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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.54 - 204votes)

Senaka Gurashi

Alt Names: alt せなかぐらしalt 背后生活alt Living Back to Backalt Senaka Lifealt Senakagurashi
Author: Kazama Ayami
Artist: Kazama Ayami
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Watami Meguru pleaded to his mom to let him move out on his own to experience being independent. She finally agrees to let Meguru rent out a room for the summer. But his sadistic mother makes the wall between him and his neighbor out of glass, meaning there is no privacy between the two rooms. If living openly with a stranger wasn’t insane enough, his neighbor is a cute girl his age, Kana. They immediately get off on the wrong foot and this isn’t what Meguru imagined it would be like at all.
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why the heck is the curtain so thin? it's not like the glass wall is there for airing the room, decorate the wall like any other wall; hang up some tapestries. People living in the living room of a shared apartment have better means of ensuring spacial privacy even when it's gender exclusive 



This much over holding hands? O_o I can only imagine how many pages of blushing an indirect kiss is going to have.

They held hands. How lewd.

I've seen worse



AHAHAHA. Oh my god. I literally cannot stop laughing at how true that seems to be sometimes.


Those Gardevoir eyes are creepy weird.

Damn, this chapter is too lewd for a manga.



I've seen worse


Tsundere Dad is Best Dad



Well, that escalated quickly!

The sole thing that makes this memorable is Meguru's mental conferences where all of the different parts of his personality argue on how to react to the world around him, and he always short-circuits. It's hilarious.

Did you see the one wearing nothing but a manly loincloth?

The sole thing that makes this memorable is Meguru's mental conferences where all of the different parts of his personality argue on how to react to the world around him, and he always short-circuits. It's hilarious.

"Just what should I do?"



Let me just put these panties BACK in my room...

Every time this artist tries to draw feet I just burst out laughing. They're always so freakish.

the hots

Senaka Life, next chapter will be renamed Senaka Death.
"Just what should I do?" MAKE HER YOURS!

whose the female mc here?

The one with the flat chest.

whose the female mc here?

He realized his feelings? WTF is happening lol... didn't expect that.

Dude. It's a pool, not a beach! You won't have to put sunscreen on her back! She doesn't seem to be the type of a girl who shows off that much skin.

on a second note....this guy is hopeless....he is just a BIT manly...for now.

And Lil-sis Emi is so cute! She's a bro-con! XD

Oh man, not the avoiding again, please. It was such nice pace.

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