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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.61 - 49votes)


Alt Names: alt でぶせん
Author: Ando Yuma
Artist: Asaki Masashi
Genres: Comedy ComedyGender Bender Gender BenderMystery MysterySeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The school comedy focuses on the Psychometrer character Mitsuru Fukushima, who has fallen into debt because of his love of cosplay. He plans to commit suicide in the forest around Mount Fuji, but he encounters the dead body of a female teacher named Mitsuko Fukushima who looks just like him. He begins life anew in women's clothing, helping to reform delinquent students.

(Source: ANN)
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Then it'll turn out King has a really good reason for being such a massive douche.

He seems to be mentally sick.

Harem +1


The best harem protagonist I've seen in a long time.

I get it that she was abused. But you can either act as a victim the rest of your life or grow up and be stronger due to it.
I was abused since I was a kid. But I decided I was not going to be a victim. How childish can YOU be?

I don't know your situation, but keep in mind she's a teenager. Also known as the most volatile and unstable moments of human life.

She needs help to stabilize her mind and think clearly again.

Ms. Whitebones comes out -> "Is that all?" -> everything resolved, faceless chick recruited


It's so predictable it's almost refreshing, really


This is still resonating with me, really. People need to learn to do what feels right for a story. If someone else follows a formula and it works, that doesn't mean it'll work for you, but if a formula works than for fuck's sake just stick to it.


I'm guessing something will happen to shake things up on the way, but even if this pattern repeats until the whole class is peaceful that'll work just fine as long as the individual arcs are executed as well as they have been.

>mom force you to get hit by a yakuza car


Just grow the eff up pshhh, how childish you can be lololol 


I get it that she was abused. But you can either act as a victim the rest of your life or grow up and be stronger due to it.


I was abused since I was a kid. But I decided I was not going to be a victim. How childish can YOU be?

>mom force you to get hit by a yakuza car


Just grow the eff up pshhh, how childish you can be lololol 

My expectations for everyone introduced so far has been dashed so hard. Then it'll turn out King has a really good reason for being such a massive douche. 

This girl doesn't seem pitiful at all. I want to slap her with La Chancla and tell her to grow the eff up.


>mom force you to get hit by a yakuza car


Just grow the eff up pshhh, how childish you can be lololol 

A face so plain that with make-up she can even change art styles.


I'm impressed.

I appreciate that this manga has never at any point expected me to take it seriously.

The way Mitsuru is always there as a comic relief/vent for all the teenage drama is nothing short of brilliant. It takes what would otherwise be tryhard/obnoxious moralizing crap(coughGTOcough) and turns it something that is not only readable but actually amusing. The drama is still there if you care, but if you don't then it's all a setup for the joke.

Faceless girl told sob story, Fatso replied "Is that all?"

This girl doesn't seem pitiful at all. I want to slap her with La Chancla and tell her to grow the eff up.

Dull-faced background character girls are the cutest.

Funny, but I think some of the thugs exchange pants in-between fight, hm...

Don't think ruining, just correcting

I was joking.
Person knowing English, Japanese and Russian should be quite interesting, in my opinion.


Eeeeh. That's some nice faux-terrible singing, but a pretty canned-sounding melody underneath it. Thanks for the vid.

Dat nickname!Russkies are ruining the day once againVEOEOdH.jpg

Don't think ruining, just correcting

Point of interest, the source of Kokomi's song is the poem "Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep", by Mary Elizabeth Frye. It's a poem that's been translated and musically arranged in many languages. I was in a choir that sang Eleanor Daley's version, which is gorgeous. Now I'm curious about Japanese versions.


Now this is starting to look like my kind of porn

The foreigners are going to give Kokomi a mug of hot chocolate and a real American burger.


With extra beef.

Glassed guy sure is an idiot. Got warned by hair-band guy and still expelled a very useful subordinate.


Next chapter: "IS THAT ALL???", Queen recruited.

The foreigners are going to give Kokomi a mug of hot chocolate and a real American burger.

Point of interest, the source of Kokomi's song is the poem "Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep", by Mary Elizabeth Frye. It's a poem that's been translated and musically arranged in many languages. I was in a choir that sang Eleanor Daley's version, which is gorgeous. Now I'm curious about Japanese versions.

Well, that may be, but I'm curious about the lead up specifically lol. We all know that the spirit of the ring will obviously come save the day like always, one way or another. The stupid (albeit hilarious) situations that precede the appearance of Ms. Whitebones are what keeps me going. Just how far/where will the situation go before she steps in? :)

looks like your questions will be answered in few chapters, such lucky you are

Jeez the drama will be a sight to see.
Dat nickname!
Russkies are ruining the day once again


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