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* * * * * (4.61 - 354votes)

Fudatsuki no Kyoko-chan

Alt Names: alt ふだつきのキョーコちゃん
Author: Yamamoto Souichirou
Artist: Yamamoto Souichirou
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Fudatsuki Kenji is known in school for two things: for being a delinquent and for having a sister complex. He constantly follows his sister Kyoko around, fixing her giant ribbon and chasing off any boys who might be interested in her. However, the truth is much stranger than people believe. He actually doesn't have a crush on his sister-- in fact, he likes Hibino, the only girl in class who isn't afraid of him.
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Oh wow, I really like side-ribbon Kyoko.

Man, these last two chapters were not heinously painful to read.

It's almost like it's a normal manga, and not the author's weird sadomasochistic porn.

Ending at vol 7...   I hope we get the story behind their situation at least. 

I wonder...

Has it really ended or was axed?

It Really Ended at 7th Volume

I wonder...

Has it really ended or was axed?

And people think Isekai is bad, this is just abuse-me simulator at this point.

Oh look a normal chapter, finally

. . . Why is little sis blocking him?

Although the MC gets called a siscon by everyone, we all know that the sis is the real brocon.



I sure could go for some nice roasted suckling pig right about now.

Darn it the more i read this the more i want to know the backstory... seriously they may need to put a "mystery" tag on this if they don't explain to the viewers WHY Kyoko is how she is.

Choose one
1. shes adopted
2. their mother had an affeir with youkai/demon/vampire/elf
3. a wizard did it
4. yukari is fooling around again

. . . Why is little sis blocking him?

1. Brocon?
2. Somehow she wants her Friends yo end Up with him?
3. Simple bitchness?
Atentamente this pace we'll never know

Darn it the more i read this the more i want to know the backstory... seriously they may need to put a "mystery" tag on this if they don't explain to the viewers WHY Kyoko is how she is.

I can see where she is coming from though. Remember, that's the image Kenji has been building for himself, people who don't know him personally will always react like that.

It just goes to show that his efforts are paying off.


But now it's plain for everyone to see that Hibino likes him back. Other than that, i'm always amazed by the ribbons effect of changing Kyoko's personality, but not sealing her brocon as well.

It's not that it's "sealing" her emotions. It's just removing her restraint. With the ribbon on she's better able to control her impulses (as the Ribbon is acting as an inhibitor on those emotions) it's not that they are "gone" just "repressed"  remove the ribbon and.. tah-dah every emotional restraint is unleashed all at once in a mass of chaos. She's a major bro-con.. but, it was something built up over time.. having a brother willing to go so far to ensure you can live a "normal" life.. and literally the only person you can bare everything to without having to be concerned over the reaction.. she's developed a severe dependency on him.. so yeah it's not surprising that the second a girl likes her brother she's going to panic regardless of ribbon.



He already was wet

So was she... XD

. . . Why is little sis blocking him?

This is not my Tomo-Chan!

This Tomo-chan is a bitch!

HAH! Exactly what I thought on seeing that name. Then again, it IS a pretty common name over there, eh?

This is not my Tomo-Chan!

This Tomo-chan is a bitch!

this manga would have been better if not for that shitty personality of kyoko

As much as I like the other series by this writer, this one kind of drags on. I know it's got kind of a slow burn going, but it's getting kind of played out with all they ways they can awkwardly abuse Kenji.


What a good day to start my morning.

This (23) was a great chapter! Congrats to Kenji, Hibino is truly the best girl. Kyoko-chan is OK, but she's too handicapped by this kyoushi curse; plus I can't really get behind incestuous pairings...

What a shit manga with shit characters. Seriously every girl in this series is annoying and there is nothing redeeming.

Tomo-chan (it feels weird saying that) is acting totally appropriately towards Fudatsuki considering the attitude he fronts. The dude is making tremendous sacrifices for the sake of his sister.


At least she isn't physically abusing him.

I can see where she is coming from though. Remember, that's the image Kenji has been building for himself, people who don't know him personally will always react like that.

It just goes to show that his efforts are paying off.


But now it's plain for everyone to see that Hibino likes him back. Other than that, i'm always amazed by the ribbons effect of changing Kyoko's personality, but not sealing her brocon as well.

Yea, I don't get why people get angry at other people when its Kenji who's specifically trying to keep the situation this way. In this chapter alone people talked about thinking that he had mellowed out.


Also, rather than change her personality its more like a limiter on her feelings or her inhibitions. She's always like that on the inside the ribbon just lets it out.

Why are we still here?
Just to suffer?

At this point porn doujins are our only salvation. Preferably ones with rape and harem tags.

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