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Joukamachi no Dandelion

Alt Names: alt 城下町のダンデライオンalt 城下町的蒲公英alt Castle Town Dandelion
Author: Kasuga Ayumu
Artist: Kasuga Ayumu
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In the manga's story, the everyday lives of the nine super-powered siblings of the royal family are monitored by more than 200 surveillance cameras and broadcast nationwide. The people of the nation who are watching the broadcast will have the ability to elect the next monarch. The story focuses on Akane, the third-oldest sister who can manipulate gravity. She is shy and desperately does not want to be caught on camera.
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Akane's first because she flashed her panties to her entire classmates? I'm not sure how to feel about this
Power and personality wise her sibling is better as a king


Not that i don't like her or anything

She have 2 powers.

I get the feeling that "Perfect Learning" is a false to hide her real ability. Imagine the riots that would happen if the citizens find out that a ruler candidate has the power to force you to obey every command she gives. Normally. Then again, you don't normally find the ruling class trying to live like your average family after they're done with their diplomatic duties.

Unless, of course, Aoi actually does possess two abilities. Then she's OP on top of OP.

Akane is kinda annoying, her shyness is a bit over the top. Personality wise, I prefer most of her siblings over her- even Aoi the generic ojou (but not Teru, he is also annoying.)

Her power is that she never forgets anything. That's what the anime says it is.

She have 2 powers.



This has an anime?



Her power is that she never forgets anything. That's what the anime says it is.

This has an anime?

Her power is that she never forgets anything. That's what the anime says it is.

in the japanese wiki,


Poor Akane.

Wasn't Aoi's power "Perfect Learning"? It says so in the first chapter. Although now I see there is a "'?" besides that...So...This is her true power?




Her power is that she never forgets anything. That's what the anime says it is.

Aoi's just too perfect it's rather scary mmm...

Wasn't Aoi's power "Perfect Learning"? It says so in the first chapter. Although now I see there is a "'?" besides that...So...This is her true power?




PD: It totally feels like you could make up some very funny dialogs with these panels




Original Size:


So that's what it was, huh.



Probably the scariest power of them all and by the looks of it her commands don't wear out they are permanent.

Whoa...Aoi is pretty scary when she wants to be, isn't she? :\

Absolute authority, eh?

Btw, thanks so much to the scanlator for bringing us these chapters. It really is a hidden gem. :)

I believe the official name for her real power is Absolute Order or something. Probably related to the reason why she is strongly opposed to becoming king.

mmm...Absolute Authority, or Reality Warper.

So her true power is... what? Queen Time?

I thought her power was too weak compared to the others.

And, no wonder she's got that mindset.


I'm betting she ended up getting carried away by her power at a young age resulting in a traumatizing incident and decided she shouldn't use it or become a real queen because of the temptation.

Shuu is the best character.

Well Aoi's true power finally appears.

democracy ≠ republic, though[I hope you meant to say this with your statement].

Just to clear what neorasp has stated. != means not equal to, at least in various programming language that i know of. 

No, I'm not going to further discuss about politics here.

Choosing a ruler based on popularity is at the core of democracy, and that's the way it is. trying to bring side facts into the argument won't change it.


it doesn't matter if the candidates are the former ruler children, sued politicians or hobos from the street, the people at the top are those most popular.


a person lifetime is longer than 4 years, but the concept is the same. 4 years means mistakes cause less damage, but it doesn't change the core of it.


and before your next argument,


democracy ≠ republic, though[I hope you meant to say this with your statement].

Democracy and Republic are different kinds of administrative systems, mainly differentiated by

their executive organs. While in a Republic, the executive power lies in the hands of a few pre-chosen politicians[i.e. emissiaries of a parliament], the executive power of a Democracy is that of everyone who is an eligible adult (at least in theory, because the only Democracy until today was the one in Greece, where only adult men from Greece had the right to "vote") through voting in the "Ekklesia"[i.e. the "open town meeting"], resulting in the "plebiscite". The outcome will be executed.


That is the truth, nowadays Democracy doesn't exist anywhere anymore, so I hope people get intelligent enough to not abuse the word "democracy" for their foul "Res Publica", the root of inequality, corruption and felony against the population of a country...

What the flying fudge are you talking about? Dandelion is an elective monarchy. All the candidates are the king's children! They pick the king, then they sit back and let him/her rule them until he/she dies or chooses to abdicate. Dagnammit, people, go back to pol sci and start figuring out that election != democracy.


Choosing a ruler based on popularity is at the core of democracy, and that's the way it is. trying to bring side facts into the argument won't change it.


it doesn't matter if the candidates are the former ruler children, sued politicians or hobos from the street, the people at the top are those most popular.


a person lifetime is longer than 4 years, but the concept is the same. 4 years means mistakes cause less damage, but it doesn't change the core of it.


and before your next argument,


Things that I found out in just one chapter:


yes, democracy is idiotic. however, it has 2 good points:
1. the people get what they want
so the only ones they can complain too is themselves. wise up for next election!
2. the people get what they deserve
stupid nations get bad leaders. wise nations get good leaders. justice.

What the flying fudge are you talking about? Dandelion is an elective monarchy. All the candidates are the king's children! They pick the king, then they sit back and let him/her rule them until he/she dies or chooses to abdicate.

Dagnammit, people, go back to pol sci and start figuring out that election != democracy.

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