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Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.1 - 286votes)


Alt Names: alt 学園殺人ゲーム Dead Tubealt 学院里的杀人游戏alt デッドチューブ
Author: Yamaguchi Mikoto
Artist: Kitakawa Touta
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSmut SmutTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Distributing thrilling videos in secret!! A school game that puts life and death on the line!!
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that's it. shit is seriously fucked up. i thought delinquent-kun already raised enough death flags on himself, but the reaper still favored kana.

machiya's totally broken. from now on he'll be on offense, being the commanding officer to the humanoid WMD that is mashiro mai.

Like imitating leather face. But change to woman and more fat. I bet she is autistic



Like imitating leather face.

But change to woman and more fat.

I bet she is autistic

Mai for the win.

Most probably, but I do hope she will be the one who kills off George Lucas (with onii-chan filming of course).


Anyway, is it me or has Mai been acting a bit like Yuno Gasai these past chapters, with Machiya being her Yukiteru?


Little sis is definitely going to do something big before she dies. I too put my money on Machiya filming her killing George or someone of similar standing before she either offs herself or is killed (un?)willingly. You can see the resignation of her old self get stronger and stronger after each new negative stimulus makes her lose more and more faith in everything. Her brother is probably the last shred of sanity she has, but god knows how she's going to react when she learns the truth about his deadtube activities.


Another alternative is she becomes a cast member alongside Machiya and crew in future endeavors after escaping her fate here, at least until an amount of time elapses for her to later be killed. Kinda give you a one-two punch where you've now seen her suffer repeated gang rapes and her own unwitting murder of her father, but somehow manages to spring back a bit and seems safe (as much as she could, she'd clearly be a shell of her former self), only to die for real the next time.


As for Mai, she is definitely aboard the yandere train. She is totally obsessed with Machiya and his work. They definitely do have a similar dynamic to the one in Future Dairy with Machiya needing to rely on Mai's obsessives and straight up overpoweredness to survive. 

Welp, little sister is a lost cause for saving. 

Most probably, but I do hope she will be the one who kills off George Lucas (with onii-chan filming of course).


Anyway, is it me or has Mai been acting a bit like Yuno Gasai these past chapters, with Machiya being her Yukiteru?

Welp, little sister is a lost cause for saving. 

Fairly sure that while being bludgeoned to death he wouldn't actually stay inside nor did it say at any point that she just boyfriended him that day. So right now, it seems like a huge retcon as the author is trying to salvage this trash.

Hardly a "huge" retcon considering she mentions the same thing next chapter.

But the next page tells us something different. His junk is still far away and he went to heaven or hell moments later, so technically she is still a virgin.

Fairly sure that while being bludgeoned to death he wouldn't actually stay inside nor did it say at any point that she just boyfriended him that day. So right now, it seems like a huge retcon as the author is trying to salvage this trash.


It's amazing how quickly everyone turned into savages.


Normally it takes a few days of dire straights and panic to make people this willfully evil for no reason.



It has been that long actually, remember that Machiya was knocked out for quite a while due to a... heavily drugged cake.


lul, is still a virgin? TFW the author doesn't even check their own work for flaws.

But the next page tells us something different. His junk is still far away and he went to heaven or hell moments later, so technically she is still a virgin.

lul, is still a virgin? TFW the author doesn't even check their own work for flaws.


Well, whether or not we can believe her is another story I guess.




lul, is still a virgin? TFW the author doesn't even check their own work for flaws.


It's amazing how quickly everyone turned into savages.


Normally it takes a few days of dire straights and panic to make people this willfully evil for no reason.



This became Beelzebub all of a sudden 



The heck... Andre from Prison School have a sister in ths manga???

WAIT. actual character development in DEAD TUBE!!!? I 
I thought this was fun for the boobs.

Oh my.

Point me where the character development?
The character design of pro dead tube are ugly. I want see some kind of jason, leather face, etc. Not high school girls. Sex sells.

WAIT. actual character development in DEAD TUBE!!!? I 

I thought this was fun for the boobs.

Man this manga turned from amazing into idk...  The first few arcs were so amazing, but I feel the last few were weak (current George L Arc, Rascal Arc, and even the Suicide Arc was weaksauce). I feel it really was last good when we were in the Film Crew Arc where Machiya learns the truth.  I hate the blonde bitch, she's soooo annoying.  Lets hope content gets beter, but sadly probably not.




Judging from what we were given that Kana is in love with George L, as well as the video of her killing her dad, we can say that it's possible Kana is with George right now, but at the same time, George L, wants to destroy Kana, so she's probably in hiding from that, crushed at her love.  George L only cares about Machiya.







The characters are weird, I'll give you that, but hopefully you understand the rest of what I said to you, because the "logic" you're looking for, is presented multiple times.


I'm aware of all of this. It just sounds incredibly convoluted. There's no way you could have a conspiracy system that immense and not have word get out.


Most of these crimes would have made enough noise and commotion that people would HAVE to notice. You're severely low-balling how blatant all of this is.

Seems like lots of people are abandoning ship when they see something they can't stomach.

Given the premises, the chance of finding Kana in one piece (literally and figuratively) is next to nil. But we'll probably get a good show of Mai probably beating the crap out of George and the pro DeadTubers sometime in the future.


I swear while the premises is beyond crazy, I'm starting to see strange parallels that DeadTube is alluding to YouTube (and other social media sharing services) that has some pretty insane people behind the scenes trying desperately to get subscribers and views...even actually resorting to violence. Hell, I wouldn't be too surprised that somewhere out there, there's probably a "DeadTube" circulating a small private perverse group that has fetishes even I won't ever fathom.

I want to say this: Do remember at one point in time in our history, entertainment did include locking up slaves & beasts of the animal kingdom into a cage and watching the bloodshed commence. While we're generally above that today, you can never rule out the impossible.


Nah, it's probably the opposite, don't you remember how much the series tried to troll the readers by reversing any expectation being built up? I won't be surprised if it's turn out that Kana is the one behind all of this mess and the whole thing is just a convoluted troll...

Man this manga turned from amazing into idk...  The first few arcs were so amazing, but I feel the last few were weak (current George L Arc, Rascal Arc, and even the Suicide Arc was weaksauce). I feel it really was last good when we were in the Film Crew Arc where Machiya learns the truth.  I hate the blonde bitch, she's soooo annoying.  Lets hope content gets beter, but sadly probably not.



calling it now: Kana has turned psycho, shes in on it with the George guy and once Machiya and company finds her she will act all sad and scared and once they start to trust her she will try and bash Machiyas skull in like she did her dads and then Mashiro will jump in and kill her while Machiya films it


Judging from what we were given that Kana is in love with George L, as well as the video of her killing her dad, we can say that it's possible Kana is with George right now, but at the same time, George L, wants to destroy Kana, so she's probably in hiding from that, crushed at her love.  George L only cares about Machiya.



No manga has pissed me off this badly with terrible logic in a long time. How is law enforcement blind to ALL OF THIS? How is the public not noticing? How is the huge spike in disappearances and murders in Japan not known by now? Where did this guy get the money for all this? Who does he hire from? There's no clean-up crew good enough to handle things at this level. Why was Rascal so strong? How are they getting the resources for all this elaborate nonsense?!


And who are these maniac characters? These new people look like they just stepped out of another kind of manga entirely. It's friggin' silly. It's like they just walked straight out of a battle manga.





The characters are weird, I'll give you that, but hopefully you understand the rest of what I said to you, because the "logic" you're looking for, is presented multiple times.

img000042.jpgI see that History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi  Takeda and Frey's daughter join DEAD Tub lol (girl in the front middle)

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