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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.67 - 173votes)


Alt Names: alt ちはやふるalt จิฮายะalt Chihaya Fullalt Chihaya Furualt 花牌情緣alt 치하야후루alt Tutkulu
Author: Suetsugu Yuki
Artist: Suetsugu Yuki
Genres: Award Winning Award WinningComedy ComedyDrama DramaJosei JoseiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of LifeSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Chihaya Ayase is a girl who has spent most of her life simply supporting her sister in her model career. That changes when she meets a boy named Arata Wataya, a talented karuta player. After becoming friends, he believes that Chihaya has potential to become a great player. As Chihaya takes on a new dream of becoming Japan's best karuta player, she is soon separated from her karuta playing friends as they grow up. Now in high school, Chihaya is reunited with her childhood friend, Taichi Mashima. Together, they form the Mizusawa Karuta Club. With her teammates and friends supporting her, Chihaya strives to become the best karuta player in the world and to one day be with Arata again.
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So in essence, how is anything Suou did different from what Harada is constantly doing with his intentional breaches of ettiquete, looking down on people, calling them stepping stones, considering himself better and somehow having the right to judge and stuff? Yes, Harada revers karuta, while Suou views it as nothing more than a sport where his goal was to leave a trail, so how that makes one better than the other, as you seem to suggest?

Suou didn't pay full attention to his game against Harada? Well, did he need to? He won without it, so was there anything to warrant investing more than he did? The results say NO. He synched cards with Shinobu's match? And? Who do you think ALLOWED it to happen in the first place by not being strong enough to stop him from it? The answer is, Harada. How is any of the above worse than Harada shamelessly exploiting Suou's disability, exactly, especially in the light of chapter 186 where


Did you read the chapters about Suou's past? It's shown there that he WAS taking karuta seriously, and it was others that distanced themselves from him because of his strength, leaving him alone, and now you're implying that somehow his being so strong that he had to search for ways to get him through mind-bogglingly boring games against weaklings is his fault. Like wtf.




I hate the mentality that just because I'm criticizing a character and I say something about the character that you don't like, it automatically means I'm demonizing him. 


Honestly, I don't think we're going to see eye to eye on this issue and I don't want to clog the comment section any more than we already have. If you want to continue this debate maybe we can go to the forums. 


So in essence, how is anything Suou did different from what Harada is constantly doing with his intentional breaches of ettiquete, looking down on people, calling them stepping stones, considering himself better and somehow having the right to judge and stuff? Yes, Harada revers karuta, while Suou views it as nothing more than a sport where his goal was to leave a trail, so how that makes one better than the other, as you seem to suggest?

Suou didn't pay full attention to his game against Harada? Well, did he need to? He won without it, so was there anything to warrant investing more than he did? The results say NO. He synched cards with Shinobu's match? And? Who do you think ALLOWED it to happen in the first place by not being strong enough to stop him from it? The answer is, Harada. How is any of the above worse than Harada shamelessly exploiting Suou's disability, exactly, especially in the light of chapter 186 where

Did you read the chapters about Suou's past? It's shown there that he WAS taking karuta seriously, and it was others that distanced themselves from him because of his strength, leaving him alone, and now you're implying that somehow his being so strong that he had to search for ways to get him through mind-bogglingly boring games against weaklings is his fault. Like wtf.

Harada wanted a proper match with both players giving their all, you say? I think you def need to reread those chapters. Harada's whole strategy to fight through exploiting Suou's disability was pretty much based on the assumption that Suou would let him win 2 games. Otherwise, Suou just curbstomps and ends the suffering in 3 games out of planned 5, with Harada not standing a snowball chance in hell, dirty tricks or no dirty tricks.

All in all, I think you either forgot or deliberately ignore lots of small but meaningful stuff from the past chapters.

In that case, Harada has even less sportsmanship than Suou, with his constant breaches of etiquette (if that's not disrespect towards other players and the reader, then I don't know what is), his openly looking down on his opponent (should I remind you of his infamous 'karuta is crying with you as the Meijin' and 'I'll play your requiem' clearly demonstrating how full of it he is as he thinks himself better and deems it's for him to decide what's the right karuta is and who should play it), and his shameless exploitation of what Chihaya went and tattled about Suou's disability (if that's not a direct violation of sportsmanship on both Chihaya and Harada's part - and much worse than everything Suou ever did - then I can only assume you're trolling). Double standards is not a good thing, and what I see so far is you trying to defend them,


And also, I'm a little offended that you're accusing me of being a troll. I am only trying to discuss my own views about the latest chapter's developments, like everyone else. If you don't agree, that's fine. We can have a reasonable and intelligent debate. Calling the other person a troll is a cop out.

I meant perverse as in no sense of sportsmanship like honor. Even when a person is being strategic there are some lines you should not cross, for example. Suou constantly straddles that line and has apparently taught Taichi to do the same.

I mean, Harada and Sudou might play mind games but they would never disrespect those who fight for the Meijin title by suggesting being Meijin holds no meaning.

In that case, Harada has even less sportsmanship than Suou, with his constant breaches of etiquette (if that's not disrespect towards other players and the reader, then I don't know what is), his openly looking down on his opponent (should I remind you of his infamous 'karuta is crying with you as the Meijin' and 'I'll play your requiem' clearly demonstrating how full of it he is as he thinks himself better and deems it's for him to decide what's the right karuta is and who should play it), and his shameless exploitation of what Chihaya went and tattled about Suou's disability (if that's not a direct violation of sportsmanship on both Chihaya and Harada's part - and much worse than everything Suou ever did - then I can only assume you're trolling). Double standards is not a good thing, and what I see so far is you trying to defend them,

"Perverse"? Using feints and trying to set the pace of the game is perverse? In that case, Harada's, Arata's, Sudou's and Sakurazawa's styles are perverse as well. Heck any style in any sport that doesn't rely on headlong rushing the opponent is perverse by that definition. That's just stupid, you realize.

I meant perverse as in no sense of sportsmanship like honor. Even when a person is being strategic there are some lines you should not cross, for example. Suou constantly straddles that line and has apparently taught Taichi to do the same.

I mean, Harada and Sudou might play mind games but they would never disrespect those who fight for the Meijin title by suggesting being Meijin holds no meaning.
Suou-san's irreverence towards the sport and perverse playing style has only unleashed Taichi's repressed feelings.

"Perverse"? Using feints and trying to set the pace of the game is perverse? In that case, Harada's, Arata's, Sudou's and Sakurazawa's styles are perverse as well. Heck any style in any sport that doesn't rely on headlong rushing the opponent is perverse by that definition. That's just stupid, you realize.

Lmfaooo why do people keep commenting on how nice Taichi smells!?


It must run in the family lol. Sumire mentioned that Taichi's mom smelled nice too

Lmfaooo why do people keep commenting on how nice Taichi smells!?

I don't know how I feel about the turn in Taichi's playing/ attitude.


Part of me feels like it's unfortunate but another part feels like it was inevitable?




But I do believe that the mangaka has a plan for a believable and fully satisfying "return of Taichi." We only have to trust them.

all these new chapters have been great! i'm excited to see how everything will turn out

Woo, thanks for working so hard on that backlog!

Thank you very much for the chapters!

I watched the live action movie while waiting for these and I found out movie 2 ending showed a major spoiler. Theres also going to be a movie 3.

 A third movie!? ヽ(°〇°)ノ


"Something smells nice"...they're probably talking about Sakurazawa Midori, but I wonder if it's also foreshadowing Perfume coming back to do the theme song for the 3rd movie as well? I hope so.


It was on hiatus, they didn't say why though, at least no reason that I found (other users feel free to fill us in) I'm guessing it was likely the same reason that plagues so many other mangaka: declining health. It should have been back in; I believe it was mid May or June, can't remember. As for why until now--that's likely on the scanlators part; perhaps to obtain the raws?

I watched the live action movie while waiting for these and I found out movie 2 ending showed a major spoiler. Theres also going to be a movie 3.


> opens the first page of chapter 181 to see chihaya

im so grateful. so very grateful

Taichi is such the archetype of "nice guy", it's probably why I never like him. I hope he falls hard for karuta or never comes back. To me, both options sound like a punishment! Sanity is for mediocre people wahaha.
My thoughts on ch 181 "What's happening!!?..." I say as I start shipping Sudou and Chihaya "What's going on...?!" I say as I cheer for Sudou instead of Taichi

Okay, so Chihaya makes Taichi a nicer person overall, but he also becomes much less successful under her influence.That would probably mean resentment in the long-run. Chihaya seems to send Arata into daydream land. Can you imagine a house run by those two karuta-obsessed nutjobs? Clearly, it's not going to end well.


By virtue of being the only male lead unaffected by her aura of complacency, that leaves Sudou. He's still a jerk, but at least he's a loyal jerk?

Anyone know why there hasn't been any updates?

It was on hiatus, they didn't say why though, at least no reason that I found (other users feel free to fill us in) I'm guessing it was likely the same reason that plagues so many other mangaka: declining health. It should have been back in; I believe it was mid May or June, can't remember. As for why until now--that's likely on the scanlators part; perhaps to obtain the raws?

Welp, Taichi's officially a villain now. Showing up and delivering a line like that....

Anyone know why there hasn't been any updates?

im really feeling this dude in chapter 179 who's internally bashing taichi but then looks at him like he has fallen in love. ANYWAY im here and ready to love taichi.... be even better. chihaya too. i love them both.

179: Yes Taichi... channel your inner Leffen


180: "and now, she will try"

I am, like, legitimately embarrassed at how excited the last few pages of chapter 179 made me............ omg Taichi, how are you even better now?!

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