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* * * * * (4.71 - 505votes)

Gosu (The Master)

Alt Names: alt 고수
Author: Ryu Ki-Woon
Artist: Moon Jung-Hoo
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyMartial Arts Martial ArtsShounen ShounenWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A young man set forth to avenge his master, a once powerful martial artist who was betrayed by his own men and barely escaped with his life. Armed with his master's supreme martial art techniques, he is ready to bring terror and wreak havoc among the murim. But before he even got started, he learns that the ones who had betrayed his master are already dead... Erm, so what happens now?

Raws found at: http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=662774&weekday=wed
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If everyone knows who he is, why haven't they kidnapped/threatened his waifu yet?

He can't be in two places at once... OR CAN HE?!

It's like saying "please rape my face and destroy my entire family, friends and society".

Our MC is basically one man army, even the strongest martial artists doesn't want to anger him.

1. Good guy 1st attacks by tsunami.
2. Good guy then hand-to-hands another bunch of idiots...err... soldiers...
3. Bad guys still keep coming mindlessly.
Are we sure this isn't some form of zombie apocalypse. since these guys just don't seem to want to stop?

They merely live to show off how op our mc is.

"Heavenly destruction, thunder hawk strike"


Now we play the waiting game...

Ow dang! Is that another tremor?

1. Good guy 1st attacks by tsunami.
2. Good guy then hand-to-hands another bunch of idiots...err... soldiers...
3. Bad guys still keep coming mindlessly.
Are we sure this isn't some form of zombie apocalypse. since these guys just don't seem to want to stop?

Didn't the order.mention they'd be killed if they didn't go? Fighting him is their best chance at survival, even if they lose.

The undertaker at that valley will be working on overtime trying to make coffins for the tsunami of bodies headed his way. Or at this point would it be better just set the whole valley ablaze and hope it gets all the bodies?

as someone who work on how-to-work-team-cheaper-but-effective these people with power but lack of intelligent are quite annoying, you see someone who can make a small tsunami and yet you still calling your lackeys to do the job... come on it's a waste of resource dude

"Our fodder will blot out the Sun!"


What they don't realize is that he is the Sun and they've just made a terrible mistake.

fck fck this is the only mahwa to ever rile me up so bad cause of its cliffhangers

If everyone knows who he is, why haven't they kidnapped/threatened his waifu yet?

He can't be in two places at once... OR CAN HE?!

Even then, that's all they seem to know. They don't know he didn't eat for 10+ days, or that he was travelling back and forth from the old monk's house and the dumpling shop dozens of times a day(without any food). They don't know any of it.

Looking back (cause I did lol), that "announcer" guy said something like "One is getting more energized while the fight continues while it's a wonder how the other is even able to swing a sword". So, I'm sure that you're right. They had no idea that the MC didn't eat/sleep for days on end, as well. Although I have no idea why they wouldn't notice, seeing that the MC had lost half his body mass.

1. Good guy 1st attacks by tsunami.


2. Good guy then hand-to-hands another bunch of idiots...err... soldiers...


3. Bad guys still keep coming mindlessly.


Are we sure this isn't some form of zombie apocalypse. since these guys just don't seem to want to stop?

new chap. out! Still badassssss

What the...

Did he just Shinra Tensei the place???


Oh gawd, no. We're up-to-date to the Korean version. I'm thankful for SupremeCreamScans. (And wait on the edge of my seat until next chapter.)

OMG, he is so pissed off! Throwing tsunamis left and right. Can't wait for the upcoming chapters, should be FUN x)


I dont feel like going back and finding it but they talk about how the MC was scouring the mountains for a week. They knew what he was doing maybe not to the extent but they knew he was out there.

Even then, that's all they seem to know. They don't know he didn't eat for 10+ days, or that he was travelling back and forth from the old monk's house and the dumpling shop dozens of times a day(without any food). They don't know any of it.

It's that specific gosu!

If they fight him 1x1, he will probably win. The sword fiend never got a hit in when they fought the first time. The second time he won too, but both of them were worn out. The reason that guy said he was pathetic is probably because they knew the sword fiend was a mess without eating or sleeping, but they didn't know that the mc was also a mess, so he thought the mc having a hard time against a tired opponent was pathetic.


I dont feel like going back and finding it but they talk about how the MC was scouring the mountains for a week. They knew what he was doing maybe not to the extent but they knew he was out there.

Just waiting for his hair to stand up and turn gold... Any minute now O.o;;;



Everyone knows the true power comes when you go bald.




If they fight him 1x1, he will probably win. The sword fiend never got a hit in when they fought the first time. The second time he won too, but both of them were worn out. The reason that guy said he was pathetic is probably because they knew the sword fiend was a mess without eating or sleeping, but they didn't know that the mc was also a mess, so he thought the mc having a hard time against a tired opponent was pathetic.

Hey guys i am back with that bell and bullhorn and announcer. What i miss... Holy shit...




LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

baekma valley's assessment on him is obviously underestimating him since they have never actually scene him or probably nobodies ever scene him fight with the intent to kill so they're probably screwed if they tried to do something underhanded against him

So yea , go fight the guy that just made a mini-tsunami in a fucking lake, instead of you know ... just giving him what he wants and not suffering unnecessary damage -__- my god wouldn't that be a twist 

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