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* * * * - (4.35 - 156votes)

E? Heibon Desu yo??

Alt Names: alt えっ? 平凡ですよ??alt Ee? Heibon Desu yo??alt Eh? Heibon desu yo??alt Eh? It's Ordinary??alt Huh? Everything Is Normal Here, You See??alt А? Это нормально??
Author: Tsukiyuki Hana
Artist: Fujiwara Rika
Genres: Drama DramaFantasy FantasyShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of LifeSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Yukari was a high school student when she died in a traffic accident, but when she woke up, she had been reincarnated as the daughter of a count in another world! But strangely, what was waiting for her was a life of poverty, so she decided to make use of the knowledge from her previous life.

Webraws: http://www.alphapolis.co.jp/manga/viewOpening/895000083/
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So, the mother is maria? or the mother is maria's daughter? I can't quite get it.

Maybe its just me but I dont get how these reincarnated to another world manga always try to make mundane ideas seem so revolutionary, Rather than make common sense "modern world rules/ideas" apply to the fantasy world why not alter the application of "fantasy world rules." to make the manga more interesting. Im tired of authors trying to sell crop-rotation, pipeline manufacturing, etc. as seemingly "new" ideas.

I have major problems with this series. 

How can she just assume that all of her previous knowledge in the other world (Earth) will apply here, when very clearly it's a different world with a different subset of universal laws. They have magic for christ sakes!

Farming/Birth/Geography, none of that might actually exist in this world, or be as exact. But even so, because she read a library book about it...

Just nitpicking.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the motivations of the daughter wanting to cut all ties with her family in quite the way she did... Is it because she had already had an illegitimate child by that point with that noble she was working for and didn't want them to know/involve them in it? Honestly the story this chapter is incredibly sad.

My understanding is that she was probably pregnant at the time, and likely wanted to cut ties to keep from involving her family. So she didn't have the child yet.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the motivations of the daughter wanting to cut all ties with her family in quite the way she did... Is it because she had already had an illegitimate child by that point with that noble she was working for and didn't want them to know/involve them in it? Honestly the story this chapter is incredibly sad.

Dang, I've forgotten this existed... .-. It's been a while since the last update.

Hadn't seen an update for this in a long time, but apparently it just took a month off. Checked the website and it says the next update is July 10th, so should be any day now.

As it happens, any day was today. And what a good day it was.

That stuff about patenting her dandelion coffee being for the good of others is total bull IMO. If they wanted to prevent people from trying to replicate the drink through strange or dangerous methods it would be better to just make how it's made public knowledge. I can understand the original reason of needing to patent it to corner the market so that she could implement her plan of using the funds to help other children go to school, but this other excuse makes no sense and frankly tries too hard in pushing that "always thinking of others" mentality Liliana and her family possess. 

Hadn't seen an update for this in a long time, but apparently it just took a month off. Checked the website and it says the next update is July 10th, so should be any day now.

Kinda reminds me of MaoYuu but cuter and messier. The girl "scares" me though. Almost every time she does 'anything', I feel like something bad will happen.

But you have to be clannish. Bringing change on an even bigger scale would extract even more attention. Remember Galileo?

Remember this? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_burned_as_heretics#Roman_Catholic_Countries

You mean how the Galileo Affair is actually frequently misunderstood, Galileo didn't actually prove heliocentrism, and how he made it a point of alienating all his allies? That Galileo? Hardly the best example.


Giving a list of heretics does not prove anything either, as many heretical movements during the High Middle Ages strove to reform not only religion, but also secular life by use of social unrest. Some of them tried to achieve it forcefully, by physical elimination of nobility and clergy, and attracting simple criminals (comparison with fascists and Bolsheviks is sometimes not too stretched). We can't really bungle all heresies together, harmless ones and dangerous ones, as it is unhelpful.

>hailed as a visionary or burned at the stake for creating a hot drink

Just a little bit overkill I think.


Tea and the American revolution. You underestimate the power of them drinks.

The events all line up a little too perfectly of course, but it's still an enjoyable read if you let yourself keep an open heart. The manga skims through events pretty quickly... I wonder how much more detail there is in the novels? The "paid" version comes in print only, but apparently this is another case, like Log Horizon and others, where the story originated on syosetsu.com before being picked up. So you can actually read the webnovel version here:




It says "features cruel depictions" so I would assume not everything will remain rosy childhood for Lilliana...

>hailed as a visionary or burned at the stake for creating a hot drink

Just a little bit overkill I think.

It isn't the idea that causes people to be burned as a heretic, it is the fear of those in power losing their control, for example if the church is backing a merchant that has holdings in say the other popular drink they will declare coffee as the "devil's drink" in order to support their merchant, and if Liliana keeps distributing it would mean she is challenging the church's authority which the church cannot tolerate if it is to maintain control on a tyrannical level that we can expect, otherwise more "heretics" will proliferate following Liliana's example.

You're seeing it because using force works wonders.

Here's a scenario: She keeps the recipe secret to help the people of her fiefdom. They prosper of it, perhaps a bit too much for some merchants or nobles of neighbouring places. Calls the Religious order on them, they demand huge taxes she refuses because "it's for education!!!111!1!". They don't want educated masses, whole place is burned and her parents are made example. She is forced to live hidden because she's braned a dangerous heretic.

She will be hailed as a visionary centuries after her death but having accomplished nothing because "m-muh ideals".

No, she needs to harness her power so no one may harm her flock, shame on you guys for thinking it's "refreshing" to see a protag use her brain in an era where leaders REALLY don't want folks to use it. She needs not knowledge alone but cunning as well.

>hailed as a visionary or burned at the stake for creating a hot drink

Just a little bit overkill I think.

But you have to be clannish. Bringing change on an even bigger scale would extract even more attention. Remember Galileo?

Remember this? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_burned_as_heretics#Roman_Catholic_Countries

How many will suffer because of her heretic ways? Do not bring about change which the world is not ready for, it will not work and even backfire.

Obviously because of the demographic of this work is in, such things will probably not happen, but really, it would.


Maybe those problems thing will become the plot for future chapters, who knows?


Just sit back and enjoy it

But you have to be clannish. Bringing change on an even bigger scale would extract even more attention. Remember Galileo?

In all fairness, Galileo was an ass. Though I will agree that rapid, groundbreaking change is a sure recipe for disaster if not carefully managed.

That's exactly why I like this manga. Though I like those other reincarnation stories too, it's just good to have something completely different come from the same premise.

Plus she was only like 14 or so when she died.  Your typical 14-year old might know a lot of stuff, but applying that knowledge is difficult, especially when it's that non-specific.  Even with a decent amount of college education in chemistry, it'd be pretty tough for me to do a whole lot without any reference books.  Add in a 7 year gap, and it's even more difficult to remember relevant information.  That's part of the reason she's limited to what's ordinary, common-place knowledge.


Although it's good that it's


I really like this because other Manga have reincarnations and they show off their OP powers. This Manga's protagonist is like, "Fuck it, let's create infrastructure with coffee."


Well, maybe 'cause this manga is intended for females? Also, she is showing off her OP power; a former normal high school girl with an IQ of 7000+.


Not saying I dislike it, but... just saying.

Meh, why be so clannish? You're not entirely internal, so you're not constrained to be short sighted. You can benefit the world as a whole, personal fame or assembling a flock isn't really the point.

But you have to be clannish. Bringing change on an even bigger scale would extract even more attention. Remember Galileo?

Remember this? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_burned_as_heretics#Roman_Catholic_Countries

How many will suffer because of her heretic ways? Do not bring about change which the world is not ready for, it will not work and even backfire.

Obviously because of the demographic of this work is in, such things will probably not happen, but really, it would.

You're seeing it because using force works wonders.

Here's a scenario: She keeps the recipe secret to help the people of her fiefdom. They prosper of it, perhaps a bit too much for some merchants or nobles of neighbouring places. Calls the Religious order on them, they demand huge taxes she refuses because "it's for education!!!111!1!". They don't want educated masses, whole place is burned and her parents are made example. She is forced to live hidden because she's braned a dangerous heretic.

She will be hailed as a visionary centuries after her death but having accomplished nothing because "m-muh ideals".

No, she needs to harness her power so no one may harm her flock, shame on you guys for thinking it's "refreshing" to see a protag use her brain in an era where leaders REALLY don't want folks to use it. She needs not knowledge alone but cunning as well.


Meh, why be so clannish? You're not entirely internal, so you're not constrained to be short sighted. You can benefit the world as a whole, personal fame or assembling a flock isn't really the point.

I really like this because other Manga have reincarnations and they show off their OP powers. This Manga's protagonist is like, "Fuck it, let's create infrastructure with coffee."


That's exactly why I like this manga. Though I like those other reincarnation stories too, it's just good to have something completely different come from the same premise.

Yeah, it's a breath of fresh air to have do things in a more creative way than beating people with a stick.

You're seeing it because using force works wonders.

Here's a scenario: She keeps the recipe secret to help the people of her fiefdom. They prosper of it, perhaps a bit too much for some merchants or nobles of neighbouring places. Calls the Religious order on them, they demand huge taxes she refuses because "it's for education!!!111!1!". They don't want educated masses, whole place is burned and her parents are made example. She is forced to live hidden because she's braned a dangerous heretic.

She will be hailed as a visionary centuries after her death but having accomplished nothing because "m-muh ideals".

No, she needs to harness her power so no one may harm her flock, shame on you guys for thinking it's "refreshing" to see a protag use her brain in an era where leaders REALLY don't want folks to use it. She needs not knowledge alone but cunning as well.

Yeah, it's a breath of fresh air to have do things in a more creative way than beating people with a stick.


Knowledge is power. Unselfish sharing of knowledge is the best use of it. I love this series. 

Tragedy tag?? why? I dont see any tragedy yet so far

I'd say it's because at the very start she dies really young due to an accident. You could technically call that a tragedy. Although she was reincarnated just one page later.

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