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* * * * * (4.72 - 601votes)

Kyokou Suiri: Invented Inference

Alt Names: alt 虚構推理alt In/Spectrealt Invented Inferencealt 허구추리alt Kyokou Suiri
Author: Shirodaira Kyou
Artist: Katase Chasiba
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Meet the cute, smug, cane-wielding 17-year-old Iwanaga Kotoko as she (very) aggressively tries to woo the older Sakuragawa Kurou and act as a mediator/problem-solver for the supernatural world.
But why is she so fascinated with Sakuragawa Kurou?
The truth is...

From the author of Zetsuen no Tempest and Spiral!

Adapted from the novel "Kyokou Suiri: Koujin Nanase".
Publisher/Magazine: http://www.magazine-r.co/comics/kyokosuiri/
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This manga has all, and well done. Really enjoyable.

i still cant figure out if they are going out or not. i need a love dovey moment at least

The really scary thing for this manga is the author's penchant for really tragic stories. I mean, Record for Fallen Vampire? Spiral? Zetsuen no Tempest? I'm preparing myself to cry at some point.

It's also good to see how some situations can't be solved with just brute force and immortality alone.

What!? You mean Dragon Ball Z lied to me!?  ;D

The woman of steel vs. the man with nerves of steel.


Loved how Kurou pretty much just kept a straight face throughout the entire fight. Even after he got a taste of death he just got right back up and went back into the fray.


It's also good to see how some situations can't be solved with just brute force and immortality alone.

another months of waiting....


but this is a magnificent chapter.. love the love triangle!


and I really feel bad for Kurou

I'm sure he agreed to be her boyfriend more to cure her pestering, but on that same vein, I think he's exaggerating a bit on his level of disdain. I also don't think he has no interest in her whatsoever. They just need to work out their own rhythm. They're both pretty weird messed up individuals; I'd be surprised if it didn't come together at least a little bit soonish. We are only on the 4th chapter, anyway.


I can't stop getting pissed off at Saki though. I get it, I totally understand her being a bit freaked out over his situation, but she's always so cold about it, even now as she was watching him get his head bashed in, she seemed more freaked out at the scene unfolding in front of her, rather than being freaked out at what was happening to him, specifically.


Honestly, I doubt Kotoko even has anything to worry about between them. Saki is too damn scared of him being a monster for there to be anything in the end. I'm sure she'd rather date that dude back at the station. Though if she learns what his past was really like, maybe she'll have a pity episode on him. 

Lolita girl hella annoying.

It sounds like Kurou was blackmailed into the relationship somehow, or whittled down to the point where he accepted it out of mere convenience rather than any form of affection because Kotoko wouldn't stop being annoying or something.

The time has finally come... and so have I.


Perfect pacing, lovable characters, intriguing plot, 80+ pages (not even tri-monthly series do that many in most cases), Kyokou Suiri is slowly asserting its perfection.


Also, comparing this series to the magazine Shounen Jump is an insult. Don't. You. Dare.


And thanks to IRST for bringing the chapter perfectly on time!

So he admitted that she is his girlfriend. Did he really mean that ?

This is the best, it gives me giggles thinking it is funny, cute and romantic, it gives me laughs because it is ironic and how they tease one another and their personality makes me laugh out loud.


I knew it, from the start of the chapter I loved this manga. Not only the plot or characters but the author invests a lot of effort in every details, expression, characters, plot and so on. It is a delish manga. All I hope is that the feel of this manga would remain the same, I don't want it to go to depressing hopefully it keeps it subtly humor always and keeps its romance.


Thanks for the updates and the uploads.

Context, my friend.

In this case, original manga refers to the hard copy, rather than the source material. (The context being that we can at this moment read the manga, despite it not being the original one (It's fan-translated and digitalized))

You, sir (or madame) are a saint. Unless you can read Japanese you just bought a hardcopy of something that is effectively useless to you.

want to support the authors. I would love to donate to them via some website, but I enjoy reading digital because I save images that I find "particular interest" in (too many reasons to explain here: funny, sexy, OMFGRLY?, etc).


I do want to make a note that I have submitted a suggestion to Google to create a service allowing comic/manga/-word for graphic novels here- to create content protected pages that are ad/subscription supported. This would unbind the authors with the magazines that have them on a leash (read: noose) and would allow them to 'publish' somewhat independently. What Google could also do is support printing of digital works in the event they get popular enough for people to want hard copies.


This happens already on the interwebs, see Dominic Deegan Oracle for Hire as a good example.

>original manga


It's adapted from a novel.




Anyone have any news on chapter 4?

Context, my friend.

In this case, original manga refers to the hard copy, rather than the source material. (The context being that we can at this moment read the manga, despite it not being the original one (It's fan-translated and digitalized))

>original manga


It's adapted from a novel.




Anyone have any news on chapter 4?

google "Kyokou Suiri 4chan". enjoy the moonrune :)

I bought the original manga! :) Gotta support the series. :D

>original manga


It's adapted from a novel.




Anyone have any news on chapter 4?

I bought the original manga! :) Gotta support the series. :D

Wow, this is amazing.  The character settings are original and refreshing and the plot twists and turns are engaging.


I'm a bit torn between KurouxSaki and KurouxKotoko.  Need more development!

This... This could be something great.

so this is a "per two months" thing..?

Yes, the magazine this is serialised in is published every two months, unlike what some people think.

so this is a "per two months" thing..?

Now this is a great balance of mystery and romance. And quite well written characters, very promising indeed. Looking forward for more!

Agreed, Harem is the One True Route.  OnionHead65.gif~c200

The question is: Who walks this route, Kurou or Kotoko?



In any case, I'm a firm believer in the One True Route.

Agreed, Harem is the One True Route.  OnionHead65.gif~c200

Trivia: in portuguese Kotoko (written as Cotoco but read the same way) is a slang for a ill-formed or amputed member, it is also a common nickname for people with ill-formed limbs or amputated ones, a popular animation comedy channel called Mundo Canibal (cannibal world) created a character called cotoco, here is what he looks like:

Most of the comedy of this character is based on the fact that he has no limbs and that god likes messing with him...
Have a good day with your useless new acquired information.

I've only ever heard people refer to that as "coto". Maybe it's a regional thing?

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