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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.68 - 111votes)

Groundless - Sekigan no Sogekihei

Alt Names: alt グランドレスalt 隻眼の狙撃兵alt Groundlessalt Groundless - The One-eyed Sniper
Author: Kagemachi Keita
Artist: Kagemachi Keita
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Civil war continues to wage on the island nation of Alistria.

The Waldrons lead a small arms shop on this island when they receive a large order of rifles from the army. However, this turns out to be a ploy by the colonel who made the order. He uses his ties to the rebel army to have them ransack the shop.

Having her husband killed, her daughter taken away and her own left eye lost, Sophia decides to take the only remaining sniper rifle and sets out for revenge.
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Finally, our heroine come to save the day night!

Plot spoiler:


It's a pity the two rookie women are so useless, though kind of funny how they both make identical crying faces all the time.

Wow. You know a manga's really dragging you into the story when the main heroine showing up is a surprise. That's the last thing that should've caught me off guard.

It's snipping time !!!!!

Had a slight error on some of the pages for Chapter 7, re-uploading the corrections now.

This operation is going to be a clusterfuck.

I'm loving these MGS gags.

Sasuga /ak/.

Sorry for the late chapter, normal life stuff took center stage for a while. I'll see if I can't get a two for one done this weekend...

Enjoy Chapter 7!


Great work, I'm loving this manga so far. One thing though when referring to squad movement Bounding is the proper term not leaping.

Yeah, blame the translations I got. I should have remembered that, but it kinda passed me by...

Great work, I'm loving this manga so far. One thing though when referring to squad movement Bounding is the proper term not leaping.

Whoops, forgot the credits page for Chapter 6. I'll re-upload it.

*Elevator music starts to play*


While this chapter is much more informational, hopefully you all still enjoy it! The action will start to pick up from here now.

What?! Ak released another chapter within a month?! I think we need to call the police cause someone is obviously holding a gun to the translation groups head...

Good idea! Two guns on heads means faster translation.

What?! Ak released another chapter within a month?! I think we need to call the police cause someone is obviously holding a gun to the translation groups head...

A soldier who does not obey his commander is better off with a bullet in the head. smh fam

You know out of all of the real wars that people draw inspiration from for their stories I don't think I've ever seen someone use the Irish War of Independence before.

Huh, now that you mention it...

You know out of all of the real wars that people draw inspiration from for their stories I don't think I've ever seen someone use the Irish War of Independence before.

Can't wait for douche-stache to be taken down a peg. He doesn't seem to understand the gravity of the situation they're in.

I like the white beard guy, merciless executed field prisoners when they are useless is normal things in war. And it make the manga is different from many boring series that "I want to save all with peaceful action" hero.

What's normal in war is following orders. Pornstache is just a useless uncooperative douche who just lost potential intel, I'd like him way better with a bullet in the skull.


I wouldn't be surprised if he were part of the rebellion though, first fuck up the pincer move by fighting with his officer then kill off prisoners before they can be worked on? Not suspicious at all.

Hope everyone is enjoying it so far, much more action to come!


As for a schedule on releases, expect them every 1 to 1 1/2 weeks, depending on the chapter's length and difficulty. This is not a concrete plan, just a general guideline so I can hopefully get this and the next 2 volumes done before May's release.


Once again, enjoy!


Also, I will put the next volume cover up just before I publish the first chapter of said volume, so look out for that...

Thanks /ak/scans for one more wonderful chapter of this series. that and the funny MGS jokes in the credits, they are gold.

I like the white beard guy, merciless executed field prisoners when they are useless is normal things in war. And it make the manga is different from many boring series that "I want to save all with peaceful action" hero.

This manga reminds a lot of valkyria chronicles.

Oh my gawd new chapter.  :o


The footnote about the bullet tumbling doesn't seem to match up with what's depicted and it also contradicts what happens in the next page; it talks about lack of energy, bouncing off bone, and tumbling, but if the bullet really did bounce because it didn't have the energy to punch through bone, then it shouldn't have the energy to punch through the forehead in the next page.


What's depicted looks the bullet is actually following the contour of the skull before finding an exit from the forehead (almost 90 degrees from its entry point), which is still over the top, but can be written off as a miraculous stroke of luck.

The bullet doesn't leave his head. It enters from the side (which is relatively thin) and spirals around inside before resting in the middle. It was probably just easier to draw it spiraling than bouncing wildly inside. The bouncing off bone is referring to the exit wound. It lacks the energy to penetrate bone after entering the body. It could have been worded better.

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