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* * * * * (4.69 - 257votes)


Alt Names: alt MURCIÉLAGO-ムルシエラゴ-
Author: Yoshimura Kana
Artist: Yoshimura Kana
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorSeinen SeinenSmut SmutSupernatural SupernaturalYuri Yuri
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In a city overflowing with heinous crimes and violence, two girls make it their job to kill criminals who can not be dealt with by police.
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Topic Thus, I reviewed Murcielago New Window Swifft
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This manga is so delightfully cynical

I like that short-tempered cop and his sense of justice, there's a character like him in every manga that heavily features the police. At the very least he's sticking to his principles. But you have to wonder how he thinks ordinary cops can deal with the kind of shit Kuroko fights daily.


Also, am I the only one that thinks Miyuki is the most detestable person in this manga so far?


Weak. Contributes nothing. Still tries to force her morals on others despite the first two things.

I know you posted this way back in August and many chapters have been released since, but fucking really? She's the "most detestable"? So the moralfag is worse than the serial killers and body butchers and the withered old man and the corrupt cop? Unbelievable. It's one thing to call Miyuki annoying but another to say she's the most hateable.

this series is making less and less sense as it goes on, but i love it anyway ._.

"R'lyeh Special Cases and Extremely Violent Crime First Response Division". :P

I need my daily dose of murder and yuri.

Pretty good stuff, I only have qualms with a couple point:
-As much as I love breasts, I think kuro should have been flat. Especially since her character style is supposed to be tall, thin and creepy
-I don't mind kuro being a lesbian, but I dislike how much of a whore she is. She's cheating on everyone with everyone, and yes I'd have the same problem if she was a guy
-It looks like they're going for a small team, but yukari, the sniper and the professor haven't been mentioned since the mansion incident
-miyuki feels like too much of a substitute for hinako when she's not there
And finally I hated that the author had the martial artist escape death a dozen times only to act in a cliche manner and try to fight the guy behind it all. He would have been an interesting reoccurring character

I disagree with every point you made.
-Kuro's big boobs are integral part of her character. She has her own but she still wants others.
-Kuro likes sex(obviously) but she is an extremely unbalanced person that has a connection between love and killing(this might be just my interpretation.). Therefore if she were to enter actual relationships with girls, I have a feeling she would behave like a black widow, moving from prey to prey.
-Dude, it has been two chapters since the mansion. Are you telling me you expected them to become regulars for every chapter just like that? Come on!
-Hinako is an open book of craziness so I can freely enjoy her cuteness. But Miyuki is hiding something, I'm always looking for hints when she appears as to what her secret is. These two give me completely different feels so I can't see how could she be a replacement.
-His death wasn't necessary but neither was his life; as simple as that.

Pretty good stuff, I only have qualms with a couple point:

-As much as I love breasts, I think kuro should have been flat. Especially since her character style is supposed to be tall, thin and creepy

-I don't mind kuro being a lesbian, but I dislike how much of a whore she is. She's cheating on everyone with everyone, and yes I'd have the same problem if she was a guy

-It looks like they're going for a small team, but yukari, the sniper and the professor haven't been mentioned since the mansion incident

-miyuki feels like too much of a substitute for hinako when she's not there

And finally I hated that the author had the martial artist escape death a dozen times only to act in a cliche manner and try to fight the guy behind it all. He would have been an interesting reoccurring character

"Ah, heres the gamera :DDD :DD

I'm the bolice :DD :DDD oben up"


Also, why didn't this appear in the uploads list? I foolishly went into a discussion on this manga before reading it, and got massively spoilered.

I don't think any voice actor could live up to voicing Kuroko...

Oh, god! Gooood!
I just had to imagine Kuroko with the voice of Kuroki from WataMote... Freaking awkward...

With my mpv it will be difficult to drive like that, but bigger doors = easier to catch loli.

Female pervs really are the best. LOL. Still love Hinako. She's too cute.

That didn't feel like a full chapter. It ended very abruptly.

Rip's voice was super timid, it'd just be weird on Kuroko. Though speaking of Hellsing, getting the voice actress of Zorin Blitz on Kuroko would be surprisingly... pleasant.



Well, Chiwa Saitou is definitely in the running. If only her voice was a liiiiittle lower...


Sample from Nourin (safe for work in a liberal definition of safe):


how about the seiyuu of kamishiro rize?

slowly getting insights into how warped hinako is and why.

That driving,,, that amazing driving.(plus the emotionless void deep in her eyes)

This manga is really good lol

No one sleeps when its sexy time!

Rip's voice was super timid, it'd just be weird on Kuroko. Though speaking of Hellsing, getting the voice actress of Zorin Blitz on Kuroko would be surprisingly... pleasant.


That's true I haven't heard a seiyuu that could be really crazy like kuroko


Well, Chiwa Saitou is definitely in the running. If only her voice was a liiiiittle lower...


Sample from Nourin (safe for work in a liberal definition of safe):


so at the beginning of chapter 10. why do i think i saw both ends of that text message?

I don't think any voice actor could live up to voicing Kuroko...

Maybe the one that voiced rip van winckle in hellsing? She is basically kuroko but with a rifle xD

I don't think any voice actor could live up to voicing Kuroko...

That's true I haven't heard a seiyuu that could be really crazy like kuroko

I would love to see this in anime...


I don't think any voice actor could live up to voicing Kuroko...

I would love to see this in anime...

I wonder what happen when there's a girl with a dick appear in this series.........it's gonna be batshit crazy I tell you.

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