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* * * * * (4.69 - 257votes)


Alt Names: alt MURCIÉLAGO-ムルシエラゴ-
Author: Yoshimura Kana
Artist: Yoshimura Kana
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorSeinen SeinenSmut SmutSupernatural SupernaturalYuri Yuri
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In a city overflowing with heinous crimes and violence, two girls make it their job to kill criminals who can not be dealt with by police.
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Topic Thus, I reviewed Murcielago New Window Swifft
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Dammit Kuroko, stop being the perfect dream me. :v

Highschoolers killing highschoolers, didn't know I started rereading danganronpa. All in all I'm a disappointed in kuromi, she had a descent villain-only kill streak going on. 

>keep people alive in a death mansion
>save little girl

>join a cult and don't kill anyone

>save another little girl and kill the psycho old man

>brutally murder a highschooler

... shit. I guess this series wouldn't be what it is if it didn't remind you how grizzly it is and that the main character is a homocidal perverted psychopath. The chief is gonna tear her a new one for this shit. 

This story keeps on giving new ways of feeling fascinated and disturbed at the same time; for me this short arc has to be up there with the one of that cult as the most fucked-up thing that this manga has shown so far, mostly because it shows some of the worst traits of the human being in a more mundane context,in a more believable situation (more believable than that cult but obviously far from being realistic) and in a shorter amount of time (chapters); it was like a condensed sample of many things that can make us be quite frightening beings.

I'm getting really bored of the main character being frigging invincible all the time.



So many chapters revolved around Kuu dealing with psychopaths and monsters so everyone kinda forgot she's a fucking monster herself. It's like "Oh man, she's so bad-ass and gets the pussy she's such a great - oh, that's right she's a murderer, criminal and horrible person"

What kind of parent would... nevermind...

the dead one...


Beautiful reaction.


That said, I'm kinda curious as to what the original said regarding


>Killing some school bullies like that


I guess it's justified? Still a little iffy though.

But calculus isn't elementary mathematics


Rudimentary calculus is where I am. But even if it wasn't, if you knew your own syllabus then you would know there isn't any calculus. Calculus seems to be a catchall term for Mathematics in a certain country for some reason...

I wonder if that means that the school will get destroyed or that Kuroko will "meet" every girl in the school and destroy the morals.

it's entirely possible to be both.

I wonder if that means that the school will get destroyed or that Kuroko will "meet" every girl in the school and destroy the morals.

I vote for her to destroy morals, just because it would be more fun :P

that chapter title

I wonder if that means that the school will get destroyed or that Kuroko will "meet" every girl in the school and destroy the morals.

What kind of parent would... nevermind...

What's the problem here, Nyaruko studied ther, Kuuko too

I wonder how many sexual partners (girls) Kuroko has had through the story so far? I remember some of them

but I am probably forgetting some of them, she is simply a hardcore machine of destruction and lust. Rereading the manga to have the full list of her bed partners is tempting, too bad that I don't have enough time to do it now.

that chapter title


Adding fractions isn't calculus. You should consider retaking your elementary mathematics.

But calculus isn't elementary mathematics

There's nothing wrong with it, since it's mixed fractions. 17/12 is equal to 1 and 5/12 (not 1 x (5/12), which is how you read it). 


If the teacher allowed his students to make errors with these types of problems, I would have him retake basic mathematics not calculus.


20 years of math down the drain. I guess thats the problem with different elementary curriculums between countries . We probably used algebraic expressions all the time with just a mention to mixed numbers..

Kuroko's "Rinko re-education plan": proceeding smoothly.

So you say that 17/12 = 1x(5/12)? And you get a thumbs up too?

Someone should seat this teacher with the rest of the class and teach him proper calculous...

Adding fractions isn't calculus. You should consider retaking your elementary mathematics.

Wait, that new cover...


So you say that 17/12 = 1x(5/12)? And you get a thumbs up too?

Someone should seat this teacher with the rest of the class and teach him proper calculous...

There's nothing wrong with it, since it's mixed fractions. 17/12 is equal to 1 and 5/12 (not 1 x (5/12), which is how you read it). 


If the teacher allowed his students to make errors with these types of problems, I would have him retake basic mathematics not calculus.

What just happened I don't even.

So...Who wants to bet that one of the kids we met will die in the next coming chapters?!


I'm gonna be optimistic and hope none!

So you say that 17/12 = 1x(5/12)? And you get a thumbs up too?

Someone should seat this teacher with the rest of the class and teach him proper calculous...

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