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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.51 - 106votes)


Alt Names: alt 롤플레잉겜alt 롤플레잉겜만화alt Role-Playing Game
Author: Gaechaban
Artist: Gaechaban
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: After a falling out with his team, the Guild Master of the greatest guild quits the game. As the top player, he had pioneered the creation of a unique plot item that is required to open a new area of the game. After 2 years he returns to find that his items and gold have been stolen by hackers and the unique plot item he made unavailable by leaving, was never replaced, and so he is hated by everyone in the game. Our accessories-loving hero is however very relaxed, and simply goes back to his old ways of trying to create/purchase the most interesting items. <Temporary description created by reader, will be updated later>

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Locking people out of a service they paid for = "Drama"

Sick interpretation, but I meant the whole villain/hero thing.

Lastly, please stop mentioning how unrealistic the game is in a complaining fashion, as if this is a major failure on the part of the author.


Whether or not you enjoy the author's choice here, the unreasonable nature of the game and the unhelpful game devs are part of the author-intended humor. This was not a mistake or failure in world-development or our insight into the author's total lack of a sense for balanced game mechanics; these unreasonable scenarios and game designs were, as far as I perceive them, placed in the story as unreasonable and obnoxious game mechanics very intentionally. The MC himself regularly comments about the silly game mechanics, lack of content development, and dev's unhelpfulness.


The MC has, on at least four occasions, mentioned either his disbelief that the game has not already failed, worried about the game's future, or made predictions that the game won't last.


The plot may be in Very Serious Territory right now, but remember that the world's premise has never been such.

Also, people keep mentioning death penalties that lock you out of the game for X days as cutting into subscription time. . .







^ 3^ ~<3


However, I don't think this game is subscription based; or at least, the author hasn't yet made clear what the player's method of payment is, nor how much it costs. I am not sure about the old-school players utilizing mouse and keyboard, however we have seen the IRL virtual reality hook up. This isn't an at-home head set like Occulus Rift, they are going to a VR center and floating in a tub of liquid Star Wars medical-bay-style. At least in the VR centers, players have been shown to purchase play time on an individual basis, presumably with a credit record that tracks how much "purchased game time" remains on their account. Technically, players utilizing a regular computer could pay in this same manner.


It isn't infeasible that some of their VR room payment goes to the VR center while a portion goes to the company of the game they choose to play.


Well, until we have Word of Author on this it's up in the air; however, I believe that unless new information is provided to the contrary there is enough world building present that we may assume monthly/yearly subscriptions are not utilized and not pertinent to any discussions about the actual series. (Again, IRL game mechanics discussions make sense, though adding "alternative forms of payment for the game" to the discussion might be worthwhile.)

He didn't have to hide because of the death penalty. They can't log in for 3 days after they die.  


There's a difference between hiding that you killed someone from the world/server and hiding that you killed someone from the person you killed.



It seems very strange for a game that kicks you out for three days and drops your class tier for each death, to not have a method of determining who killed you.  Given the game mechanics, there has to be some sort of system that punishes PKing or everyone would do it and people wouldn't be so shocked at the hero guild for it.

Or it's hypothetically designed to be more realistic, in that it has such serious penalties for dying and their aren't necessarily inherit penalties for murder.


On the flip side if you PK, and even without a system announcement become known for PKing or a sufficient enough number of players become aware that you PKed. . . suddenly everyone is prepared to kill you, over and over again, without social repreucissions or themselves being considered a 'criminal', because, "Hey, that guy is just a filthy PK who ruins everyone else's fun! Let's keep him out of the game!" or, "Hey! He killed our guild mate and forced them to drop a tier! [tiers have been established to be very expensive and exceptionally difficult to increase, particularly at higher tiers] Let's all get revenge and kill that dirty PKer down to Tier 0(blivion)!!"


i.e., The serious death penalty potentially develops a game culture in which a PKer must keep their activities a secret, lest their game life be utterly ruined and they become the game's social pariah who will be in turn PKed by everyone else. If the system reveals a player as a PKer than they have no safety net and PKs would have little to no benefit, ever, creating a very forced and artificial game culture.

Did both of you guys miss the entire first part of the series where not only did Raquiah kill Appetizer, a thief, and some other dude, but had to hide only AFTER he broke merry merry's strength record? This mechanism of hidden information has been there from chapter 1. Even outside of this story, look at any VRMMO series and you will find that this is an incredibly common thing.

He didn't have to hide because of the death penalty. They can't log in for 3 days after they die.  


There's a difference between hiding that you killed someone from the world/server and hiding that you killed someone from the person you killed.



It seems very strange for a game that kicks you out for three days and drops your class tier for each death, to not have a method of determining who killed you.  Given the game mechanics, there has to be some sort of system that punishes PKing or everyone would do it and people wouldn't be so shocked at the hero guild for it.

After this, why would I want to?
In the future, we will be playing MMOs with
Shitty UIs
Bad servers
Unfair mechanics
Idiot/sadist devs
Unbalanced leveling
and we will all be queueing up for it the moment they drop a megabyte of new content?
There's suspension of disbelief and there's hanging it untill dead.

This is amusing. Ever since it's conception, the VRMMO has always been about making the game as realistic as possible within a certain setting. As far as I'm concerned, they're doing a good job at it.

>You don't know someone's name before you meet them, and it sure isn't displayed above their head.
>Government is widely considered shit in most areas of the world.
>"Life is unfair" -most common quote ever
>People are cruel
>Certain jobs are harder to get than others
>Combination of the above
>I see it all the time, and it is what advertisers literally get paid to make people do.

Seems to me the game is hitting all the right points in mimicking reality. This story is also never meant to make you have disbelief in the first place, it is instead a parody made to actually make you think about the real world parallels, something you obviously have failed to do.

This manhwa... I find it so relatable as an MMORPG player. I cry every time I read it.

You need to play some better MMORPGs.

This manhwa... I find it so relatable as an MMORPG player. I cry every time I read it.

I'm surprised that there are more than one MMO stories where not being able to play (for significant time periods) is a penality for death. Is there some real live MMO with that? Because it sounds like a spectacularly stupid idea. Some people only have sometimes time for games, throwing them out during this times isn't the best idea to keep suscribers. And even if you can play whenever you want, if you can't play for 72 hours(3 days are ridiculously long btw) and that happens a few times will they always bother to come back? And the death rate has to be low, anyone playing an normal MMO who does new raid dungeons or just prefers challenging fights in solo play will sometimes die. You can't make it undesirable to do anything challenging, that will drive away players too.
 I guess good escape mechanics could lessen the problem. But in a game with hardcore death penalities you probably don't want to make escaping to easy either.

For THAT much time? Of course not, thats why its so easy to identify the trolls here.


For a smaller but not insignificant amount of time? Of course there are, but they're all super niche and/or only possible under special circumstances. (The MMO Dofus has perma-death but only on a specially cordoned off server.)

Locking people out of a service they paid for = "Drama"

I'm surprised that there are more than one MMO stories where not being able to play (for significant time periods) is a penality for death. Is there some real live MMO with that? Because it sounds like a spectacularly stupid idea. Some people only have sometimes time for games, throwing them out during this times isn't the best idea to keep suscribers. And even if you can play whenever you want, if you can't play for 72 hours(3 days are ridiculously long btw) and that happens a few times will they always bother to come back? And the death rate has to be low, anyone playing an normal MMO who does new raid dungeons or just prefers challenging fights in solo play will sometimes die. You can't make it undesirable to do anything challenging, that will drive away players too.
 I guess good escape mechanics could lessen the problem. But in a game with hardcore death penalities you probably don't want to make escaping to easy either.

Roleplayers and their drama...

Locking people out of a service they paid for = "Drama"

Roleplayers and their drama...

how did his personality start lik this and become lik that?

I'm pretty sure most games tell you who killed you... Particularly games where there is a penalty involved with death... Shouldn't ONE of the players have noticed...


>>>Player XXXXX  has just killed you.<<<

You will now be logged out. Time until next login: 72 hours.


I find it hard to believe that such an advance VRMMO wouldn't tell players that die HOW they died. It's even more difficult to believe that ALL of them somehow missed the memo. It's not like you go AFK in VR. Your body is in a goo-filled pod, how can you miss it? Unless Tier 8 Magicians have some sort of stealth mode.

Depends on the design goals. If you want to make stealthy assassination of other players (or in general surprise kills without revealing your identity) possible then no that wouldn't be shown or there would be special ways to hide that information.

 Even outside of this story, look at any VRMMO series and you will find that this is an incredibly common thing.

After this, why would I want to?


In the future, we will be playing MMOs with

Shitty UIs

Bad servers

Unfair mechanics

Idiot/sadist devs

Unbalanced leveling

and we will all be queueing up for it the moment they drop a megabyte of new content?


There's suspension of disbelief and there's hanging it untill dead.

Suddenly Haseo/Ovan feelings.

Okay..the MC and other characters are pretty funny and interesting. The MMO World the writer uses for his story is not. (But I guess the reader is supposed to blame the company the writer created for the story for why the MMO World has issues.)

Don't they have names over their heads and fucking fight logs? This is retarded

I'm pretty sure most games tell you who killed you... Particularly games where there is a penalty involved with death... Shouldn't ONE of the players have noticed...
>>>Player XXXXX  has just killed you.<<<
You will now be logged out. Time until next login: 72 hours.
I find it hard to believe that such an advance VRMMO wouldn't tell players that die HOW they died. It's even more difficult to believe that ALL of them somehow missed the memo. It's not like you go AFK in VR. Your body is in a goo-filled pod, how can you miss it? Unless Tier 8 Magicians have some sort of stealth mode.

Did both of you guys miss the entire first part of the series where not only did Raquiah kill Appetizer, a thief, and some other dude, but had to hide only AFTER he broke merry merry's strength record? This mechanism of hidden information has been there from chapter 1.

Even outside of this story, look at any VRMMO series and you will find that this is an incredibly common thing.

I'm pretty sure most games tell you who killed you... Particularly games where there is a penalty involved with death... Shouldn't ONE of the players have noticed...


>>>Player XXXXX  has just killed you.<<<

You will now be logged out. Time until next login: 72 hours.


I find it hard to believe that such an advance VRMMO wouldn't tell players that die HOW they died. It's even more difficult to believe that ALL of them somehow missed the memo. It's not like you go AFK in VR. Your body is in a goo-filled pod, how can you miss it? Unless Tier 8 Magicians have some sort of stealth mode.

Isley is probably going to end up as the main antagonist.

Don't they have names over their heads and fucking fight logs? This is retarded

Goodamnit. I fucking swear. Isley is a backstabbing little son of a bitch and I can feel it.


He absolutely is, and I love it. Author's putting some pretty good drama into the mix with this flashback.

What the hell? So Nibelugen is an NPC, and the will kill her and that's why our MC leaves?
Goodamnit. I fucking swear. Isley is a backstabbing little son of a bitch and I can feel it.

Eh?  I thought Nibelungen (the horned one) was Merry Merry, the crazy stalker girl.  Appetizer had clearly never met Raquia before; I'm pretty sure she's said so herself.  And Raquia would have recognized her too.



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