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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.66 - 136votes)

Is Reiroukan Still Alive?

Alt Names: alt 玲瓏館健在なりやalt Reiroukan Kenzai Nariyaalt Reiroukan Kenzainariya
Author: Tomi Akihito
Artist: Tomi Akihito
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Reiroukan is a beautiful house that is currently renting rooms to male and female students. Shirai Genta has just moved to Reiroukan, turning over a new leaf in his life. The house is full of other people with strong personalities, such as the nerdy Tokimaru and the careless and uninhibited Mikoto, who frustrates her friend Midori with her messiness. Genta gets embroiled in all sorts of wacky situations. Soon, though, Genta finds that Reiroukan is scheduled to be closed in a year. At least, there is still a year for Genta to build fond memories with the lively inhabitants of the house!
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This chapter made me remember Kalinin's borsch from FMP. I bet Genta thought that anything made for him was superb.

I'm thinking sister.


I don't believe this is that kind of manga.

I feel like I need a BGM while reading this chapter. Just to make it even more amazing.

It gets better and better.


Perfect set-up. So his gf is going to forget what happened just like everyone.

I'm thinking sister.

Perfect set-up. So his gf is going to forget what happened just like everyone.

Everything was fine until Minato. That's when I lost it.

I'm totally OK with this development.


The magic cooking, not the pedophilia.

Soma could apparently learn a lesson or two from Mikoto. Although I'm sure it would be hard to get accurate judging scores when the judges can't even remember eating the meal.


This whole chapter was solid gold. Man, I can't believe this is only 2 volumes, it's way too good for that.


Mikoto was probably a former 1st seat. Maybe the best 1st seat ever in Tootsuki Academy's history. It's just that everyone forgot about her :P

Soma could apparently learn a lesson or two from Mikoto. Although I'm sure it would be hard to get accurate judging scores when the judges can't even remember eating the meal.


This whole chapter was solid gold. Man, I can't believe this is only 2 volumes, it's way too good for that.


Food that you can't savour is not food. I guess this is the opposite of "it's so bad,it's good".


It's so good, it's bad.

Soma could apparently learn a lesson or two from Mikoto. Although I'm sure it would be hard to get accurate judging scores when the judges can't even remember eating the meal.


This whole chapter was solid gold. Man, I can't believe this is only 2 volumes, it's way too good for that.

Such a good storyteller. Such a great and detailed art. With this chapter we have now the plot revealed, haven't we? It only rests to find a place for the magic. ;-) 

ooh i cant wait to go back to college

Homina Homina Homina Homina Homina....

beanstalk dates university aged woman..

13 year old boy and University-aged women?



The 2 girls in the top left panel of this page look exactly like Naoki Urasawa drew them.


It's just that Naoki secretly helped Akihito in this chapter! 


The art of this author is full of grace. I really like it. The panel with the blanked face of the lady host was great. I'm wondering what is all that little tips of magic we see from time to time. 

    • Ada likes this

Chances are in your country it would be if they had a physical relationship. In japan on the other hand, the minimum age of consent is actually 13, depending on the prefecture. This guy's in his third year of middle school so he probably either just meets the requirement at 13, or is 14. But in any case, that legal issue all comes down to a physical relationship to begin with. Dating is perfectly fine, and of course that's up to the parent's discretion.

It's still messed up, the boy probably barely hit puberty yet. Really hope they'll bury that storyline.

I'm pretty sure that'd be illegal, dating a middle schooler as a university student that is...


Chances are in your country it would be if they had a physical relationship. In japan on the other hand, the minimum age of consent is actually 13, depending on the prefecture. This guy's in his third year of middle school so he probably either just meets the requirement at 13, or is 14. But in any case, that legal issue all comes down to a physical relationship to begin with. Dating is perfectly fine, and of course that's up to the parent's discretion.

    • Ada likes this

The 2 girls in the top left panel of this page look exactly like Naoki Urasawa drew them.

I'm pretty sure that'd be illegal, dating a middle schooler as a university student that is...

Its illegal to just date ? whaaa

I'm pretty sure that'd be illegal, dating a middle schooler as a university student that is...

Holy crap this is by the author of Eat-Man!?


Edit no, clicking on an author's name just performs a search. Yoshitomi Akihito appears when searching for Tomi Akihito.

2 volumenes , yes!!!


this is really good! shame its only 2 volumes..


thanks for the chapter FwPA!

Why didn't it get more than 2? This manga is funny enough.  Thanks for this Futari wa Pretty Anon! and also for scanlating La Stravaganza by same author.

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