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* * * * * (4.7 - 152votes)

Colette wa Shinu Koto ni Shita

Alt Names: alt コレットは死ぬことにしたalt Colette Decides to Diealt Collette decides to diealt Collette wa shinu koto ni shitaalt 选择死亡的柯莱特alt 콜레트는 죽기로 했다
Author: Yukimura Alto
Artist: Yukimura Alto
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Meet Colette, a young doctor. Since she's the only doctor in town, she has to attend to everything, and quite honestly, she thinks she needs a break. One day, she's so frazzled that she jumps into a well.

But, she didn't die? Instead, she finds herself in the underworld, where she encounters Lord Hades.

Somehow or the other, she becomes Hades' doctor. Follow Colette in her new (though still busy) life, now with Hades thrown into the picture!
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This is simply adorable and it makes me happy! It's so cute and fluffy. <3 Thank you for the chapters!

You know at first I thought this was going to be a very typical shoujo manga.

Now I'm on chapter 13 and I started last night. I find the premise interesting and the characters, while a bit flat, interact really well with each other and actuall avoids some tropes(to be honest I thought Hercules was going to be a love interest making a love triangle. Zeus is exempt because he's Zeus.)  

Anyways back to reading this
That's the good stuff right there

It's shoujo but it doesn't fall into the major pitfalls that plauge shoujo writing. I really appreciate it, of course there are the common tropes that come with the genre but i suppose it's to be expected. Still adorable and fluffy though.

Actually no, never stop.


Thanks so much for the translation, going through a rough period right now and this manga is just so good it always makes me well up with joy when I read it.

Just so lovely.

Collette ... you are killing most every single reader (never mind poor Hades - poor guy never stood a chance) with your adorable and endearing sweet and good natured personality here!

Ah yes ... please don't stop! XD

Once again, thanks for the release!

What's this? Two chapters in the same month? Wow, thanks Phoenix Serenade Scans for the updates! Please don't burn yourselves out though.

Yes.  It's kind of odd . . . I mean, I'm imagining explaining, like even to a manga aficionado:

"I've found this great manga, it's so sweet and uplifting, like Love So Life or something!"

"Really?  What's it about?"

"Well, the main characters are this girl who attempts suicide and Hades, the god of death, and . . ."  :D


I bet the author went into this with as much of a plan as Colette's jump into the well ("Well, I'll draw a story about this girl who attempts suicide and Hades, the god of death, and..."). Somehow the manga itself worked out every bit as well as the story did for Colette so far!


All thanks to Obama Lord Hades.

I just.... I just love every single page of this manga :(

It is so sweet <3

Yes.  It's kind of odd . . . I mean, I'm imagining explaining, like even to a manga aficionado:

"I've found this great manga, it's so sweet and uplifting, like Love So Life or something!"

"Really?  What's it about?"

"Well, the main characters are this girl who attempts suicide and Hades, the god of death, and . . ."  :D

I just.... I just love every single page of this manga :(

It is so sweet <3

I tell ya, this series is very rapidly becoming one of the ones I most anticipate chapter after chapter. Really enjoyable!

Thanks again so much for the release!
A new chapter already? Thanks so much Phoenix (Serenade) Scans!!
Exactly what I needed to read while led up unwell. Sweet babies, never change.
U know what a horriblly cruel ending would be ? ( DISCLAIMER: the following is only my idea ) Climax chapters: Hades finally meets Persephone, realizes he loves her ( starts blushing, gets flustered) and that Collete after all is said and done a mortal. So the myth is followed and Persephone is kidnapped, and Demeter instead of being dealt with by Zeus, Collette uses her ties with Hades to negotiate her "release". After all this A) Collette is probably banished from visiting the underworld alive or B) Collete is mega friend-zoned and becomes the heaven/underworld's Doctor

You can't really blame Hera for being short tempered, who wouldn't with that kind of husband. xD

Chapter 14

For some reason Collette was especially funny in this chapter - whether in how she was drawn or what she said I found myself giggling.

Hera is indeed ... scary. Uwah!

This series really is a hidden gem in my opinion, and deserves way more attention and affection afaiac....

Thanks for the chapter! :)
God I love this manga, I get the compulsion everytime it updates to reread...and I can never resist doing that.

Perfect chapter. 
This is why I like this series right here.

I needed this. Doc to the rescue.

thanks for the update!

Hades and colette are the cutest cinnamon rolls ever so pure and so lovely

In the first four standalone chapters, before this manga became a full series, when we translated the chapter, it wasn't mentioned whether it was a male or a female. Colette just called that person 'Teacher' or 'Master'. It depends on how you interpret it.
Master looked like and old woman so we all thought Master was an old lady. It was only in the later chapters when his name and sex were revealed. Sorry for the confusion. :(

Thanks so much for the clarification. C: I can see how that would happen, he did look like the kindly old lady sort of stereotype.

At any rate thanks so much for your hard work with this series, I'm looking forward to the upcoming chapters.

Question for the lovely translator(s) of this manga,


In the first four standalone chapters, before this manga became a full series, when we translated the chapter, it wasn't mentioned whether it was a male or a female. Colette just called that person 'Teacher' or 'Master'. It depends on how you interpret it.


Master looked like and old woman so we all thought Master was an old lady. It was only in the later chapters when his name and sex were revealed. Sorry for the confusion. :(

Question for the lovely translator(s) of this manga,


Huh huh, "divine protection"

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