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* * * * * (4.61 - 354votes)

Fudatsuki no Kyoko-chan

Alt Names: alt ふだつきのキョーコちゃん
Author: Yamamoto Souichirou
Artist: Yamamoto Souichirou
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Fudatsuki Kenji is known in school for two things: for being a delinquent and for having a sister complex. He constantly follows his sister Kyoko around, fixing her giant ribbon and chasing off any boys who might be interested in her. However, the truth is much stranger than people believe. He actually doesn't have a crush on his sister-- in fact, he likes Hibino, the only girl in class who isn't afraid of him.
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oh no wincest road are being blocked by a enormous boulder!! option: A. get pickhammer and destroy it. B. Let it be and find another route. (me: type A+B just out of curiousty). Congratulation giggity route is unlocked!!. (me: type Alt+F4, find a job and quit being a dreamer).

Big bro just can't catch a break. Kick his ass.


It's my theory that the author overloaded all the good vibes on Takagi-san and had a bunch of leftover bad vibes that were meant to balance em out. But author couldn't bear to see unhappiness in Takagi's love life so they all went into here.

This guy is like the carbon copy of the senpai from Watari-kun no ×× ga Houkai Sunzen

nah that guy was much worse. Shindou is just stubborn. He's a narcissist too but not to that level.

well with this arc at least we know for sure how the author got "highly likely" axed ('cause the series gives the same feeling as takagi-san, being full SoL) 


I want to kill both the author and that asshat.

but if you want to kill the author we wouldn't anymore of takagi-san :/ 

I'll bet good money Kyoko is gonna beat this bastard up in a couple chapters. Literally the only thing worth waiting for after having that disgusting series of events between Shindou and the Fudatsuki family.

Man, this manga's like, what, 0/5 for new characters so far?

Can anyone just fucking shoot him?

This guy is like the carbon copy of the senpai from Watari-kun no ×× ga Houkai Sunzen

I want to kill both the author and that asshat.

This manga sure loves to pile up misunderstandings doesn't it

Such annoying fcker.

Easy way to deal with this guy.  Tell him to take Kyoko someplace out of the way and pull her ribbon off. She loves that. 

Holy shit this guy gives me the creeps the sister already bluntly told him no in front of the whole class and even when her friend sensed that she didn't want him around and told him this he still wouldn't budge. There comes a point when you got to say fuck it i'm calling the cops before this person kidnaps me and puts me in his basement.


I also don't get 

Get girls brother expelled = she will love me and go out with me. what is this logic? This is just a poorly written villain character.

 Yes, author, this is exactly what your readers want. Not for you to advance all the relationships that have remained pretty much the same since chapter 1 or the main plot that you barely ever bring up lately. No, we need an arc about some annoying dick trying his hardest to make us rage even though we already know how this shit is going to end.

 Why don't you also add a few more stupid misundertandigs? And remove all the cute intereactions between the silblings too. We obviously don't need those, all we want is stupid forced conflict, assholes taking all the focus and for the story to drag on pointlessly.

 Don't you see how much I'm enjoying that? I'm so happy with this wonderful development and not mad at all!


 Yes, author, this is exactly what your readers want. Not for you to advance all the relationships that have remained pretty much the same since chapter 1 or the main plot that you barely ever bring up lately. No, we need an arc about some annoying dick trying his hardest to make us rage even though we already know how this shit is going to end.

 Why don't you also add a few more stupid misundertandigs? And remove all the cute intereactions between the silblings too. We obviously don't need those, all we want is stupid forced conflict, assholes taking all the focus and for the story to drag on pointlessly.

 Don't you see how much I'm enjoying that? I'm so happy with this wonderful development and not mad at all!

God daym! This creepy schmuck plans on expelling him from school AND courting the sister of the guy he's trying to expel!? The balls on this guy!

President giving off quite the rapey vibe with his creepy persistence and his whole 'no means yes' attitude

oh, great. call me when this is over

I wouldn't even say it's a cultural thing. It's called being a decent human being. 

You never heard of shitty families then.

I don't know how this ended. I just hope for a Hibino end and that's it.

Add to it that what we learn depends on our ability to experience, comprehend and process the information, which would imply that we are needing to place our understanding of physics as dependent on our ability to observe our surrounding and the manner in which we relate to this reality of ours. Thus physics would be subservient in a way to physiology, psychology and philosophy, which in turn would ultimately be subservient to physics itself.

All in all things get strange when we try to rank fields of science by their "purity".


At the end of the day, isn't it all just mathematics?

Looks like his "Never Get Laid" sense is tingling


Changing subjects, regarding the student council president/karate club president, unfortunately (?) the character never really goes anywhere after this mini-arc; it was an attempt to introduce conflict in a couple of levels, but I guess that (contrary to Kyouko-nee) the Japanese readership really must have rioted against the guy...


He seems like an annoying character so thank god

Wow, author managed to write hardcore wierdo without resorting to quirks. Well, until onigiri part.

Add to it that what we learn depends on our ability to experience, comprehend and process the information, which would imply that we are needing to place our understanding of physics as dependent on our ability to observe our surrounding and the manner in which we relate to this reality of ours. Thus physics would be subservient in a way to physiology, psychology and philosophy, which in turn would ultimately be subservient to physics itself.

All in all things get strange when we try to rank fields of science by their "purity".


Actually, the study of the ability to experience, comprehend and process information is called epistemology, and it's one of the main branches of philosophy; but at this point we've reached the point where the scientific method doesn't really help us, so we've left the realm of science proper. Thus physics is where the proverbial buck stops in regards to sciences ranked according to "purity". Beyond that there's only philosophy.


Changing subjects, regarding the student council president/karate club president, unfortunately (?) the character never really goes anywhere after this mini-arc; it was an attempt to introduce conflict in a couple of levels, but I guess that (contrary to Kyouko-nee) the Japanese readership really must have rioted against the guy...

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