel isnt even from the same author lol

for some reason the chapter isnt loading fully is there a reason for this?

First, this old dude is TOO full of himself for someone who uses poison.


And last, I havent real ALL Yongbi but i dont remember anyone called Sa Paecheon. The only whip-user was that disciple from the Celestial Eminence and he was NOWHERE as strong as this dude, not even close if we believe that now he is waaaay weaker than he was during Yongbi.

The whole war against the demoncult hasn't happened in the manga, it may be what the Yongbi sequel is about.

ehhhhh i cant watch it the pages just wont show zz




nvm lads i can now, if you have trouble loading the pages simply click on the gearwheel and change it from CDN to EU/NA



THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

This turned out to be a pretty interesting fight. In the beginning I also found it frustrating how out MC got tossed around so easily. But it all now finally seems as if this was the first true coming out party for him. He was moping guys up til this point and never had to fight for his life before this. It was also a test of his resolve. Or a reminding of his goal if you will. As he's been living pretty comfortable all this time, and he now knows how strong the opponents he will face can be. On the other hand, his slow start also led to his advantage. The whip guy underestimated him from the get go, to the point he got so careless he was able to lose an arm. The same lost arm left him open for that reckless attack at the end, which ultimately ended him. It also seems the whip guys greatest weakness was his over confidence. Instead of looking for solutions in tough situations, he complained that he would win of he had full power. He even complaijed as he was dying. If this, if that. He was so used to overpowering others, he didn't know how to win without it. I think this was what the divine immenence was telling him. If a time comes when you are overpowered (or not at full strength) you have to adapt or lose. All these different aspects made this an awesome fight. Can't wait to see how he handles his masters old desciples.

First, this old dude is TOO full of himself for someone who uses poison.


And last, I havent real ALL Yongbi but i dont remember anyone called Sa Paecheon. The only whip-user was that disciple from the Celestial Eminence and he was NOWHERE as strong as this dude, not even close if we believe that now he is waaaay weaker than he was during Yongbi.

Sa Paecheon: 'tis but a scratch

ehhhhh i cant watch it the pages just wont show zz




nvm lads i can now, if you have trouble loading the pages simply click on the gearwheel and change it from CDN to EU/NA

the arc where the main girl got kidnapped could have been used for character development to find out why she is haunted by ghosts. Instead, most of the arc was used to show the author's self insert flexing his muscles.

Did you even read it? You're here talking about character development when you couldn't even understand something as basic as that? You are obviously just trying, and failing, to look like an intelectual, spewing bulldhit about character development when you can't even read a chapter without having everything spoonfed to you like a baby.


There is no plot, its just the author's self insert flexing his muscles.


We could have gotten plot and character development now, but there just isnt any.


This could have been a series where the MC fought super OP enemies or a comedy series where the MC's martial arts are irrelevant because theres nobody to fight anymore. I honestly thought it was going to be the latter from the description.


Instead, the MC fights useless mooks all the time with the same "sent them flying" art then the arc's bad guy who is hyped up to have "one in a million" legendary talent and then the fights are just people shouting attack names, shooting kamehamehas, surprised faces when they get attacked from behind like in Bleach and people trash talking, complaining that their opponents are holding back, and endless cliche after cliche.


Like i said in my previous comment, the arc where the main girl got kidnapped could have been used for character development to find out why she is haunted by ghosts. Instead, most of the arc was used to show the author's self insert flexing his muscles.


You can get character development without the whole "oh no I'm too weak, nvm I discovered a new ability and now I can beat you" shit. Their actual character/mentality can change and that's also development.

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