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* * * * * (4.61 - 69votes)

Diamond no Ace Act II

Alt Names: alt Ace of Diamond act IIalt As berlian ayat IIalt as de diamantes acto IIalt ダイヤのA act IIalt Daiya no Ace act II
Author: Terajima Yuuji
Artist: Terajima Yuuji
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Sequel to Diamond no Ace.


Diamond no Ace (Prequel)
( http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/diamond-no-ace-r1737 )

Diamond no Brass!! (Spin-off)
( http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/diamond-no-brass-r20226 )
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I have a feeling that after this tourney, coach Kataoka is gonna force Furuya to make a battery with Yui Kaoru, and ban him from practicing with Miyuki. This is to solve Furuya's problem of overexertion, and get to his best soon.

Sawamura can't lose even if Seidou does.


And if he's not given the Ace number after this then Seidou deserves its own ruin. The fact he's still #18 is insulting.

Despite Sawamura being awesome in this battle, it is possible that they are still gonna lose to Ichidaisan for plot purposes. After researching a bit, this tournament seems to not be that important. It just decides seeding for the next tournament (West Tokyo) which is the real important one, as the winner of that is the one that'll go to summer Koshien. Winning the current battle will enable them to have their rematch with Inashiro earlier though, which is interesting on its own way (we'll get more fights against Narumiya; good, since 3rd years will not participate on the Fall tournament). However, the author might prefer having the climax on the event that really counts.

Cover 04!!



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Sawamura better be taking "Coach" to task after this. The amount of bullshit he had to put up with was unreal.

Wtf? Sawamura got a hit!! Is this real?

WTF! I just noticed bc I took a long break from this series but why are their less then a 1000 followers for this manga? It is too good for that.


Probably bec this is Part II and a lot are waiting for more chapters before starting it. Part I has more than 2,000 followers. 

WTF! I just noticed bc I took a long break from this series but why are their less then a 1000 followers for this manga? It is too good for that.

Boss finally noticed Sawamura! 

Well now, would you look at that? Sawamura pitching amazingly well AND getting props for it?

Well damn, this is certainly a chapter to come back to after not reading the manga for 9 months or so. I'm... honestly still mixed on the current developments, but Sawamura getting some glory was long, long, LONG overdue, especially against a team like that. I've got no doubt this will revert back to the status quo soon (though I can see Sawamura pitching the next game if they make it this far, considering it's back to back and Furuya is off his game for now), and I'll probably really regret picking it up again soon enough (prompting me to stop reading it again for a long time), but for now I'll just savor the Sawamura goodness. 

Bunt is coming...

SO GOOD. Of course, I don't think he'll actually make a good hit. But I think he'll keep the pitching up this game.

This damn Sawamura is so good

Daaaamn. I preferred to wait for a while before catching up again and it ends with such an exciting chapter. I have to wait one more week.

Eijun says he's not angry but his face says everything. If he manages to turn it around after such a dire situation that Furuya put the whole team in, I would lose my fucking mind if the ace number isn't revoked. I've never been this mad that a main character like Eijun gets so repeatedly fucked over by the people around him who are in charge.


Well, no, Sawamura fucked himself over in the Spring Tournament with mediocre pitching, while Furuya showed literally the best pitching of his life. Its obvious that Furuya would take the spotlight for a while.


This game does look to be where Sawamura v2.0 makes his mark, but I highly doubt the ace number will change. One good/bad game (that's not Koshien related) does not an ace make.



Eijun says he's not angry but his face says everything. If he manages to turn it around after such a dire situation that Furuya put the whole team in, I would lose my fucking mind if the ace number isn't revoked. I've never been this mad that a main character like Eijun gets so repeatedly fucked over by the people around him who are in charge.

Gearing up for Furuya to be BTFO by Sawamura

How much longer is this choke artist going to hold onto the #1? I dropped this manga a while ago because of this stupid ass shite.

I enjoy the parallels drawn, but Mei's excruciating collapse last year lead to Inajitsu's embarrassing defeat. I'm not ready to say goodbye to Miyuki and the rest of this year's third-years. Switch him out, coach! Furuya can have his breakdown on the bench.


This is only the spring tournament, even if they lose they get a chance during the summer tourney 


keep him in and let him suffer. Go Ichidai, lol

I enjoy the parallels drawn, but Mei's excruciating collapse last year lead to Inajitsu's embarrassing defeat. I'm not ready to say goodbye to Miyuki and the rest of this year's third-years. Switch him out, coach! Furuya can have his breakdown on the bench.

no chapter this week orsomething, its so painful when it takes a break. 


I love seeing Furuya crumble, bring on superior pitchers like Kawakami please.

Holy shit, Mei is actually reflecting on himself?!

Furuya going down , Sawamura turn to shine

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