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* * * * * (4.71 - 649votes)

Sengoku Youko

Alt Names: alt 戦国妖狐
Author: Mizukami Satoshi
Artist: Mizukami Satoshi
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: "Stop your evil deeds and take the right path!" That is the creed of Youko Tama and her younger step brother, Jinka Sendou. The two demon siblings travel the country to stop the deeds of all evil doers, along with a scaredy-cat swordsman they picked up along the way, Hyoudou Shinsuke. During their travels, they will come across a monk organization with more than suspicious methods and they'll soon be at war.
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If the last battle made into anime probably that will be the most awesome battle I've ever seen mmm...

where did you get those??

He probably got the from the Sengoku Youko threads on /a/.

Too bad Senya


Especially after 92's character development



Obviously promised her his soul once he dies, it was implied several times in the last few chapters. Here's another spoiler page


where did you get those??

In which chapter can I find the 4 pages spread of the shogun ? 

5.  Five page spread.  Four pages were not enough to contain his awesome.

Also... why all this hate for Jinka o.o

Maybe he's reminding people of their embarrassing childhood humanity-hating phases. BD

I really enjoyed the omake! Thank you for translating it. Also... why all this hate for Jinka o.o and how can you forget who he is? I know it's been like 40 chapters but he was a really big part of the first act??

And I think he and Tama are cute together in their weird sibling- not sibling mischievous relationship :D

I like all the other couples, but I've been rooting for them the longest..


My favorite character has got to be hakke neko though meow. 

In which chapter can I find the 4 pages spread of the shogun ? 

Chapter 48, page 22.

This author's 4 page spreads are hnnng. He's in my top 10 artists because of it. The original reason I found this manga was the 4 page spread of the shogun.

In which chapter can I find the 4 pages spread of the shogun ? 

This author's 4 page spreads are hnnng. He's in my top 10 artists because of it. The original reason I found this manga was the 4 page spread of the shogun.

This one?


How come no one has said anything about this piece of art?


lol , my monitor is not wide enough to show this magnificence.

Gotta love that one demon too, "The Bravest of Demons", "The One Who Took the First Step"

How come no one has said anything about this piece of art?


lol , my monitor is not wide enough to show this magnificence.

glad you enjoyed it. although now as I look at it whole, I should add more parts on the pages transition.

it's somewhat empty, resulting in a slight mirage white blur between it.


btw, someone have to edit the volume count, 94 and afterwards is volume 17.

next update batch will be the final (?).

How come no one has said anything about this piece of art?


lol , my monitor is not wide enough to show this magnificence.

This author's 4 page spreads are hnnng. He's in my top 10 artists because of it. The original reason I found this manga was the 4 page spread of the shogun.

Guh, the ending of the volume 6 omake is adorable.... Seriously hope we can get some proper Jinka and Tama loveliness before the manga ends. ...Need at least a solid chapter of them doing things together after all this heavy crap is over with...

You know, I still don't really remember this fox dude lol.

How come no one has said anything about this piece of art?


lol , my monitor is not wide enough to show this magnificence.

Now that's quite a nice fit of angst I'm going through.


New chapters please.

Worst girl and worst guy further confirmed for worstness. "Humans begone" fucking edgelord doesn't even know when it's time to stop after 17 tankoubons. 

reading that omake... Even though it was for volume 6 that was perfect. Thanks for the feels.

Magnificent. That's really the only word I have for today's batch of chapters.

Just another day of hard work in the life of Mizukami-sensei,


I think we can call this photo:
"Thinking how to finish SY"






Jinka: You are late. 40 chapters late.

What happened to the snow woman?


she's gone.

Awww, no fanfare for her whatsoever? What a shame! :(

Too bad Senya



I see it more like wanderlust after seeing things to the end. He doesn't see angsty nor mopy to me, just resigned to his fate.

And judging from Tsukiko's line...


Wasn't that Shakuyaku?

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