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Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari

Alt Names: alt 婚戒物语alt ตำนานผู้กล้าแห่งแหวนalt 結婚指輪物語alt 결혼반지 이야기alt Tales of Wedding Rings
Author: Maybe
Artist: Maybe
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremRomance RomanceShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Satou has been in love with his childhood friend and neighbour, Hime, ever since she and her grandfather appeared out of nowhere 10 years ago. Now a dazzling, yet mysterious high-school beauty, she makes it more and more difficult for him to confess his feelings. As the anniversary of their first meeting is nearing, will he muster up his courage to transform their friendship into something more? Or will an entirely different fate await this tightly bonded pair?
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Like this series, because unlike most, the gravity effect is somewhat real..


dammit ... already preparing tissue box, and what ?

MC need viagra ... a lot of it ...

or if all girls get too horny and rape him in big orgy ...

Satou you fuckin chicken dickhead

ok ok OK! Enough with the walls already. I feel boxed in when scrolling down the page. btw is it on hiatus again?

Granat is...more stupid than I thought she'd be, since she fits the typical 'warrior/berserker' cast. And I knew that the cat people would have shorter lifespans, probably being around 30-40 years at max. That's almost as obvious as elves having ludicrously long lives.


And I so, SO saw that Marcus was going to be hot for a princess, I just never thought that she'd be the twin sister of a Ring Princess. (I thought she would BE a Ring Princess) I honestly say that we need one Ring Princess that has interest in someone else, or already married.


After all, we got the love struck girl (Crystal) the nervous girl (Neferitis) and the forward girl (Granat) so we need the girl who is in love with someone else. Well, that will probably be the last princess.

Ha, ha, chair attack. I'm surprised they knocked her out that easily though. 

Since her head was already swimming from the incense and, from what I'm guessing is her going into mating mode (if not heat) then even a child could stun her.


There are 3 basic types of Harem Protagonists. The Oblivious to love(Ichika), Unwanted Harem(Aono Tsukune or Yuuki Rito), and Harem Seeker(Hyoudou Issei). 


People hate Ichika because he is too high on the Oblivious factor, a weak man with no love towards anyone. A very uncool character that is inexperienced in handling women and gets embarrassed too easily in those situations with no real impact in the story and does nothing to save the day. essentially the type that makes you facepalm too much due to how stupid you feel he is to the point of annoyance.

On the other hand there is The Grisaia series which has Yuuji, he is slightly oblivious to social norms and love, but he is a strong character that is a badass that is the complete opposite of Ichika since he is a bit of a cassanova when he does realize they love him. The only man in a class full of girls can become like Ichika or like Yuuji in the oblivious protagonist quality spectrum. Series like Seirei no blade dance and magika no kenshi do have slightly oblivious protagonists, but they make up for it by having cheat level powers or a slight badass with combat abilities that can save the day. but when they have a useless protagonist, it makes them annoying like Ichika. 


Series that have protagonists with unwanted harems generally are in love with the main girl or other girl and all of the other members of the harem merely just gets in the way of progress or 'the moment we have all been waiting for'(aka the first kiss or confession). Even if they have weak protagonists that are overshadowed in power by the Heroines, it is not that bad because there is romantic tension and progression in relationships. This series is under this classification. 


I don't really need to explain the last one. The standard protagonist is a pervert seeking a Harem but is sometimes beaten up a lot when it is a very PG title. When it is not shounen and they are allowed to get graphic, everyone is their slave (Maou no Hajimekata or Himekishi no Classmate)


Why have I put this here? I am annoyed by how everyone compares every protagonist to the worst protagonist aka Ichika. Not every character is a rip off of the worst one. And if they are some type of chosen one destined to save the world, then it is a whole lot better than the non progressing Ichika whose story will end with no route chosen. Simply when there is too much comedy in a romantic comedy where the Harem protagonist is actually a joke. 

I normally class them as the 'cluesless type,' which is Ichika, the 'magnet type,' which is Rito, Dragons Rioting's Rintaro and this guy, the 'king,' like Issei and Trinity Seven's Arata and, finally, the 'Lord,' which is the horny bastard out to get a harem, whether willing or not. The last one is new and, thankfully, rare.


Truthfully, this manga's MC falls into the clueless and magnet types, since he is so focused on Crystal that he doesn't realize the others are falling in love with him due to his personality. He has literal 'love blinders' on. Heck, he's already planning on abandoning the other girls, for lack of a better term. He only offered to allow the elf princess to see his world, not his affections. As for Granat, he probably just sees her as Crystal said all his other 'wives' would be: a means to an end.


Plain and simple, he's an idiot with a heart of gold. Hopefully, the next princess will wake him up.

There are 3 basic types of Harem Protagonists. The Oblivious to love(Ichika), Unwanted Harem(Aono Tsukune or Yuuki Rito), and Harem Seeker(Hyoudou Issei). 


People hate Ichika because he is too high on the Oblivious factor, a weak man with no love towards anyone. A very uncool character that is inexperienced in handling women and gets embarrassed too easily in those situations with no real impact in the story and does nothing to save the day. essentially the type that makes you facepalm too much due to how stupid you feel he is to the point of annoyance.

On the other hand there is The Grisaia series which has Yuuji, he is slightly oblivious to social norms and love, but he is a strong character that is a badass that is the complete opposite of Ichika since he is a bit of a cassanova when he does realize they love him. The only man in a class full of girls can become like Ichika or like Yuuji in the oblivious protagonist quality spectrum. Series like Seirei no blade dance and magika no kenshi do have slightly oblivious protagonists, but they make up for it by having cheat level powers or a slight badass with combat abilities that can save the day. but when they have a useless protagonist, it makes them annoying like Ichika. 


Series that have protagonists with unwanted harems generally are in love with the main girl or other girl and all of the other members of the harem merely just gets in the way of progress or 'the moment we have all been waiting for'(aka the first kiss or confession). Even if they have weak protagonists that are overshadowed in power by the Heroines, it is not that bad because there is romantic tension and progression in relationships. This series is under this classification. 


I don't really need to explain the last one. The standard protagonist is a pervert seeking a Harem but is sometimes beaten up a lot when it is a very PG title. When it is not shounen and they are allowed to get graphic, everyone is their slave (Maou no Hajimekata or Himekishi no Classmate)


Why have I put this here? I am annoyed by how everyone compares every protagonist to the worst protagonist aka Ichika. Not every character is a rip off of the worst one. And if they are some type of chosen one destined to save the world, then it is a whole lot better than the non progressing Ichika whose story will end with no route chosen. Simply when there is too much comedy in a romantic comedy where the Harem protagonist is actually a joke. 

It could always be worse. We could be stuck with Orimoura Ichika.

Just because the latrine goes deeper, we shouldn't be statisfied standing neck deep in shit.

In contrast, I thought Satou pulled off a short-sighted but tactically brilliant maneuver by making them "queue up" behind Hime, which is perfectly in line with his behavior: he only wants to have sex with the person he loves, which is Hime. However, if he has sex with Hime while being the ring king, he will be forced to have sex with the rest of the princesses as a result. I use "force" here loosely; while he doesn't really _have_ to have sex with any of them, sleeping only with Hime would ultimately create a situation where all the other princesses are dissatisfied with him, thus decreasing his overall ring power and forcing him to choose between maximum power and the woman he loves.


I say it's a short-sighted maneuver because the other princesses are going to chisel away at him and try to get him to bang Hime in order to "get their turn," so to speak (same as the last few pages of chapter 16). It's not sustainable to keep denying them like that, as it puts considerable pressure on Hime, and the "love factor" of the other princesses may still decay, even if it's slower than it would have been if he just outrighted denied everyone right then and there.


7/10; not enough got done this chapter, despite it being 44 pages.


It's an interesting point of view, to say the least. I can see where you're coming from and your argument makes sense, but I don't understand why he can't just blatantly tell all of them "I need to marry you for your rings, but I really love Hime so I can't dick you all sorry." He's clearly got the aptitude and attitude for it, given his track record. And while it's not likely that they'll listen, it's a step in the right direction. You don't give mixed signals and hope that they'll get the subtext and back off. If you've had any experience with real people, that rarely works out better than just telling them straight and letting them down gently. Sure, they might still say something like "We'll still chase after you, etc.", but it wouldn't be so wishy washy for him to travel with all these girls and only be interested in one.


tl;dr I really wish this wasn't a harem, but it is.

I just reread the part with the former wind princess & sage Alabaster. It's so sad but I still hope that they can have a happy ending. The art work in this manga is awesome & really shows a characters emotions in depth.

This manga has completely turned into Molester D.



Kekkon will be on hiatus this month guys. Author had to deal with some personal stuff. So lets all enjoy a kekkon less month together. :/

Of course the next princesses are gonna be twins. You always gotta have twins

you have said, but not better than this guy:




Ha, ha, chair attack. I'm surprised they knocked her out that easily though. 

Man no wonder Japan's birth rate has fallen so low. What the fuck is up with japanese people and their extreme fear of sex? I mean seriously just fuck her, its not going to change anything. Its not some fucking edge of the world where once you jump there is no going back. They make sex too big of a fucking deal.

Uh... actually the reason these stories show that kind of thing is

If you lived in a world where Japan's economic situation was stable, then maybe you would have more quality content. Good series wouldn't get axed for one thing and creators wouldn't be forced to adhere to marketing tactics that impair their creativity and limit their ability to experiment.

There are series that subtly mock or explicitly parody this presentation in media, but the publishers are careful enough to keep ambiguity or else it threatens to destroy the unfair structure of the system. Yep, times are pretty desperate.

Plots pretty generic, but its got tits

Shhhh! That name is a taboo to say/write at harem manga section, his gay world curse could affect our MC here, he had his chance the whole 2 season of anime, but he didnt..


Maybe the author should use a plot device like make the MC accidentally making a pact to conquer and having s*ex (what a great censor, right?)  to all the princess or else his finger which has the ring get cut off if he cant do that in a week per princess, and send some angel to help him..

hmm...oh wait, this seems similar to me...nah..forget it.

Ichika's a siscon...he's not exactly uninterested in girls just all he seems to care about is his sister

From the Author of Tasogare x Amnesia this is a huge fall from grace.  Maybe he and Fairy tails author can get together and cry.

How is can ANY of this possibly work out for them? Satou wants to give Hime his full undivided attention, but can't due to his current role, which demands a harem.

He can't just hold the others up like that without shit hitting the fan.

The rings work based on strength of feelings, right? Unless the Abyssal King turns out to be weak as fuck, they have no chance of defeating him.

Therefore, I can only expect nothing but asspulls in future chapters.


Waiting until everything's over to bang Hime, while keeping the others in line... pfft! He'd better smash all five of them before even thinking of taking on the Abyssal King.

Also, Neferitis' embarrassment over her age was hilarious... the others have nothing on her longevity.

I think Satou is waiting after the war, until everything is save.

maybe he think sex is death flag.


maybe he is actually afraid..

if he have sex with Hime, let say she is pregnant.

then, Satou death in the next battle, Hime will become single mother.

damn never thought about this, but still u gonna tap that booty and tooty when got a chance.

Lmao. Here, have a +1.

At this point I'm pretty confident that Satou is gay tbh.

At this point, it would've been better if he was gay, at least it would be an excuse for not having done anything yet...

Man no wonder Japan's birth rate has fallen so low. What the fuck is up with japanese people and their extreme fear of sex? I mean seriously just fuck her, its not going to change anything. Its not some fucking edge of the world where once you jump there is no going back. They make sex too big of a fucking deal.

Harem stories tend to leave paths open by making the MC insecure. If they wouldn't have multiple paths open, it wouldn't be harem anymore.
Anyway, its not just in japan. sex is a big deal all over the world. or do you know a place where rape is akin to forcing someone to listen to the radio with you?

Man no wonder Japan's birth rate has fallen so low. What the fuck is up with japanese people and their extreme fear of sex? I mean seriously just fuck her, its not going to change anything. Its not some fucking edge of the world where once you jump there is no going back. They make sex too big of a fucking deal.

no, they just love to fap 2d gurls instead of 3d

Maybe is cockteasing asshole

Man no wonder Japan's birth rate has fallen so low. What the fuck is up with japanese people and their extreme fear of sex? I mean seriously just fuck her, its not going to change anything. Its not some fucking edge of the world where once you jump there is no going back. They make sex too big of a fucking deal.

Lmao. Here, have a +1.

At this point I'm pretty confident that Satou is gay tbh.

Man no wonder Japan's birth rate has fallen so low. What the fuck is up with japanese people and their extreme fear of sex? I mean seriously just fuck her, its not going to change anything. Its not some fucking edge of the world where once you jump there is no going back. They make sex too big of a fucking deal.

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