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* * * * * (4.52 - 64votes)

C.M.B. - Shinra Hakubutsukan no Jiken Mokuroku

Alt Names: alt C.M.B Shinra Hakubutsukan no Jiken Mokurokualt C.M.B.alt C.M.B. 森羅博物館の事件目録alt C.M.B.森羅博物館之事件目錄alt CMB - Christus Mansionem Benedicat - The Shinra Museum's Case Indexalt C.M.B.森羅博物館の事件目録
Author: Katou Motohiro
Artist: Katou Motohiro
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyHistorical HistoricalMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: We all know that a lot of the booty of the golden age of explorations made it into museums. The British Museum in the C.M.B. story, which had custody of the recondite scientific curiosities and artifacts collected by explorers and adventurers and stored in a Wunderkammer, decided to study the dusty arcana in the 19th century. Three investigators dubbed the "Magi" were appointed to do the research, each given a ring embossed with the letters C.M.B.

Fast-forward to present-day Japan where Sakaki Shinra is the curator of a museum of oddities. He now has possession of the C.M.B. rings, indicating that he has been granted the status of guardian of knowledge like the Magi that preceded him.

Similar to another Katou Motohiro-sensei hero —Q.E.D.'s Touma Sou — Shinra has a mysterious past, is multi-lingual (English, Latin, and five others), possesses college-level knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, and history, and is deficient in social skills. How the blond 14-year-old (who also happens to be Touma's cousin) came to hold the rings, as well as why Shinra is the curator of a bizarre museum in Tokyo (the contents of which he loves to show off) are backstory mysteries I look forward to being solved.


> Q.E.D. - Shoumei Shuuryou
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/qed-shoumei-shuuryou-r1238 )
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Let me guess


 My opinion about this chapter ? I wont shed a tear for that bastard, I know someone will dissagree with me, but as someone who is from a country that in one time passed for a militar regimen I know that bastards like him deserves every second of pain if not more.

You could this chapter was very well......"org"anized, who would have thought thats how the case was closed?
Thank you for picking this up, TheWatchfulGent!! I really like Katou series so much

If you want some great quality raw...may ask this website for them.

Next chapter will be chapter 31 which was missed out :)

Damn chapter dont cliffhang me right when he was about to escort me to the wunderkammer!!

Ikr??? >_< I need the next chapter.

Damn chapter dont cliffhang me right when he was about to escort me to the wunderkammer!!

Am I missing something or has chapter 31 been skipped?


If all goes well, it will be uploaded some time next week!

actually i got all indonesian version.. but it will need time to scan on my free time.. so can you wait a bit? how should i give it to you?


I've PMed. Thanks a lot for coming forward, the fandom salutes you! 

To the fans,


Hello! I hope you've enjoyed the last couple of releases of CMB. Unfortunately, without any help, it will likely be on hiatus once again.


Like we've mentioned in the latest chapter, we need all hands on deck if we have any hope of finishing this manga. There are still 18 volumes to go, and thats a whole lot of CMB goodness just out there, waiting to be translated.


So if anyone is interested in transcribing/translating Japanese, please contact me here or in the mail we've mentioned. I reiterate, the Japanese used is pretty simple, and it will only take an hour or two at the most to type out the raws into a word file. We will take care of the rest.


Hopefully, we'll have some volunteers. Thanks!


Irregular Scans


actually i got all indonesian version.. but it will need time to scan on my free time.. so can you wait a bit? how should i give it to you?

Am I missing something or has chapter 31 been skipped?

To the fans,


Hello! I hope you've enjoyed the last couple of releases of CMB. Unfortunately, without any help, it will likely be on hiatus once again.


Like we've mentioned in the latest chapter, we need all hands on deck if we have any hope of finishing this manga. There are still 18 volumes to go, and thats a whole lot of CMB goodness just out there, waiting to be translated.


So if anyone is interested in transcribing/translating Japanese, please contact me here or in the mail we've mentioned. I reiterate, the Japanese used is pretty simple, and it will only take an hour or two at the most to type out the raws into a word file. We will take care of the rest.


Hopefully, we'll have some volunteers. Thanks!


Irregular Scans.

Man, the difference in quality is too high. 

I can say this to you, even if they do a better work, you got out of your way to translate alone ( if not with help i dont know ) a manga that a lot of people like and used your personal time for that, could even say that you doing that give some other people insentive to do a better job, so i thank you for your initiative, have a good day XD

Man, the difference in quality is too high. 


No, thank you for collaborating ^_^

Man, the difference in quality is too high. 

News: I took em down, and i'm handing all i have to Irregular-scans.
Be patient, they'll have a better quality for you.

your english is certainly not bad, but a lot of it seems to be direct translation from indo to english. Which is perfectly fine for me tbh since you can still understand the story. But it does lack the more subtle parts of english. I can tell because I'm fluent in both, although I'm not offering help :P not enough free time and this isn't a series that I actually follow closely anyway.

Uploading the second part, thanks for all the encouragement <3



I won't comment on cleaning and typesetting as I see it's not a group project.

But the translating really needs work. And I recognized that you use Indonesian raws.


If you want, I can help you with translation since I'm Indonesian native, though my historical term is worse than scientific term.


Anyway, I would be more than happy to able seeing this in English version too, so keep the good work.

Hey, guess what? I'm also a native. Living in Bandung.

And i don't have any problem in translating, as i am quite proud of my English.

Unless you say otherwise...


But for cleaning and typesetting? I'll be happy to be helped.

       *wink :)




(No bad intents, okay? I'm just bad with words, and quite desperate for helps, yet pridefully foolish)

I won't comment on cleaning and typesetting as I see it's not a group project.

But the translating really needs work. And I recognized that you use Indonesian raws.


If you want, I can help you with translation since I'm Indonesian native, though my historical term is worse than scientific term.



Anyway, I would be more than happy to able seeing this in English version too, so keep the good work.

O  _O

Its... Its real?


It is! It was great reading a new chapter after so long. Thank you Ruthfi !  <3


heh, pretty cute, this succession of comments. I like your attitude ;)  Thanks for picking this up, even if the raws are crappy, at least we get to keep reading this awesome manga (and the translations's not too bad, practice makes perfect after all). Just want to point out there's a blank speech bubble here (http://vatoto.com/reader#a99d26d829d00d4e_16) though. Oh, and I'm looking forward to reading the next few chapters so keep up the good work :3

Uploaded my first<3

Though the quality is the worst.

Hope it'll pass the review.


But i found some good raw, it's just "hard" to download.

If any of you want a better quality, help me and put this raw somewhere else (ie: googlydrive)


Chinese Site:
Raw that is "hard" to download:
I got the translations ready for chapter 32-34, and i'll try to buy the others.

Ok, i got some raw(?), it's for chapter 32-34, i'll try to translate them, but i'm too lazy to do cleaning, good typesetting, or quality checking. So, bear with the watermarks.

I like this series.

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