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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.72 - 134votes)

Baby, Kokoro no Mama ni!

Alt Names: alt Baby, ココロのママに!
Author: Okuyama Puku
Artist: Okuyama Puku
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: 19-year-old Roji Shizuru has a crush on a fellow university student, Nana, but there always seems to be complications when he tries to get closer to her. For one thing, he's afraid his hot friend Tachibana Masaki will steal her. Beyond that, the main complication comes from the interference of children, specifically one odd child called Maida Kokoro, who keeps clinging to Shizuru and calling him 'mama.'
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I love the depiction of kids in this manga, not so-overly-moe like in most of other works.

He heard the words yet came to a (hilariously) wrong conclusion. You still have a long road ahead of you Roji.

leaving the other girl by the riverbank by herself..sure she's not his responsibility and the girl's brother is on his way too but still..i don't like this MC that much. even his friend is unlikeable. only really likeable characters here are the kids especially maida.

No, he went to go get his friend.
Its his friend's sister after all I think he deemed it more important for him to get her instead.
Roji is just being a bro.

leaving the other girl by the riverbank by herself..sure she's not his responsibility and the girl's brother is on his way too but still..i don't like this MC that much. even his friend is unlikeable. only really likeable characters here are the kids especially maida.

While I agree that the MC does need major character development (and the love interest would be better if she'd grow a personality), I think in this case he was coming back for her. Babies and small children don't look it, but they're HEAVY. He yelled for her not to move, and then her brother got to her before he could drop Kokoro off and return (you'll notice he comments that Masaki is too fast for him).

Holy shit. The hell is it with me finding manga I read years ago all the time now? Now then all we need to for somebody to keep this alive. But thanks for the release anyway.

snacks trigger my switch too

He forgot his sister's bread 

he did buy it (he put it with the others bread that the baker gave him in his bag), and also the ingredients to bake with Nana

for the people interested

Man that is one ugly baby. I love it!

I absolutely love this manga ! It's so cute

That little critter is so cutely un-cute.

He forgot his sister's bread 

Roji's such a loser, but I'm rooting for him all the way!!.... rooting for him to forever remain stuck with Kokoro, that is.

4 volumes of this? Yes please.

This is soo cute! 

The cover is amazing.

this year was great !!
can't wait for next year !!

Well see you next year, I suppose.


Thanks a lot for the scanlations though.

Looks like he just panicked or knew that his friend was coming since he says he didn't leave her behind. Still sucky to not even bother to tell her he was coming back, but it looks like part of his development is going to be to learn to be more compassionate, as he joined in the puppet show for the kid.

Really? I thought he was just going around the crow... or was he baiting the crow away? Thats what it looked like to me, but...

Once A Year Scanlations.




leaving the other girl by the riverbank by herself..sure she's not his responsibility and the girl's brother is on his way too but still..i don't like this MC that much. even his friend is unlikeable. only really likeable characters here are the kids especially maida.

Looks like he just panicked or knew that his friend was coming since he says he didn't leave her behind. Still sucky to not even bother to tell her he was coming back, but it looks like part of his development is going to be to learn to be more compassionate, as he joined in the puppet show for the kid.

leaving the other girl by the riverbank by herself..sure she's not his responsibility and the girl's brother is on his way too but still..i don't like this MC that much. even his friend is unlikeable. only really likeable characters here are the kids especially maida.

I agree that's this series biggest problem. The art is nice and it's pretty funny, now it's just the mains that need some development...

Mariofans215: You're such a nice person! T^T

leaving the other girl by the riverbank by herself..sure she's not his responsibility and the girl's brother is on his way too but still..i don't like this MC that much. even his friend is unlikeable. only really likeable characters here are the kids especially maida.

Oh yeah! Thank’you so much!!!

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